MATH 1330 3X (Summer 2013)
Section / 1330 3XProfessor / Catalin Rada
Office / 585 KED B07-B
Phone / 613-562-5800 x 2029
Lectures / Tuesday 19:00 - 20:30
Thursday 19:00 - 20:30
Location / TBT 070
DGD / Thursday 17:30 - 19:00 in TBT 070
Office hours / TBA
Students from all sections are welcome attend office hours with any of the instructors: Robert Hart or Catalin Rada
Texbook / Title: Calculus for the Life Sciences - Modelling the Dynamics of Life
Authors: Frederick R. Adler and Miroslav Lovric
ISBN-10: 0176500839
The book is also available from the student owned Agora Bookstore.
Alternatively, students who have either of the books:
- Modeling the Dynamics of Life. Calculus and Probability for Life Scientists by Frederick R. Adler (Second Edition)
- Modeling the Dynamics of Life. Calculus for Life Scientists by Frederick R. Adler (Custom Edition)
are welcome to use those.
Additional Resources / There are many resources outside of the classroom available to you. Here are three ideas of where to start searching:
The humongous book of calculus problems
W.M. Kelley, Alpha books
The Mathematics Survival Kit
Jack Weiner, Nelson
The Khan Academy: Calculus
Course Content / Derivatives:
product and quotient rules, chain rule, derivative of exponential, logarithm and basic trigonometric functions, higher derivatives, curve sketching.
Applications of the derivative to life sciences.
Discrete dynamical systems: equilibrium points, stability, cobwebbing.
Integrals: indefinite and definite integrals, fundamental theorem of calculus, antiderivatives, substitution, integration by parts. Applications of the integral to life sciences.
Calculators / Only the faculty-approved model TI 30 and equivalent calculators are permitted on midterm and final exams.
Allowed calculators cannot have any graphing capabilities.
Some acceptable calculators are:
Sharp: EL-510RB, EL-531
Casio: FX-260, FX 250, FX991MS Plus Calculator, FX300MS
Staples: BD-6410, BD-107i, BD-6703,
Canon: F502G
TI-36X Solar Scientific Calculator
Rule of thumb: if your calculator has an integral sign and/or a derivative sign on it, it will NOT be allowed at any exam.
Math Help Centre / From May 6 to August 1 inclusive:
-Monday-Thursday: 10 to 3
-Friday: Closed
If you have questions about the class or assignments:
First, read the course website/Virtual Campus. Your question may be answered there.
Second, ask your classmates or contact one of the TAs.
Third, you are always welcome to discuss class content or assignments with us in person during office hours.
You do not need an appointment during the office hours posted above. Additional office hours are offered by appointment.
Please note, however, that email is NOT an appropriate alternative to attending office hours for mathematical explanations and technical questions. Due to the large number of students in the class, we may not be answering all emails.
There will be one FSM test, one midterm exam and a final exam, as well as several (weekly) assignments.
The weighting of the course components will be as follows:
Assignments / 10% (total)
Midterm / 30%
Final exam / 50%
Any student who scores less than 40% on the final exam will receive an automatic F, regardless of their marks in assignments or midterms.
The final exam for MAT 1330 3X is:
Tuesday, (July 30) 19:00-22:00 STE G0103
Assignments will be posted on this website/Virtual Campus in the table below, at least one week before their respective due date. Assignments will be submitted in a drop box in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, 585 King Edward Ave. Drop time will be Fridays at 3pm. Late assignments will not be marked.
The problems in the assignments give you a good idea of the type of problems in the tests. Please start working on these assignments early. You will NOT be able to do an assignment properly in a single afternoon or night.
Not all of the assigned problems may be marked due to lack of resources. Assignments can be picked up in DGDs.
The midterm is on JUNE 18 in class. There will be no make-up tests. If you miss the test and you bring a doctor's note, the weight of the test will be carried to the final exam.
Grade Changes
If you feel there is a problem with your grade on an assignment or midterm, you must write one paragraph explaining each error. Then, please hand in your paragraph of explanation in addition to the original assignment or midterm for grade reconsideration. Please allow at least one week for grade reconsideration.
Please do not approach the TAs or professor during class times to discuss grade changes. One week after you have turned inyour paragraph and the original assignment, you can attend office hour to discuss your grade. Grade changes cannot be discussed over email.
Fundamental Skills Module
The Fundamental Skills Module (FSM) provides additional support on essential prerequisite knowledge for this course. The FSM consists of a written test to take place on MAY 14 in class. If you score 6/10 on the FSM, it will count as 10/10 towards the final grade. If you score less than 6/10, your actual score will count towards the final grade. The material for the test will be reviewed during the first two classes.
The written test covers the following topics
basic algebra, inequalities, laws of exponents, the product and division of polynomials, polynomial factorization, solving inequalities, absolute values, functions, domain and range of functions, equation of a line, solutions of linear equations, exponential and trigonometric functions
There will be no questions on derivatives or vectors on the FSM written test.
Discussion groups (DGDs)
During the DGDs, a TA will go over the class material with you and will solve some practice problems. The TA will also hand back assignments and midterms. While attendence in the DGDs is not mandatory, we STRONGLY ENCOURAGE you to attend the DGDs as additional practice sessions.
General comments
- Success in this calculus course stems from practice. Start early and keep working at it, and you have a very high chance to succeed. Do 5 practice problems a day.
- The table below gives you information about what was covered in class together with a list of suggested exercises. It also gives you the assigments. Please check the website frequently as it will be updated regularly.
- There are many worked examples in the book. We will often use different ones in class; other books might use different ones again. Please take advantage of this wide variety of exercises.
- Learning mathematics requires solitary work and group efforts. Think about each problem alone first. Then get together in small groups to discuss the material. Finally, write your assignments on your own! This will pay off in the end.
- Copying homework from others is plagiarism and is illegal. It is equally illegal to give your written homework to someone who could copy it.Neither of the two pay off, so don't even think of starting either.
- If you have suggestions for us to improve our teaching, please tell us right away. Do not wait until the course evaluation at the end of the term, because then only the students after you will benefit from your suggestion.
- We are available during office hours (see above) as well as just before and right after class. Please make use of that, come talk to us about the material, about any questions related to this course. Please do not expect us to answer emails or phone calls on a weekend.
- It is a sign of strength (not weakness) to ask for help if you need it: Identify your difficulty, identify who can help you, go and ask for help.
- Start working on the material right away. Check your understanding after every class. It will pay off later.
Timetable for lectures, assignments and tests
Study break: July 24
(Please check back frequently as this table will be updated throughout the term)
Week / Date / Section (section numbers refer to the book by Adler and Lovric) / Section numbers in the older book by Adler / Practice Problems / Assignments and Solutions1 / May 2 / REVIEW OF: Functions, equations, polynomials, inequalities, fractions, absolute values.
see for example 0.1-0.3, 1.1 in the textbook / 1.1-1.4
2 / May 7 / 1.2, 1.3
Exponential function, logarithm, trigonometric functions / 1.7, 1.8
May9 / 2.1
Discrete-time dynamical system
updating function, initial value, composition, inverse, solution / 1.5
3 / May 14 / Fundamental Skills Module
May 16 / 2.2 Analysis of DTDS, Cobwebbing, Equilibria / 1.6
4 / May 21 / 2.3 Modeling with discrete-time systems
2.5 Equilibria and stability
2.4 Model of gas exchange in the lung (time permitting) / 1.6
May 23 / 3.1-3.3
Change and limits / 2.1- 2.3 (see also 3.5)
5 / May 28 / 3.4, 3.5
Continuity and differentiability / 2.1, 2.4
May 30 / 4.1, 4.2
Derivatives of powers, sums, polynomials, products and quotients
/ 2.4, 2.5, 2.6
6 / June 4 / 4.3, 4.4
Derivatives of exp and log, Chain rule / 2.8, 2.9
June 6 / 4.5
Derivatives of trig and inverse trig functions / 2.10
7 / June 11 / 4.6
Second derivatives and curve sketching
/ 2.7
June 13 / 5.1 Extreme values/optimization/curve sketching / 3.3
8 / June 18 / Midterm
June 20 / 5.2 Reasoning / 3.4
9 / June 25 / 5.3 Leading behavior and L'Hopital / 3.6
June 27 / 4.7
Polynomial approximation / 3.7
10 / July 2 / 5.5/5.6
Stability of DTDS and logistic chaos / 3.1, 3.2
July 4 / 5.6 Stability
5.4 Newton / 3.2
11 / July 9 / 6.1 Differential equations
6.2 Antiderivatives / 4.1, 4.2
July 11 / 6.5 Techniques of integration / 4.3
12 / July 16 / 6.5 Techniques of integration / 4.3
July 18 / 6.3/6.4 Areas and Fundamental Theorem / 4.4, 4.5
13 / July 23 / review
This exam is cumulative, i.e. the entire material covered in this course will be on the exam.
Timetable for DGDs
Week / Topics and materials1
2, / Exp, log, trig, FSM material
3, / DTDS
4, / DTDS
5, / limits and continuity
6, / derivatives
7, / derivatives
8, / curve sketching
9, / Extreme values and reasoning
10, / L'Hopital and approximation
11, / Stability and DTDS
12, / Integration