PO BOX 233
PUTNEY, VT 05346
Putney Board of Selectmen
December 14th, 2006
The Town of Putney Selectboard met on Thursday, December 14th, 2006, at the Putney Town Hall at 6:00 PM.
Board Members Present: Lyssa Papazian, Scott Henry, Josh Laughlin
Others Present: Chris Ryan, Town Manager; Richard Coutant, Town Counsel; Connie Simonds, Martha Simonds, MaryAnn Rice (6:07 PM), Mike Mrowicki
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM.
Minutes of November 13th & 29th approved as submitted
Stockwell Property
Richard Coutant informed Board that he had received no offer that he considered workable as of the 14th, and recommended that Board dispose of property. M. Rice arrived at 6:07 with a proposed Purchase and Sale agreement for the amount owed to the Town in recoverable costs. After reviewing document, R. Coutant summarized for Board, and pointed out two issues that needed to be addressed: no warranty deed would be issued, as Town did not have that ability, and payment in full would need to be in thirty days. C. Simonds pointed out that all heirs were not mentioned as eventual grantees at time of sale. After discussing these options with M. Rice, Board agreed in principle to execute a P& S with following revisions:
- all heirs named as grantees
- quit claim deed
- 30 days to secure financing
- $250 deposit and last tax installment for current tax year.
Board voted to enter executive session at 6:25 PM, on motion by S. Henry, seconded by J. Laughlin, to further discuss the sale of real estate. Board invited Mary Ann Rice to join them at 6:45 PM. Board adjourned executive session at 6:50 PM.
On motion by Scott Henry, seconded by J. Laughlin, the Board voted unanimously to ratify the amended proposal, and authorized R. Coutant to execute the agreement.
White Whitney Fund
Board voted unanimously, on motion by S. Henry, seconded by J. Laughlin, to enter executive session at 7:15 to discuss a request for funding from the White Whitney Committee. Board returned to open session at 7:20 and approved request for $250 as presented.
Brattleboro Community Land Trust -
Scott Henry briefly updated Board on Dec. 12th meeting with architect (Duncan Wisnewski) and engineer (Stephens & Assoc.). Productive meeting, with several options fore development presented by Architect. Committee responded to these, and next meeting in early January will focus on review and prioritization of these comments.
Treatment Plant upgrade
C. Ryan updated Board on problem with aerator pumps clogging with “rags” in oxidation ditch, and solution proposed by Otter Creek. After discussion, Board agreed that retrofit of clean out apparatus should proceed if costs could be contained within original budget.
Town Hall Committee
Board continued discussion of Town lot as eventual site of Historical Society building, and possible options for relocation of recycling containers: C. Ryan will contact Highway and Fire Depts. for preliminary discussion of those sites as possible alternatives.
Town manager updates:
· Bills Subdivision Road – Board OK with naming of private road Nina-Lee Drive, as proposed by Karen Bills, for 911 purposes
· VEMRS update – Board was given summary of presentation by VEMRS rep. to Town employees. C. Ryan will continue to research options as Town weighs choice of entering public employees retirement system.
· Christmas Tree- C. Ryan presented request from Wayne Wagenbach for Board action on Christmas tree decorating, should one be permanently located on Tavern Green. Board did not consider this feasible, as they would not authorize any continuing work on private property, and were not inclined to sponsor Christmas decorations of any sort.
· Budget review – Board reviewed latest draft of budget, which continues to present a minimal increase to tax levy, with small growth in expenditures being offset by similar project growth in revenues. Review will continue on December 20th at 5:00 PM
Warrants to Treasurer
The Board approved and signed the following warrants to the Treasurer for payment:
Payables Warrant # 17 $14,507.94
Payables Warrant # 19 $205,542.13
Payroll # 22 $7220.41
Payroll # 23 $5171.80
Future Meetings
· Selectboard – December 20th @ 5:00 PM
Meeting adjourned @ 9:30 PM –Submitted – Chris Ryan