Customization is key – This is to get you started telling YOUR STORY of the value of IPs
Your letterhead
[Name and address of elected official]
Dear [your elected official]:
[I am, or we are] writing to strongly endorse the $66 million workforce development agenda in [Governor Wolf’s, or your] proposed budget, including the strategic decision to restore $10 million for Industry Partnerships that provide a vital missing link between career education/workforce training and the demand side of the economy.
Recognizing that the budget process requires difficult choices, [I or we] believe that this part of the budget agenda is too important to scale back.
Industry Partnerships are an essential component of [Governor Wolf’s or your] proposal to “Invest in Workforce Partnerships for Economic Success.” These partnerships institutionalize direct connections with employers that can increase the return on all public-private investment in occupational education and workforce training. To encourage robust Pennsylvania economic growth, Industry Partnerships enable companies to effectively learn and share enlightened management practices. [Insert personal connection/your story about Industry Partnerships boosting your key regional industries/incumbent workers.]
Industry Partnerships can also be the critical public-private partnerships needed to ensure the success of [the Governor’s or your] proposal to “Build a Bridge from High School to College and Careers.” Employers in Industry Partnerships can help educators develop up-to-date curriculums, expand work-based learning opportunities via co-op, internships, and apprenticeship programs, provide paid summer jobs, and collaborate in developing and spreading industry recognized credentials and certifications articulated with academic credit. [Insert personal connection/your story about Industry Partnerships helping align pipeline programs with industry needs, with a great payoff for individuals, businesses, and the region.]
Adequate public-private investment in rapidly changing skills and knowledge acquisition via the nation’s strongest Industry Partnership infrastructure is as important in the 21st century as public (and sometimes private) investment in public education, electric utilities, and transit was in the 20th century manufacturing economy. The proposed Industry Partnership and workforce investments will help reposition Pennsylvania as a leader among all states in creating a 21st century skills and career infrastructure, and it is vital that they receive funding.
[insert name or organization]