Administration Office

340 Adams St.

Naturita, CO

School Board Meeting Minutes of December 14, 2009


Paula Brown, President; Paul Koski, Vice President; Bobbie Arant, Secretary; Melissa Lampshire, Treasurer; and Gayland Thompson, Member.




Superintendent Stephen Yost; NJSH Principal Charlene Stevenson; NES Principal Mike Epright; Business Manager Susan Epright; and Administrative Assistant Cookie Loczy.


See attached list.


7:35 p.m. Paula Brown called the meeting to order, and pledge to the flag was given.


It was moved by Bobbie Arant, seconded by Melissa Lampshire to approve the agenda as submitted.

Roll call as follows: Bobbie Arant - aye; Paula Brown – aye; Paul Koski – aye; Melissa Lampshire – aye; and Gayland Thompson. Motion carried.


Christina Starks addressed the board regarding inappropriate dress of school athletes at games. Mrs. Stevenson stated that the issue has been addressed and it will be taken care of.

West End Public School District, RE-2

December 14, 2009 Regular Board Meeting Minutes

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It was moved by Melissa Lampshire, seconded by Gayland Thompson to approve the November 17, 2009 Regular Meeting Minutes as submitted.

Roll call as follows: Bobbie Arant - aye; Paula Brown – aye; Paul Koski – aye; Melissa Lampshire – aye; and Gayland Thompson – aye. Motion carried.


A. Revenue/Expense Reports

The Board, Superintendent and Business Manager reviewed the financial statements for the month of November and the preliminary checks for December 2009.

Mr. Yost reported that the District will be making the final payment of $3,500 on the bus loop project. He further reported that there is no financial improvement reported by the Colorado Department of Education.


1.  District Accountability – Chris Daniels

Mrs. Daniels reported that the December meeting was cancelled due to weather. She reviewed with the board items/format on the proposed survey.

Mr. Yost added that he reviewed CDE’s new standards…there is not a single standard for vocational training.

2.  2009 Financial Audit – Cara Golden

Ms. Golden thanked Mr. Yost, Susan and Cookie for their help in completing the audit. She reported Paradox Valley Charter School is still in good financial status with three months of average revenues and, the District has no long term debt. The Capital Reserve Fund is lean, but is better than last year. Food Service had a $19,000 loss, but with the budgeted General Fund transfer of $21,000, Food Service ended a little ahead. A copy of the financial audit is on file at the District Office.

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December 14, 2009 Regular Board Meeting Minutes

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Mr. Yost’s report is attached. He further reported that San Miguel Power donated time and money to install light poles and Mr. Thompson spent hours on the electrical hook ups needed in the fleet parking lot. He also thanked Ernie, Cookie and Susan for all of their hard work on the project, too. The new parking area will make it better for bus drivers.

Mr. Yost also thanked the board for the flowers sent to him while he was in the hospital.


NES – Mike Epright’s principal report is attached. Mr. Epright thanked the board members for being the “dealer” at the staff Christmas party. Mrs. Arant thanked Mr. Epright for his efforts in putting the “Casino Night” together; she would also like to send a thank-you note to Alicia Epright for the donated prizes.

NJSH- Charlene Stevenson’s principal report is attached. Mrs. Stevenson added that the football team will be recognized at the Town Hall at 10:30 tomorrow morning by Montrose County Commissioners. She further reported that a Mill Meeting with the State is scheduled at the high school on January 21st. The NWEA short test is being given this week to 7th & 8th graders along with finals. She received a thank-you from Hoof & Paw – three high school students assisted veterinarians at the Hoof & Paw Day. Twenty-three NJSH students will be participating in the concert at the elementary school Thursday night.

Mrs. Arant commented that it is fabulous that twenty-three students received academic letters. Mrs. Stevenson stated that the credit for that goes to Mr. Korver. Also, Mrs. Arant expressed that the “Grim Reaper” for the “Dangers of Drunk Driving Campaign” was excellent. Mrs. Stevenson stated that Ms. Schoppman was responsible for the program.


1. Thank you note to the board from Mr. Yost for the flowers sent to him while he was recovering from surgery.

2. The Board received a letter from Jon Orris informing them that Paradox Valley Charter School intends to apply for BEST funds when the application becomes available. Copy attached. Mr. Orris stated that he does not believe they will not be able to complete the application in time for the deadline this year; they are hoping to apply in the next cycle. Mr.

The board also discussed with Mr. Orris the Paradox Valley Charter School’s proposal to explore extending the Charter to include high school grade levels. Copy attached.

According to the Colorado League of Charter Schools, Mr. Orris was told that they would need to come up with 10% to match BEST funds. The board found this amazing, as the District needs a 46% match. If the District does a Bond, then he believes PVCS could be a part of that.

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The board was pleased that Mr. Orris came to the board meeting for this discussion; all the details need to be known - they do not want the BEST grant application jeopardized for the district or for the charter school.

Mr. Orris stated that about 50% of the PVCS students live in Paradox, and the other 50% are being bused from Nucla/Naturita. Their head count enrollment is up to 51; October 1 head count was 44.

The PVCS is an Art focused Charter; they still do the basics in reading, writing and math. The high school would continue that way – arts focused, not athletic. Telluride Foundation is doing a grant to help with capacity building – PVCS would look at expanding a non-profit building to serve. Bottom-line, Mr. Orris stated that he is trying to serve all the students of the district and be focused on the students.

Bobbie Arant thanked Mr. Orris for coming to the meeting. She further added that she values the students that come to Nucla High School and they need the students to be at the school so more academic programs can be provided. If the student count drops, then staff and programs need to be cut – it would be hard to support the request with the information provided so far. It is too easy for students to transfer from the high school to Paradox or any other school because they are angry with a teacher, then they transfer back in again.

Mr. Orris stated that their seventh grade class is just three students; 5th grade students total eight. It will have to be determined if it is feasible to have a high school. There is research going on projecting an increase in population – he is trying to be proactive instead of reactive. Mr. Orris is talking with the League of Charter of Schools and he also wants to visit with the Gateway School. He is not sure if the proposed high school was all on-line courses if that would work or not. He is trying to find out what all the requirements are.


It was moved by Melissa Lampshire, seconded by Bobbie Arant to approve the following actions by blanket motion:

A. Approve Bills for November 2009 and Preliminary Bills for December 2009.

B. Accept the FY 2009 Finance Audit from Chadwick, Steinkirchner, Davis & Co., P.C.

C. Accept Mill Levy Certification at 25.435 for Property Tax Year 2009. Copy attached.

Roll call as follows: Bobbie Arant - aye; Paula Brown – aye; Paul Koski – aye; Melissa Lampshire – aye; and Gayland Thompson - aye. Motion carried.

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I. Consider Special Meeting regarding the BEST grant application.

Discussion: Kristin Lortie with CDE would like to schedule a conference call on Thursday, December 17, 2009 at 8:00 a.m. instead of traveling to the District Office due to inclement weather and timing. Board Members commented that a “face to face” meeting would be preferred, but now the deadline to make application is drawing near. The Owner’s Representative requirement needs clarification. Bobbie Arant and Melissa Lampshire said they would not be available on Thursday.

It was moved by Paul Koski, seconded by Gayland Thompson to approve a Special Board Meeting for a conference call with the Colorado Department of Education regarding the BEST grant application at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, December 17, 2009 at the District Office.

Roll call as follows: Bobbie Arant - aye; Paula Brown – aye; Paul Koski – aye; Melissa Lampshire – aye; and Gayland Thompson - aye. Motion carried.


1. PVCS – Proposal for High School

This was discussed earlier under Communications from Board Members.

2. Review budget changes before final adoption in January

The board reviewed the budget. No significant changes were noted.

3. Re-establish a Ski Club

Mr. Koski stated that the students did not sign up for lessons as expected. They were more interested in snowboarding. Mr. Koski added that he feels a ski club would be great and he would try to promote it earlier next year.

4. 2010-2011 School Calendar

Mr. Yost stated that the district cannot afford more instruction days; however the principals need more teacher workdays and in-service days to work on district improvement requirements.

5. Certificate of Deposits

The board directed the business manager to leave the C.D.’s in the bank.

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December 14, 2009 Regular Board Meeting Minutes

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At 9:30 p.m., it was moved by Paul Koski, seconded by Melissa Lampshire for the board, superintendent, Mr. Epright, and Mrs. Stevenson to go into executive session for Personnel matters – discussion of matters specific to particular employees, not general personnel policies. Does not include discussion of board members or appointments to the board. C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(f).

Roll call as follows: Bobbie Arant - aye; Paula Brown – aye; Paul Koski – aye; Melissa Lampshire – aye; and Gayland Thompson - aye. Motion carried.

At 11:43 p.m., it was moved by Paul Koski, seconded by Gayland Thompson for all to come out of executive session.

Roll call as follows: Bobbie Arant - aye; Paula Brown – aye; Paul Koski – aye; Melissa Lampshire – aye; and Gayland Thompson - aye. Motion carried.

BLANKET MOTION continued….

It was moved by Paul Koski, seconded by Gayland Thompson to approve by blanket motion the following action items:

D. Approve Alan Grieser as sub custodian at NES & NJSH and sub lunchroom help.

E. Ratify Thomas Stevenson as substitute teacher at NES and NJSH.

G. Accept Debbie Dillon’s resignation, effective November 30, 2009.

H. Consider Debbie Dillon’s request to return to work under the 110 day option.

Roll call as follows: Bobbie Arant - aye; Paula Brown – aye; Paul Koski – aye; Melissa Lampshire – aye; and Gayland Thompson - aye. Motion carried.


F.  Ratify volunteer contract to Kevin Starks as Assistant High School Girls Basketball coach for the remainder of the season.

It was moved by Melissa Lampshire, seconded by Paul Koski to offer Kevin Starks an assistant coach paid position if he wants it, or he can remain a volunteer coach.

Roll call as follows: Bobbie Arant - aye; Paula Brown – aye; Paul Koski – aye; Melissa Lampshire – aye; and Gayland Thompson - aye. Motion carried.

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December 14, 2009 Regular Board Meeting Minutes

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At 11:46 p.m., it was moved by Paul Koski, seconded by Gayland Thompson to adjourn this meeting.

Roll call as follows: Bobbie Arant - aye; Paula Brown – aye; Paul Koski – aye; Melissa Lampshire – aye; and Gayland Thompson - aye. Motion carried.

Attest: ______Approve: ______

Bobbie Arant, Secretary Paula Brown, President