Section 1 -Purpose

Within the State of Colorado, higher education sector, there are a group of persons responsible for (various) information management and related functions of higher education computing. Their activities can be improved by a common organization to be called the "Colorado Higher Education Computing Organization."

Section 2 -Goals.

To foster the improvement of the quality and efficiency of Colorado Higher Education computing resources for the benefit of the State and the citizens of Colorado.

Section 3 -Objectives.

The Organization shall have the following objectives:

A. To unite professional computing managers in higher education to promote effective

management of computing resources.

B. Promote information sharing among agencies and higher education institutions of Colorado.

C. To encourage and promote initiatives in the implementation and effective management of data communications services and networks.

D. To have an on going relationship with The State of Colorado strategic planning groups and associations.

E. To act as a liaison with the Governor's Commission on Information Management.

Section 4 -Activities.

In order to further its objectives, the Organization shall hold two general meetings a year, one in

the Fall and one Spring.


Membership is open to all persons employed by a higher education institutional level computing facility. A single institution may have more than one member.


The Organization Officers shall decide the kinds of issues which shall be voted upon by the membership and shall prescribe the methods and procedures by which votes shall be taken. Each member present at the general meeting is allocated one vote. No proxies are allowed.


Section 1 -Meetings of Members

Meetings of members to advance the purposes and objectives of the Organization shall be held twice a year, once in the Fall and once in the Spring or as may be designated by the Chair.

Section 2 -Meetings of Officers

Meetings of the Officers of the Organization shall take place upon the initiative of the Chair.

Section 3 -Meeting procedures

In transacting official business, the rules of parliamentary procedure contained in Robert 's "Rules of Order" shall govern all meetings of the Organization unless amended by the Organization at any meeting.


Section 1 -Organization

A. The Board of Directors will consist of a Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and two

Directors at large.

B. The Chair and Vice Chair are limited to members from Colorado state supported institutions. The Organization officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer) will be selected by the Board of Directors within the guidelines set forth in Article V, Section 2. The candidates for the BOD will be compiled by a committee appointed by the BOD. This Nominating committee will consist of three members who will select a slate of candidates from the general membership. The slate of candidates will be presented and voted on at the first general meeting of the year. The new Board members and officers will assume their responsibilities after the close of the first general meeting of the year.

Section 2 -Powers and Duties of the Board of Directors.

A. The Chair will be selected from the BOD for a one year term. The responsibility of the

Chair is to act as a liaison with the Colorado Commission on Information Management; to represent the Organization to appropriate State of Colorado strategic planning groups; and to schedule board meetings and agendas. The Chair may delegate a portion of his responsibilities to other board members as he deems necessary in order to facilitate the conduct of business.

B. The Vice-Chair will be selected from the BOD for a one year term. The duties of the Vice-Chair is to coordinate arrangements and agendas for the semi-annual meetings of the Organization, and to act in the absence of the Chair.

C. The Treasurer will be selected from the BOD for a period of three years in order to provide continuity for fiscal responsibility of the organization. The Treasurer will be custodian of all funds of the Organization; be responsible for receipt and disbursement of such funds; keep suitable books of account thereof; render periodic report thereon; and deposit such funds in a financial institution approved by the Organization Board of Directors.

D. The Secretary shall be selected from the BOD for a period of one year. The Secretary shall preside at meetings of the organization in the absence of the Chair and Vice Chair; and shall keep minutes at all meetings of the board and the general membership (NOTE: minutes at the meetings of the general membership shall be limited to only the business portion of the meeting and not the program portion)

E. The Directors at Large will be elected to three year terms by the general membership. The responsibilities of the Directors at Large will be to appoint a nominating committee; to appoint replacements to the Board for the remainder of a Director vacancy; to disseminate information about computing issues to the members; and to present strategic issues which effect all members.


The By-Laws may be modified by a majority vote of the membership present at the time of the vote.

August 21, 2002