Renewable Energy: Modern Marvels

  1. How many packages does Fed Ex ship a year?
  2. What did FedEx do to meet their power demands?
  3. What is one of the benefits to using solar energy in a commercial operation?
  4. What is the environmental impact of the FedEx’s plant?
  5. What are some of the options for renewable energy?
  6. Solar Power
  7. How much energy does the sun provide in 1 hour?
  8. What are photovoltaics?
  9. What is the earliest use of solar power?
  10. What will happen if you put your hand in the center of a solar-thermal panel?
  11. What happened in 1904?
  12. Why did Sputnik push solar power?
  13. Why is our lifestyle completely dependent on solar power?
  14. What is one of the most important uses of solar energy today?
  15. Where is the most successful photovoltaic use today?
  16. How can you make money from photovoltaics?
  17. What is benefit of CIGGSS?
  18. How can they be integrated into a house? (Cool!!)
  19. Wind
  20. How big are GE’s wind turbines?
  21. How many homes could a turbine power in a year?
  22. What is the main challenge of wind power?
  23. What is the solution?
  24. What is a cluster of turbines called?
  25. What is the benefit of allowing turbines on your land?
  26. Where are the most wind resources in the US?
  27. Who were the first to make use of wind power? When were they begun?
  28. Why did early wind power become less popular?
  29. What is the US target for wind energy?
  30. Where are some of the biggest turbines?
  31. Geothermal
  32. Who has become virtually energy independent?
  33. How deep do boreholes go?
  34. What gets separated?
  35. What is the difference in greenhouse gas emitted by a geothermal plant and a traditional coal plant?
  36. What does the geothermal energy do besides provide hot water?
  37. Where do you find geothermal energy?
  38. What is another form of geothermal energy that anyone can use?
  39. How does it work?
  40. Where and when was the first geothermal plant?
  41. Biofuels
  42. What fuels can cars be converted to run on?
  43. What is the best vegetable oil fuel?
  44. What is the best and cheapest oil?
  45. How much of the world’s greenhouse gasses come from cars?
  46. How are biofuel emissions offset?
  47. What was Diesel’s car designed to run on?
  48. Henry Ford’s?
  49. What is the most talked about ethanol in the US?
  50. What is better?
  51. What is a promising crop in the US?
  52. What might be even better?
  53. What is the benefit of it?
  54. How have people converted a Prius?
  55. What is the range?
  56. Why?
  57. What is a major downside of using ethanol from crops?
  58. Hydropower
  59. What is a tidal barrage? (Cool!)
  60. What is the oldest and largest barrage?
  61. What is Tidal flow power?
  62. What is the issue?
  63. What might hold the most power in the ocean?