MUNIS Release Upgrade Installation
KB Module: SA – MUNIS Release Installation Instructions
KB Topic: MUNIS Release Upgrade Installation
MUNIS Release Upgrade Installation Instructions
This document provides step-by-step instructions on how to upgrade an existing MUNIS environment on a Windows or LINUX / UNIX Server platform.
The following actions are performed during a MUNIS upgrade:
· Obtain environment settings based on MUNIS launching script
· Install / Upgrade Four Js Runner (if not installed or at latest version)
· Install / Upgrade Genero Application Server (if not installed or at latest version)
· Windows Only - Install / Upgrade MUNIS Desktop Client (if not installed or at latest version)
· Windows Only - Install Java Runtime Environment (if not installed)
· Upgrades from Pre-Version 6 to Post Version 6 - Applies a temporary 30 day MUNIS license
· Upgrade MUNIS program files
· Upgrade MUNIS Database
Before installing a MUNIS upgrade, the following notes must be considered:
· All users must be out of the MUNIS System when installing the upgrade.
· A full database and system backup has been performed and validated.
· Clients upgrading from “pre-version 6” to “post-version 6” MUNIS will be required to upgrade the MUNIS Desktop Client used to connect to MUNIS on all workstations.
· Upgrades should only be applied between completed payrolls. If a payroll has been started for Time and Attendance entry and Earnings/Deductions have not been generated, it is okay to load this code prior to processing the generate. All deferred vendor payments from other payrolls, must be processed before loading these revised programs. Lastly, following the upgrade, previously completed payrolls should not be reversed (Employee Update Reversal).
· Clients using MUNIS Self Service (MSS) must also upgrade MSS to match the same revision as the installed MUNIS version.
Windows Server Installation
Use the following steps to install a MUNIS Upgrade on a MUNIS Windows Server environment.
1. Log onto the console of your MUNIS Windows Server with administrative credentials.
2. Download the upgrade package from the Release section of the Tyler-MUNIS website ( and extract the ZIP package to a temporary folder.
Note: Any windows ZIP utility can be used to extract the file. One method to extract this file on any MUNIS Server is to open the Command Prompt and use the following command: pkzip25 –extract {filename} (where {filename} is the full name of the Upgrade package)
3. To start the upgrade process, launch the installation program, munisupd.exe.
4. Press Next to begin.
5. Choose the Database type used with your MUNIS environment. Enter the name of the Launching Script used to start MUNIS environment specific to that you wish to upgrade. Click Next to continue.
6. Verify the MUNIS Customer Number is correct. If it is not, change it to the correct value.
Verify the Database name display is correct. If it is not, choose Back and enter the correct Launching Script. Click Next to continue.
7. Choose the folder which contains the MUNIS programs to be upgraded (also known as ‘MU_ROOT’) and click Next to continue.
8. Review the installation notes and verify that all settings are correct before continuing. Click Install to begin the upgrade process.
9. Depending on the version of MUNIS is being upgraded from; the following server components may be installed and/or upgraded. Dialogs will be displayed indicating each of these actions:
· Upgrade Four Js Runner
· Upgrade Four Js Genero Application Server (GAS)
· Update GAS Configuration file
· Install / Upgrade MUNIS Desktop Client
· Install Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
10. All MUNIS Upgrades, regardless of the version being upgraded from, will perform the following actions. Dialogs will be displayed indicating each of these processes.
· MUNIS Database is upgraded (indicated by SPALTERS command prompt window)
· MUNIS Program Files are upgraded / installed (indicated by the SPLOADER command prompt window)
11. Once the installation is complete, click Finish on the final dialog.
LINUX / UNIX Server Installation
Use the following steps to install a MUNIS Upgrade on a MUNIS LINUX or UNIX Server environment.
1. From a PC that is capable of establishing an FTP connection to your MUNIS Server, download the MUNIS Upgrade Package from the Release section of the Tyler-MUNIS website (
2. FTP the Upgrade Package to the MUNIS Server in binary transfer mode. This can be accomplished using the following steps:
a. From your PC, open a Command Prompt and change directories to the location where the Upgrade Package was downloaded to.
b. At the prompt, type ftp {MUNIS IP Address} and press Enter (where {MUNIS IP Address} is the IP address of your MUNIS Server. For example: This establishes an FTP connection to your MUNIS Server.
c. Enter administrative login credentials when prompted (For example: root)
d. Change directories to a clean / manageable, temporary directory on the Server.
e. Type bi and press Enter. This changes the transfer mode to binary.
f. Type put {filename} and press Enter (where {filename} is the full name of the Upgrade Package you downloaded previously). This transfers the package to the server.
g. Type bye to end the FTP session and close the Command Prompt window.
3. Logon to the console of your MUNIS LINUX/UNIX Server with administrative credentials (For example: root)
4. Change to the temporary directory the Upgrade Package was transferred to in the previous FTP step.
5. At the prompt, type uncompress {filename} and press Enter (where {filename} is the full name of the Upgrade Package). This will ‘decompress’ the package and should leave you with a ‘tar’ package.
6. Type tar –xvf {filename} and press Enter to extract the contents of the Upgrade Package.
7. Start the MUNIS Upgrade installation process by launching the install script, followed by the name of the MUNIS launching script used for the environment you wish to upgrade:
./ {launchingscript} (where {launchingscript} is the name of the MUNIS launching script)
For example: ./munisupd genmunis
8. After reviewing the following installation notes, press Enter to continue. The following is an example from a Version 6.2 upgrade:
9. Verify that all settings, including the MUNIS database name are correct. Press Y to continue.
10. Verify the following MUNIS environment settings are correct. If they are, type s and press Enter to start the upgrade. If any of the values are not correct, press the number corresponding to the value you wish to change and press Enter:
Note: All fields must be filled in before continuing.
1) MU_ROOT: The location of the MUNIS program files. It the location already exists, the MUNIS programs will be overwritten. If it does not exist, it will be created and the MUNIS programs will be installed into it.
2) FGLDIR: The location of the Four Js Runner. If upgrading from a version of MUNIS 6 or higher, install into the existing Runner location. If upgrading from “Pre-Version 6” MUNIS, the Four Js Runner should be installed into a different location than the existing version.
3) FGLASDIR: The location of the Four Js Genero Application Server (GAS). If upgrading from a version of MUNIS 6 or higher, install into the existing GAS location. If upgrading from “Pre-Version 6” MUNIS, the Four Js GAS should be installed into a different location than the existing version.
4) Launching Script: The MUNIS launching script used for the environment to upgrade. If the default value is used, the installer will update the existing launching script with any new settings. If an alternate script name is provided, a new script will be created.
5) MUNIS Customer Number: The MUNIS customer number must be correct to ensure the products you own are upgraded.
12. Depending on the version of MUNIS is being upgraded from; the following server components may be installed and/or upgraded. Dialogs will be displayed indicating each of these actions:
· Upgrade Four Js Runner
· Upgrade Four Js Genero Application Server (GAS)
· Update GAS Configuration file
13. All MUNIS Upgrades, regardless of the version being upgraded from, will perform the following actions. Dialogs will be displayed indicating each of these processes.
· MUNIS Database is upgraded
· MUNIS Program Files are upgraded / installed
14. Once the installation is complete, the message End of Upgrade is displayed.
The MUNIS Upgrade process will update specified environment to the new version. In addition, the MUNIS system revision should now indicate the updated MUNIS Version. This can be verified from any MUNIS program by choosing the menu Help > About.
What’s Next?
MUNIS Desktop Client
If upgrading from a version of MUNIS prior to Version 6 to a version of MUNIS at Version 6 or higher, the MUNIS Desktop Client must also be upgraded to connect to MUNIS.
MUNIS Self Service Customers
MUNIS Self Service will also have upgrades released at the same time as MUNIS upgrades. This will require that MUNIS Self Service be upgraded at the same time as your MUNIS Server upgrade.
Please refer to the MUNIS Self Service Upgrade document for details on this process.
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