The Voice Of PILR

Chris Owens, Editor

Heather Jones, Design Layout

December 7 , 2007

Volume 6, Issue 4


By Chris Owens, Executive Director

2007 has been quite a year. PILR has experienced a few changes including hiring additional staff, acquiring, and learning to use a new phone system, and undergone a peer review. In addition, we celebrated PILR’s tenth anniversary.

Although all of the happenings at PILR are exciting, nothing compares to the total joy Dan and I have experienced as we became grandparents for the first time this year. Everyone always told me that being a grandparent is the best thing ever, and I thought, “OK, sure”. Well, they are absolutely correct! It is awesome.

Benjamin is a delight. He is already a little advocate in training. Danielle, his mom and my daughter, has been doing some driving for me. She took over after her sister Jennifer moved to Oklahoma City. Last month Danielle drove me to the KACIL/SILCK mock legislative hearing. This was Benjamin’s first trip to the statehouse and although he ate, slept, and used a few diapers, I’m sure he understood everything that was happening. The only time he got a little up set was when Roger and Stephanie were arguing about KU and WSU and Steph got a little loud. That’s when he’d had enough of Steph and went back to Momma. I must add that he didn’t cry when Roger cuddled him. I guess that means he likes huggy bears!

Having Benjamin along really has some advantages. I have noticed that when I walk into a room holding him, and I am late, no one notices that I am late. They all want to talk to him, and coo over him. Of course, I can understand why. That’s what I want to do too.

You might ask how can the new year even come close to being as joyful as 2007. That’s easy, it’s going to be just as awesome. Our granddaughter, Jennifer’s little girl is due the middle of January. I can’t wait to meet and snuggle her. You can bet the farm that Benjamin and his cousin are the apples of Grandpa and Grandma’s eyes. Also, if you see me and I seem to have had a rough day, just ask me about my grandchildren and watch me light up like a Christmas tree!

Happy Holidays from the PILR board, staff, and our families! We look forward to continuing our mission of promoting the full inclusion and acceptance of people with disabilities through education and advocacy.

Kansas Family Advocacy Network (KFAN)

By Michelle Wolf, ILS

In recent months I have been involved in a project that is something new and rather exciting for me. It began as The Family Advocacy Council (FAC). This came to be through an alliance with Family Centered Systems of Care (FCSC) whose task it was to transform the system into a family first organization. The FAC is on the verge of becoming a full fledged not for profit organization.

KFAN of Reno County will employ a FAMILY NAVIGATOR. The role of the navigator will be to assist families currently involved with or those who might be in danger of becoming involved with Child Protective Services (CPS). The program intent is that The Navigator will have knowledge of useful, necessary and/or desired resources to support the family in developing their course of action (typically referred to as a case plan) as well as the legal process that is now or may become imminent.

The Navigator is required to be an individual who has previously been involved with SRS/CPS, but whose case is closed. There are, of course, additional requirements for the position. I mention this one in particular, because I believe it to be the most crucial prerequisite for the position. This ought to ensure the increasingly important Peer to Peer support that we all need from time to time in various situations.

I could go on and on, but I’ll leave it at this. I must add, however, that it is my sincere hope that not one person/family reading this will ever need to utilize this information. Nevertheless it is available if necessary. Additional information/resources are also available at PILR and we encourage you to contact us if we can be of assistance.

And now I offer my genuine wish for each of you to have the benefit of a family centered holiday season.

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PILR’s Corner For

Consumer, Friends, & Family



By Billy Thompson, ILS

Over the past few months, I’ve had the privilege of being one of the right hands for a consumer and friend who needed me to help steady her balance as she dared to step into the next level of independence.

Nearly four years ago, Viola had kept a promise to herself and others, vowing never to return to the long term treatment facility which cared for her for over six months as she struggled with depression and coped with seemingly endless medication adjustments. With support from the facility’s staff and an iron clad will, Viola eventually regained the ability to envision a life of independence which included her own home, freedom to manage her own schedule, and the ability to make choices concerning the type and quality of care she would like to receive.

Nearly four years have come and gone and Viola is still able to independently exist and vividly live. With independent skills management’s assistance (and an occasional lunch of tacos), Viola meets each daily challenge with a smile and assurance that her hand is held firmly in the grasp of independence. Utilizing mental health case management services, independent living counselor services, personal care attendants, and one green independent living specialist, Viola still had one small hand available and several huge ideas on how to use it to help others.

So breaking her promise, Viola agreed to accompany me back to the long term care facility with an extended left hand ready to help others who needed encouragement, friendship and hope. Her face brightened as her gaze recognized familiar staff and friends and we quickly made long term plans to continue to volunteer during weekly activities.

I am reminded of a promise I made long ago when I was struggling with my own despair and sinking into hopelessness. I was to the point of drowning when a friend offered his hand to mine in a gentle and caring manner. I was able to climb out of my desperation and wanted to thank him with a handshake. I then asked what I could do in return to repay his kindness. He simply suggested that I always keep my hand in his and keep the other one free to grasp the next person’s hand who may need it.

Needless to say, Viola’s open hands and heart have joined the full circle of giving and receiving. A circle that remains unbroken but always open to those in need.

Please submit all articles to the Editor:

Chris Owens

17 South Main

Hutchinson, Kansas 67501

Thank You!

This is a special thank you to all of the businesses and individuals who have given donations to support the mission of Prairie Independent Living Resource Center.


Prairie Independent Living Resource Center is now accepting donations from individuals and businesses in our community who wish to support the mission of our center. We are currently in the process of planning many upcoming events. In addition to donations, you may include PILR in your will or estate planning.

If you would like to make a tax -deductible donation, please clip out the coupon and mail it to us. You may personally deliver it as well. Thanks for your support!



City:______State:______Zip Code:______

Area code and telephone:______

Tax Deductible Donation: (check one)

___$25.00 ___$50.00 ___$100 ___$200

Other amount: $______

_____I would like to include Prairie Independent Living Resource Center in my will or estate. Please contact me at:

(Phone number):______.

Please mail/deliver to: Prairie Independent Living Resource Center

17 S. Main

Hutchinson, KS 67501

Attn: Chris Owens


12/11/2007 Head Start Christmas Gifts Due

12/12/2007 It’s A Wrap Party 6PM at the Head Start Center

330 Charles St.

12/24-25/2007 Christmas Holidays – PILR is closed

1/1/2008 New Years Day – PILR is closed

1/4/2008 Public Hearing at SRS 600 Andrew Avenue, South Hutchinson

1/14/2008 Martin Luther King Day – PILR is closed

1/15/2008 PILR’s 11th Birthday

Job Club 2:30PM at the Chamber of Commerce every first and third Friday of the month located at 117 North Walnut, Hutchinson, Kansas

Job Club 1:00PM at the Pratt Office every third Thursday of the month located at 103 West 2nd, Pratt, Kansas

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How Good Is YOUR Vision?

By Christine Pechstein, Employment Specialist

I'm asking each of you a question. I want to know how good your vision is? Most of you will answer something like 20/20, 20/40, low vision, no vision, but that's not what I mean. I want to know-how do you vision your life? How do you see when you dream? And you don't need eyesight for this. You need to think about your life and what it is you want to accomplish, what you want to do, what you want to experience. Now THAT's what I'm talking about!

My vision is to make people smile each day. I want to help as many individuals as I can believe in themselves, learn how to accept themselves as they are, reach their personal goals, employment goals, and become successful in many aspects of their lives. This applies to my job, myself, my personal relationships, my children, and how I live in our community.

Now, there's a catch. If YOU dream it, it's up to YOU to do it. There's a reason for that. They are YOUR dreams, and someone else may not have the same vision as you do. So if you're visualizing it, you need to make sure you're involved to make it happen. Lately, I've noticed so much bitching. As Steph's shirt says..."Stop bitching and start a revolution!" The reason her shirt has become one of my favorite sayings is due to the overflow of bitching with no action behind it. ACTION gets results! Bitching is just bitching and resolves to change nothing.

All it does is allow individuals to exercise their right to complain, harbor negative attitudes, and wait for someone else to hopefully come along to make things exactly as they see them. So what exactly have I heard in the form of bitching? Are you ready for the complaints and my thoughts? If not...don't read any further.

1. "I still don't have a job. I can't work for minimum wage. My first job needs to be at least $12.00 per hour. Employers just don't care." Here are my thoughts...Without a stable work history and experience, you have to start at an entry level position and pay just like everyone else. It's not permanent. It's a start. And over time, with more experience, long term employment, and pay raises, you will not remain at this starting point forever. But, you have to start somewhere. If you do not, you choose to stay in this situation for an indefinite period of time. It's your choice!

2. "The available labor pool in this town is minimal. I can't find employees with soft-skills, people with great attitudes, and customer service skills. "My thoughts...Talk to your Chamber of Commerce, and ask Newton how they are boasting themselves as the "customer service reputable town" by offering trainings for community members directly through their Chamber, or get involved in other areas like The Job Club that is currently working to facilitate and promote this right here in our own backyard.

3. "I thought I'd be employed by now!" My thoughts...How involved are you in your employment efforts? Are you utilizing all the tools and resources available to you? Are you working harder than your employment specialist? If not, you need to accept responsibility for that. You are the one wanting to work, so you must be engaged and participating in all aspects of your employment services. The employer doesn't want to hire the employment specialist. They should want to hire you!

Those are a few examples. The point I'm trying to make is that we all envision our life, the success we would like to achieve, the way people treat us, the relationships we have, but very few individuals actually take action to make it happen. That reminds me of my favorite song in the world, "Make It Happen", by Mariah Carey. Every person has the power to dream, envision, take action, and make changes. Everyone.

I've attended several functions lately that always end up in "bitch mode". There are not enough restaurants in town. We need the newspaper to focus on "xyz"; we need employers to offer better incentives to attract and keep employees, we need to, we should, I wish, what I don't like, are the main topics of conversation.

There's nothing wrong with voicing an opinion or concern. In fact I encourage it! I'm always game for a great, rip-roaring conversation. But there's a missing side to them. And I've started asking one question. "What are you doing to change it?" Yes, I want to know what the individuals are actively doing right now to create change, make improvements, and tackle the issues or reach their dreams/visions/goals. I get a lot of strange looks. Basically, if I can say it without sounding rude or unsympathetic...if YOU are not willing to be involved and make the changes happen, offer suggestions, and participate, then please stop. If you do not ACTIVELY get involved to take action, grasp what it is that you envision, desire, or want in your life, and then you choose to live one of three ways.

You can choose to TAKE ACTION and grasp the opportunities that present themselves in your life or create your own and make it happen. You can choose to take no action, accept what is, and bitch, because it's all you're willing to do about it. Or you can wonder all of your life about what could've been, if only you had been actively involved in living the dreams you once had for your life.