Technology Award Committee Meeting Minutes

Program Objective and Milestones (POAM)

Updated: 9 Sep 2014

Committee Members:

Kara Brault Stup, Pete Stup, Angela Lundy, Jill Tatter, Tonia Rojas, and Regina Mike

Meeting occurred via Phone Conference: 25 August 2014 7:00 pm – 7:55 pm

Attendees: Dali Burgado, Kara Brault Stup, Pete Stup, Angela Lundy, Jill Tatter, and Regina Mike

Program Objectives:

  1. Goal is to purchase and distribute technology during the month of October/POC – Dali and Angela
  2. 5 Sep 2014 - SEPTA meeting with Kathy Vining (SCPS Technology) to discuss the appropriate technology to purchase
  3. Alternate Technology Resource Barbara Davis/Autism Teacher @ BPHS (i.e. iPads)/POC: Jill
  4. Discussion items would include the following:
  5. iPads or tablets/POC Jill - Puzzle Pieces 9” Androids
  6. RESULT: iPads
  7. Cost - $2,700 budget
  8. How many to purchase?/discounts via Digital River (i.e. software purchasing)
  9. RESULT: 10
  10. Applications/gift cards to purchase via Google Books/Google Market/Apple iTunes
  11. Engraving: POC Kara
  12. Kara is not the POC
  13. Engraving iPads are no longer a requirement
  14. How to distribute amongst the SCPS Special Education Classrooms
  15. Suggested: partner with PRC as a potential source for Special Education teachers to check out technology
  16. Leasing of iPads is no longer a consideration
  17. iPads will be donated to Special Education teachers upon nominations provided by Dr. Sue Clark, Executive Director Student Services
  18. Suggested: As the secretary, Regina Mike offered to maintain an Excel spreadsheet of each technology item’s serial numbers etc.
  19. Since leasing of iPads are no longer an option, there is no need to track iPads in any type of inventory

Planned Actions:

Membership Drive: Event Flyer/POC: Luis

Where: Stafford Hospital Conference Room/POC – Jill to confirm room

When: Saturday, 18 Oct 2014

Time: 4pm

ACTION COMPLETED: Jill has confirmed the use of the Conference Room

Solicit partnership with Sue Clark - Special Education Coordinator/POC: Kara

·  Kara is not the POC

·  Dali will contact Dr. Susan Clark requesting acknowledgment of Special Education donation of 10 iPads

·  Dr. Susan Clark is required to provide 10 Special Education teacher as recipients of iPads

Milestones to Achieve:

1.  ASNV Technology process and procedures/POC – Kara

  1. ASNV process of awarding technology was via the following:
  2. Families apply for assistance via Assistive Technology (i.e. iPads, Androids)
  3. Technology is awarded via Grant funding
  4. Technology is awarded via donations from the Community
  5. Technology is awarded during special events (i.e. Recreational activity)

2.  Solicit merchants to donate food items for Membership drive/POC – Pete

  1. RESULT: Light refreshments vice dinner will be served
  2. RESULT: Final plans are ongoing (i.e. set up/clean up teams; paper products, cutlery etc)
  3. Chick-Fil-A
  4. Chicken Nugget Tray
  5. Iced Tea
  6. Lemonade
  1. Panera Bread
  2. Muffins
  3. Cookies
  4. Sandwiches/Bread
  5. Buffalo Wild Wings
  6. Chicken Wings
  7. The Icing
  8. Cupcakes
  9. Any Grocery Story
  10. Fruit Salad Trays