Details From Dee Dee
October 2009
State Committee
Planning UpdateOne hundred fifty-five Xi State members met September 18 & 19 to being the work of each committee in the state. Watch the Xi State News, website and Details from Dee Dee for exciting information and opportunities for the membership.
75th AnniversaryHas your chapter contribute their $3.00 per member to help with Xi State 75th Anniversary Celebration? Send to state treasurer Nancy Davis 941 A Davis Lane, Mountain City, TN 37683. Celebration time is just around the corner!
Chapter YearbookTwo copies due December 15 to Beverly Smith
5014 HunterTrail, ChattanoogaTN37415;
yearbook guidelines attached and on state website
CommunicationA Communications Committee member will be in touch with each chapter president concerning to whom chapter newsletters are to be sent.
Expansion SurveyPlease complete the survey attached and send to Expansion chair, Annette Gregory
Legislative SymposiumFebruary 9-10, 2010, Nashville at the Millenium Maxwell House Hotel. Details in November Xi State News and on the website.
Leadership DevelopmentApril 23-25, 2010; Fifteen Xi State sisters will be selected for this great learning opportunity. Applications coming soon.
LiteracyPlease see attached letter from the Literacy Committee concerning the Books From Birth sign-up.
Officers’ TrainingNow is the time to be thinking about 2010-2012 chapter officers. New officers training will be offered March 20th –east, March 27th –west, and April 10th-middle Tennessee. More information and registration after the first of the year.
State President’s VisitChapter visits have begun! Has your chapter scheduled a visit from the State President? Contact me with your calendar.
TechnologyWorkshop scheduled for February 27th in east TN. More details later.
WebsiteCheck the state website for forms and other information. Why not have a web watcher in the chapter to visit various state websites to get new ideas and etc. for the chapter?
Workshop ProposalsConvention workshop proposals are due November 15th to Beverly Smith, 5014 HunterTrail, Chattanooga, TN37415.
Presenters will be notified by January 15th. Forms are attached and on the website.
Xi State turns 75 this year! The Convention Steering Committee urges all members to take part in the celebration by attending the 2010 Xi State Convention, June 10-12, at the University of the South at Sewanee. To help with planning, please email Dr. Dorrie Powell, Xi State 2nd Vice President, with your chapter’s anticipatednumber coming to convention. This will ensure that we have enough convention materials and favors for all who attend. Please send your chapter convention count to by Dec. 1.
Member e-mail addressNotify Elaine Warwick, , and Dee Dee Rives, , if a member’s e-mail address changes; all communication will be by e-mails, when possible, to save money.
International NewsPanama has just become the 17th Country to join the ranks of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Chapter presidents, one of your responsibilities is to help develop leadership among chapter members. Delegating responsibilities and working as a team, not as an individual, will help each sister grow. Feel free to contact me if I can assist you and/or your chapter in any way. Through your persistence and commitment to your chapter, Xi State, and International, we all will celebrate!
Take care,
Dee Dee
2009-2011 Xi State President