Applying for Clerkships as an Alum
Timing of Applications
Rolling. Hiring timing varies by judge.
Some may post on OSCAR. Apply as soon as possible to judges who have already posted on OSCAR. Apply even to judges who have not yet posted on OSCAR unless they say not to. However, if a clerkship opening subsequently appears on OSCAR for a judge to whom you have applied, you should re-submit your materials.
Check court websites (e.g., SDNY).
Check clerkship blog for our call results.
Consult our office in case we have information about the particular judges to whom you are applying.
We can help you mail your materials – see options in Clerkship Handbook.
The Application Package
Cover Letter
Concise and error-free.
- Personalize if you have a specific reason to do so (e.g., the judge is located in your hometown).
Don’t forget to include a signature.
Printed on high quality paper.
Identify recommenders and include their contact information.
Clerkship Resume
Emphasize research, writing, and analytical skills.
Printed on high quality paper.
If you are applying to judges in or near your home town, you should include your “permanent” local address as well at your CLS address on your resume.
Close with an “Interests” section.
Unofficial CLS transcript is acceptable unless judge notes otherwise. Should you opt to send an official transcript, it is your responsibility to obtain a copy of this document from the University Registrar. Instructions for obtaining a copy of your official transcript appear on the “Transcripts” tab on the CLS Registration Services webpage.
OSCAR requires applicants to fill out an “OSCAR Grade Sheet;” you cannot upload your transcript to OSCAR.
Include undergraduate or other graduate school transcripts, if requested.
Unedited Writing Sample
Best piece of legal writing to date, e.g., your note, a memo that you wrote at your job (pending your employer’s approval), a moot court brief or bench memo, or a paper that you wrote for class.
Try to limit length to approximately 15 pages (but not required; many send their entire note).
- If you submit an excerpt from a longer work, attach a cover sheet explaining this.
Your writing sample should be your own work, unedited by others.
Letters of Recommendation
Assume 3 are required unless judge notes otherwise.
Recommenders should be those who will write the strongest, most detailed letters and who know your writing. Meet with them and provide them with information about yourself to help them write strong letters.
3 faculty letters, or 2 faculty letters plus 1 employer letter is a good benchmark but not required, particularly if you graduated long ago.
Talk to your recommenders about making calls to judges for you. This is often how clerkships happen. Letters alone are often not enough. See Appx E to handbook.
CLS Assistance in Sending Applications
For both electronic and paper applications, our office and CLS faculty assistants will help you upload/send letters of recommendation.
OSCAR Applications
- You create electronic applications, uploading your materials and selecting your recommenders.
- OSCAR sends an email to your recommenders and, if applicable, their assistants, asking them to upload letters of recommendation. They do so and you are all set.
- If outside recommenders need help uploading letters, you can put them in touch with the Clerkship Office.
- Note limit of 100 OSCAR apps/cycle (spring-spring).
- Encourage recommenders to set letter to auto-upload for future applications.
- You can update materials on OSCAR per the changes that were just made.
- See helpful guides under Resources/Applicant Resources.
Paper and Email Applications
- For paper and email applications, you can bring or send your materials to Student Services and have your recommenders send us their printed or PDF recommendation letters at any time and we will package and send them out as promptly as possible. Or you may choose to send your materials and have us only handle recommendations, or have everything go out directly, per the options outlined inthe clerkship handbook. But please remember that our resources are limited and give us as much advance notice as possible if you would like us to do a large mailing for you. The Student Services mailing address is 435 W. 116th St., MB B-25, New York, NY 10027. Please email Jeffrey Bagares () to ensure that we send your letters of recommendation at the same time you send the rest of your application materials.
Materials you must provide to us if we are processing your paper or email applications (see handbook p. 19+)
Sorted packets, binder clipped, and alphabetized by judge last name (for paper applications) or a single PDF containing your application materials, minus letters of recommendation (for email applications).
A list of judges to whom you are applying on paper and email & corresponding recommenders.
Mailing labels arranged alphabetically by judge last name and return address labels (for paper applications). You need not include envelopes.
An emailed merge file (sorted by judge last name) to Jeffrey (). The merge file must contain the contact information for the final list of judges to whom you are applying, including email addresses for judges to whom you are sending email applications. At least 10 days in advance of when your letters need to be ready (with more lead time if you have a very large number of judges), you must provide recommenders and their faculty assistants with the merge file. Instructions on how to create this merge file can be downloaded from the Judicial Clerkship website or Symplicity. Your recommender cannot generate a letter of recommendation without this file. See the Clerkship Handbook.
Email Jeffrey Bagares () as soon as possible withsigned Confidentiality Waiver Forms. This form, available at waives your right to see your letters of recommendation. Although you are not required to waive this right, we strongly recommend that you do so.
A word on requesting letters from faculty
It is your responsibility to coordinate with faculty recommenders and their assistants, and to give them ample time (one month is a good estimate) to provide their recommendation letters to our office. Please email Jeffrey at with questions regarding logistics.
A word on adjunct and visiting professors
Letters written by adjunct and visiting professors are processed by and should be requested from Doribel Rodriguez, (). You must give adjuncts and visiting professors significant lead time to provide recommendations.
A word on outside recommenders and former professors
It is your responsibility to have your outside recommenders mail hard copies of your letters of recommendation to our office by the time you plan to send applications. As an alternative, a Word document of the letter, on electronic letterhead and with an electronic signature, can be emailed to Jeffrey () by the designated deadline. For former CLS faculty recommenders, you should work with the recommender and the Clerkship Office to determine how the recommender would like letters of recommendation to be processed.