The meeting was called to order at 9:20 a.m. by president, Rex Rolfing. Rex opened with the mission statement for the association.
We promote the importance of education, self-esteem, diversity and teamwork in a fun and safe environment, allowing players to develop to their fullest potential in soccer and in life.
Roll call was taken with the following associations present: Belle Fouche, Black Hills Rapids, Brandon, Brookings, Capital Area, Dakota Alliance, Hub City, Oahe, Riverfront, Soccer Madison, Spearfish, Tempo, Vermillion and Watertown.
Sean moved to approve the minutes of the 2016 AGM and Tony seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
Chris Moore from USYS spoke to the group.
President Rex Rolfing had a written report and wanted to add that it has been a pleasure working with Dale and Jason.
NE District 1 Commissioner Michael Britt had a written report.
W District 2 Commissioner Jami Albrecht had a written report.
W Central District 3 Commissioner Mike Fairchild is stepping in for Buker Beaumont.
E District Commissioner Ben Gaddis had a written report and added that DASC has partnered with Minnesota United they are hoping for great opportunities. They are working with Yankton Trail on some upgrades.
Director of Player Development Steve Kehm submitted a written report.
Recreational Director Mike Fairchild gave a report. They are looking at DDL dates of April 29, May 6 and May 20. They are still looking at locations. Midco Cup will be in Sioux Falls this year June 1-3. They would like all clubs to participate. They are talking about the U10 build out line. They are looking at making it midfield. They are also looking at changes to corner kicks for U11 and down. DASC will be trying some possible rule changes. Midco Cup will always be the 1st weekend in June. Midco is looking at having a bigger present at the event.
Competitive Director Frank Gurnick gave a report. Frank reported that they will be setting up the committee structure as committee chair, Steve Kehm and Dale Weiler and 1 west river representative and an east river representative. There has been talk about State Cup and it does not sound like there will be much participation. Frank will work with Dale on deadlines. Presidents Cup will have U13, U14, U16 and U18&19. They will no longer have U 19 at the national event.
Outreach & Marketing Director Jamie Lennon, it was reported that she is working on a brochure with benefits for joining USYS and for more sponsor recognition.
Risk Management Director Tony Harrison submitted a report.
Technical and executive director Dale Weiler submitted a written report and wanted to add that he is working on building relationships and feels that is very important.
Old Business:
Dale reported that they purchased a 2016 Chrysler Caravan under budget. The van has 1200 miles on it. They are looking at putting on a wrap but still working on design. They also noted that they are setting aside $3000 a year to purchase a vehicle in the future.
New Business:
The Performance Bond recommendation was presented. The motion was made by Tim and seconded by Jamie. Motion carried unanimously.
The player participation proposal was mentioned but noted that Dale and Frank would be reviewing the proposal as it needs more work. But it is to work on player commitment to an organization.
A name change for the association was presented to change from South Dakota State Soccer Association (SDSSA) to South Dakota Youth Soccer Association (SDYSA). They want everyone to know we work with the youth. Sean moved to approve the name change and Frank seconded it. The motion approved unanimously.
Tony gave some background in regards to the risk management procedure. The state has 4 to 6 thousand coaches and they would like to check a third of those coaches. The old way only a handful would be checked. They went with Sportngyn for the company to perform the background checks. To do a full check it costs $27.89. The state will be charging $10.59 per individual checked. The goal is to do at least 1700 this year. The long term goal is to check everyone each year. At this time the goal is to have a rotation to do a third over the next three years and then to do half the coaches and all new coaches until we are able to do everyone each year. The areas that will be checked are South Dakota, Wyoming, North Dakota and Iowa. If a coach is moving in from another area that state maybe checked as well. The changes to the procedure are in red and green Sean moved to approve the changes and Chris seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously so the procedure moved on to the AGM. Jamie amended the motion to add ODP administrators and Frank seconded the motion. The full motion carried unanimously.
Dale talked about the calendar and pointed out a few dates.
Dale will be getting RFPs out so we can vote on locations for the 2019 tournaments. They should have been out before the AGM but there was an error and dates will be set at the next quarterly board meeting.
Tim talked about the budget and explained how things changed and will improve in the future with the changes he is making. They are still working on cleaning up the ODP budget. The association is very financially sound. Dale was asked to step out for a brief moment. Jamie moved to approve the budget and Jenny seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Sean was the chair of the nomination committee along with Frank and Chad. The following are the officers:
President: Rex Rolfing
Treasurer: Tim Umfleet won election
LD Herrera
W Central commissioner: Sara Callaway-McGechon
S East commissioner: Sean Mallet
NE commissioner: Tom Hilsendeger commissioner
Kelly Robby alternate
Mike Watson gave a report on referees. They have 750 registered referees at this time. They had refs represent the state at Presidents Cup and Regionals. They plan on focusing on mentoring.
The regional tournament committee overspent the funds that were set aside to host the event. They just wanted to note that the board had decided to have the host club pay the shortage to the association.
Affinity had a few give a ways.
Frank moved to adjourn the meeting and Jamie seconded the motion. Motion passed.