Board of Directors


August 7, 2012

Present: Pres. Pete Debrusk, V.P. John Crooks, Bryan Bernier,Alan Anderson,

Dave Dejohn.

Absent: Mike Graves, Jim Moreau.

Professionals: Scot Flewelling, Guy Hodgdon.

Others Present: NONE

1.  Peter opened the meeting at 6:00 PM.

2.  Minutes of the June & July meeting were reviewed. Alan motioned to approve the minutes as written. Seconded by John. Unanimously Approved

3.  Bryan distributed the Treasurer’s Report. The checkbook balance as of August 7 is $ 6,534.65. The Savings account balance is $ 3,028.50. Alan motioned to approve the Tresurer’s report. Seconded by Mike. Unanimously Approved.

Bryan advised the Board that due to conflicts with his wife’s new work schedule he will be unable to continue as Sec./Treas. He will attend the Sept. Board meeting to return all the files and computer.

Pete asked all Board members to contact at least two members they know that might be willing to serve as Sec./Treas.

4.  Guy advised the Board that the membership renewal bills will be going out later this month. In an effort to save some costs on postage we will be emailing out the renewal bills.

5.  Scot reported that the Certification Committee is working on updating the manual and having it put on CD. They are going to move the recertification date to January 15th starting in 2014.

6.  No Carolyn’s Corner or Website update.

7.  John motioned to approve the new member application. Seconded by Dave.

Unanimously Approved. The new member is:

Jack Burton

Burton Landscaping, LLC

162 Sawtooth Road

Gilmanton, N.H. 03237

Tel. 267-5009


8.  Jon was not in attendance but had sent an email to all Board members reviewing the status of the Education Committee and upcoming meetings. All is in order.

9.  A confirming vote was taken on the NHLA Scholarship applicants. John motioned to split the available funds evenly between the three applicants. Seconded by Mike. Unanimously Approved.

10.  Peter advised he is going to have John Bryant at our next meeting to discuss involvement with another association.

11.  Peter reminded the Board that we need to think about changing web hosts and it would be good for each Director to see if they could find a web host that could handle our website.

The meeting adjourned at 7:05 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Guy Hodgdon for Bryan Bernier, Sec./Treas.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012 at 6:00 PM at the Hort. Farm