Interfraternity Recruitment Eligibility Appeal Form
The Gettysburg College Interfraternity community has high standards for its members’ conduct and academic efforts. As such, a man interested in joining this community must demonstrate the ability to succeed in his course work and commitment to the positive values of the Gettysburg College campus community before joining a fraternity. Minimum expectations for potential new member eligibility are as follows:
- Maintaining a cumulative GPA of no less than a 2.50.
- Accumulating no more than 4 points in the Gettysburg College conduct system.
The Gettysburg College Interfraternity Council recognizes that instances may arise which prevent a potential new member from achieving the same level of success that he may have under other circumstances. It is with this in mind that a process has been created to allow for the appeal of a PNM’s eligibility status in regards to his academic and conduct eligibility. In order to submit an appeal, the potential new member must have between a 2.20 and a 2.49 cumulative GPA. This appeal process is not available to potential new members ineligible due to conduct standing, nor a cumulative GPA below 2.20. Those two requirements are conditions set forth by Gettysburg College for membership in the Greek community, and the Interfraternity Council does not have the ability to grant exceptions.
For potential new members meeting the criteria to submit an appeal, please provide the information requested below to assist the council in its deliberations. Submitting an appeal form does not guarantee that the appeal will be granted. Only in cases where exceptional circumstances created this current situation will an appeal be granted. Providing documentation showing evidence of these extenuating circumstances is highly encouraged. Gettysburg College fraternities are very committed to academic excellence and hold that members meet their expectations whenever they are reasonably able to do so.
Name: ______Class Year: ______
Spring 2016 GPA: ______Cumulative GPA: ______
Conduct Points: ______
In order to verify the information above please review the attached Academic Waiver and Judicial Waiver and return them with your appeal. Appeals cannot be considered until both documents are signed and returned.
Please answer the following questions in a one-page double-spaced response and attach it to your appeal:
- What unusual circumstances contributed to your current academic and conduct standing and how have you worked towards improving these measures?
- What strategies will you employ to be more successful in the next coming semester?
- What do you hope to gain from your fraternity experience and how will it help improve your academic, intellectual, and community engagement?
Academic Waiver
I authorize the continual release of my academic records with the Interfraternity Council (IFC) and fraternities and give approval for my professors to share updates on my academic progress withthe fraternity in which I am a member at Gettysburg College.
I request that access to academic records maintained under my name within the Registrar’s Office and Academic Advising be shared with all organizations’recruitment chairs, the VP Recruitment from the IFC and Office of Greek Life during the recruitment period. Students will be considered registered for recruitment every semester they are enrolled thereafter, if they do not receive a bid. A student may withdraw from recruitment at any point in time by completing a withdrawal form in the Office of Student Activities and Greek Life. Upon completion of the form, academic information will no longer be shared with the IFC or fraternity representatives. The use of this information will be to determine my eligibility for participation in recruitment and membership in specific fraternities, and in determining if appeals to that eligibility should be granted.
Fraternity Membership
Upon receipt and acceptance of a bid to a fraternity, I request that access to academic records maintained within the Registrar’s Office and Academic Advising be shared with the scholarship chair, president, advisors, the national representatives of the fraternity to which I accept a bid, and the Office of Student Activities and Greek Life, for the duration of my undergraduate membership. The use of this information will beto determine each semester’s academic average for the organization; assess myacademic standing and support plan within the chapter;and alsoto determine eligibility forany scholarships available through the organization. I also request that my professors, the professional staff of the Office of Student Activities and Greek Life, and the fraternity’s scholarship chair be permitted to discuss updates regarding my current semester’s academic progress and my participation in their classes.
Iunderstand that all academic records are maintained in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974. As a result of agreeing to this waiver, I realize that the above named organizations and individuals shall receive verbal disclosure and/or written access to my records as requested.
Name (Print)
DateStudent ID
Conduct Waiver
I authorize the continual release of my conduct record to theInterfraternity Council (IFC) and fraternities at Gettysburg College.
I request that access to disciplinary records maintained under my name within Student Rights and Responsibilities be shared with all recruitment chairs ofthe IFC fraternities, the VP Recruitment fromIFC, and the Office of Student Activities and Greek Lifeduring the recruitment period. After registering once, students will be considered registered for recruitment every semester they are enrolled thereafter, if they do not receive a bid. A student may withdraw from recruitment at any point in time by completing a withdrawal form in the Office of Student Activities and Greek Life. Upon completion of the form, conduct information will no longer be shared with the IFC or fraternity representatives. The use of this information will be to determine my eligibility for participation in recruitment and membership in specific fraternities, and in determining if appeals to that eligibility should be granted.
Fraternity Membership
Upon receipt and acceptance of a bid, I request that access to disciplinary records maintained under my name within Student Rights and Responsibilities be shared with the chapterjudicial board members, advisors, national representatives of the fraternity to which I accept a bid, and the professional staff of the Office of Student Activities and Greek Lifefor the duration of my undergraduate membership. The use of this information will be to determine my membership standing in the fraternity and determining if any organizational sanctions should be imposed as a result of my conduct.
Iunderstand that all disciplinary records are maintained in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974. As a result of agreeing to this waiver, I realize that the above named organizations and individuals shall receive verbal disclosure and/or written access to my records as requested.
Name (Print)
DateStudent ID