Harmony Heights Public School
SCC Minutes – Monday, October 24, 2016
In Attendance: Sara I., Jennifer K., Darlene P., Victoria T., Cheryl B.
Absent: Diane M., Elaine A., Brandy J., Lindy W., Jaunna R., Diane S., Kelly P., Matthew C.
Administration and Teacher Rep: K. Rankin, J. Hofstede-Baker and K. Smith
Minutes: Recorded by Jennifer K.
Welcome and Approval – Sara I.
- Sara welcomed everyone.
- Sara asked for corrections and approval of previous minutes. No corrections required. Approval of minutes motioned by Jennifer K. and seconded by Victoria T.
Chair’s Report – Sara I.
- Sara discussed the annual report for the 2015/2016 school year. Darlene confirmed the proper numbers.
- Sara mentioned that Colleen S. had withdrawn her position of fundraising co-chair.
- Sara discussed the Yearly School Community Characteristics and Needs Submission. She proposed the same format as last year, requiring no changes. She would update it to the current date and re-submit the report.
Treasurer’s Report – Darlene P.
- Darlene went over the final numbers for last year.
- Opening balance for the current school year was $5330.77 as of September 30, 2016.
- On September 27, payment for 3 new laptops went through in the amount of $2667.93.
- There also a partial payment made towards new books for the library in the amount of $314.74 (remaining balance for purchasing books is $685.26).
- Current balance is now $2348.10.
Administrative Report – Kim R.
- October has been busy for sports: Cross Country wrapped up with a terrific showing by all those involved. Much appreciation to all staff that came out to support practices and meets.
- Our 2 flag football teams represented the school well at 2 home tournaments and 2 away tournaments.
- Our soccer team played their Saturday tournament in early October and played strong right to the end.
- Grade 6 students enjoyed their overnight visit to Durham Forest Oct. 13-14. They learned skills and content related to environmental science, social studies and phys-ed curriculum. Organizers commented on the great behaviour of the students.
- Three students accompanied Mme. Campbell at the Raise Your Voice Conference. The conference was to highlight ways that students can lead social justice initiatives at school. Students who attend will take a leadership role throughout the year as we strive to be an inclusive and equitable community of learners.
- On October 21, our choir performed the National Anthem under the direction of Mr. Charbonneau at the Oshawa Generals game. The school sold 162 tickets to the game. The Oshawa Generals also donated a signed stick which we can use as a raffle item at Santa Breakfast.
- The Buddy Bench has now been installed outside the primary entrance (as of the date of the meeting, it had not yet been installed).
- In October, we welcomed Jonathan Niarchos to our staff as our new Literacy/Numeracy Coach. He will support teachers in best instructional practice in Math and mainly focus on grades 3 and 6.
- Staff has been heavily involved in continued professional development through job-embedded opportunities (Collaborative Planning and Teaching) and after school and Saturday opportunities (professional book clubs and Kindergarten Teacher Symposium).
- Grade 6 teachers would be participating in C.I.L.M. workshops.
- The chocolate fundraiser was a success.
- The We Scare Hunger Food Drive was underway
Fundraising Report – Sara I. for Elaine A.
- There will be a meeting held November 2nd @ 7 pm to discuss the Santa breakfast for this year which is fast approaching.
- Santa breakfast will be held on Saturday December 3rd, 2016 with 2 sittings. We are looking for volunteers to help out.
- Classes will again be making the baskets for the raffle. Families will be asked to donate something towards these baskets.
- Oshawa Generals will be donating a signed stick as part of the raffle prizes.
- Discussion regarding the online shopping fundraiser, Flip Give. Limited retailers involved with a small return, but may still be worthwhile as an option.
Open Discussion and New Business – All
- Jennifer K. asked about police checks for volunteers in the classroom and on class trips. Not mandatory, but always a good idea to have.
- Sara I. asked about teachers use of Apps and websites to keep parents up-to-date. It's the teachers choice to do this, also depends on the individual teacher’s level of comfort with technology. There would be some discussions about this during staff meetings.
- Sara I. asked about homework. Teachers are assigning less homework. Homework is usually just work that has not been completed during class time.
- Kim R. discussed celebrating Canada 150 and having kids do their own rendering of tulips that can then be made into tiles with Budding Artists ( as a fundraiser. Artwork can also be generated into different items, ie. Cups, key-chains, etc.
- There being no other new business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:56 pm.
- Subcommittee Meeting for Santa Breakfast: Wednesday November 2, 2016 @ 7:00 pm
- Next regular SCC Meeting: Monday, November 28, 2016 @ 7:00 pm