The project is co-funded by EU through the Bulgaria – Serbia IPACross-border Programme


General Communication Strategy

1.Overall communication objectives

1.1. To increase the project awareness and support the dissemination of its results.

1.2. To promote the EU financial support.

2.Target groups

2.1. Within the trans-border area - providers of social services and public bodies, responsible for local and regional social policy and child protection (beneficiaries); general public in the area.

2.2. Within both Bulgaria and Serbia - providers of social services and public bodies, responsible for local, regional and national social policy and child protection; general public in the countries.

3.Specific objectives for each target group, related to the action's objectives and the phases of the project cycle

3.1.Providers of social services and public bodies, responsible for local, regional and national social policy and child protection – presenting the project methodology (for possible multiplication); introducing the achieved project results; ensuring their awareness of the partners’ contribution and the EU financial support.

3.2. General public: raising public awareness of the target region social problems and needs, as well as the social sector contribution to the regional development; underlining the EU financial support.

Communication activities

4. Main activities that will take place during the period, covered by the communication and visibility plan

No. / Activity description / Place and period of implementation / Responsible partner or person
1 / Creating a project logo that will be used together with the EU logo ang the programme logo in order to highlight the general objective of the project. / Vidin, August 2011 / LP(PP1)
2 / Creating project documents and forms templates in accordance with the visual identification rules. / Vidin, August – September 2011 / LP(PP1)
3 / Creating info banners for the project events and displays for the offices of the partners. / Vidin, September – October 2011 / LP(PP1)
4 / Creating a project poster in Bulgarian and Serbian languages (200 issues) and disseminating it in the target area / Target region, September-October 2011 / LP (PP1), PP2
5 / Holding a press-conference during First thematic forum / Vidin, November 2011 / LP(PP1),
PR specialist
6 / Holding a press-conference during Second thematic forum / Nis, December 2011 / PP2
7 / Developing and publishing of a website. It will be developed as a tool not only for giving information for the target groups, but also one for engaging more public bodies from the social sphere. The bilingual (Bulgarian/Serbian) web-site will provide necessary channels for information and communication of the network. It will visualize the data-base (profiles of institutions and organizations, description of the services, good practices, legislative basis, etc.), will describe and inform about project activities and their results, will offer an interactive forum, etc.Some of the products of the project will be available for free download on the site - i.e. all publictions. Some of materials can be in English language as well. / Web, December 2011 / LP(PP1),
IT specialist
8 / Holding a press-conference during Conclusion forum / Vidin, May 2012 / LP(PP1),
PR specialist
9 / Organizing an exposition in both languages. It will be presented in Vidin for one week in the time of the conclusion forum and before that for a week in Nis. We plan to do presentation in public places, such as for example the foaye of the municipal buildings. The local and national media will be invited for the opening. The same display boards (but with different posters - in respective language) will be used in both cities. The project will cover rent for halls and security expenses. / Vidin and Nis, May 2012 / LP (PP1), PP2
10 / Creating and distributing a collection with project methodology and results. The Collection with the data-base and other products of the project (research analysis, Conception, etc.) will be printed in both languages (BG/SER) – A5, 160 pages, 300 issues. It will be disseminated among responsible public institutions, providers of social services, media in the target regions and beyond. / Target area, June-July 2012 / LP (PP1), PP2
11 / Inviting media representatives in all public events during the project implementation. / Vidin, Nis, November 2011 – May 2012 / LP (PP1), PP2,
PR specialist
12 / Presenting the project and its activities on-going on the web-sites of the partners. / Web, August 2011 – July 2012 / LP (PP1), PP2

5.Communication tools chosen

5.1. Web-site: it will be accessible worldwide and will consists of all kind of project information, including copies of other communication tools (such as printed materials); it will be accessible in both languages (BG/SER) and also in English at some parts; it will work at least two years after the end of the project, etc.; it will be also useful for a promotion of the EU support.

5.2. Printed materials distribution: the hard copies of the Collection with the project methodology, data-base, results, etc. will reach 300 experts/organizations in both countries; 200 posters in both languages will give general information for the project and EU support to the general public in the area.

5.3. Exposition: it will give an opportunity for the specialists and local people in both Vidin and Nis to be aware of the social sector contribution to the regional development.

5.4. Press-conferences: the information will reach general public through the media in the target area and beyond with information about the project.

5.5. Visualization (offices, public events, documents): The EU financial support will be promoted.

6.Completion of the communication objectives

Indicators of achievement:

-One project logo created;

-One set of project documents/forms in accordance with visualization rules created;

-2 info banners and 2 displays created and used during public events and in the offices of the partners;

-3 press-conferences holded with participation of min. 5 media representatives each;

-200 posters printed and distributed to the social services providers, public institutions, media, etc.;

-300 collections printed and distributed to the social services providers, public institutions, media, etc.;

-One web-site created and published, min. 1000 visits counted in the period of the project;

-Min. 10 publications (articles, reportages, interviews) published in the media about the project;

-One exposition with 80 posters created and exposed during 10 days in Vidin and Nis.

7. Provisions for feedback

The means used to get feedback on the activity from participants will include:

7.1. Assessment forms (for the forums and training).

7.2. Records on the communication tool of the web-site (i.e. web-forum).

7.3. Records on the visitor book for the exposition.


8. Human Resources

8.1. Person/days required to implement the communication activities – 60.

8.2. Members of the management team responsible for the communication activities – manager of the project, coordinator for Bulgaria, coordinator for Serbia.

9. Financial resources

Budget required to implement the communication activities:

Printed materials – 3700 euro

IT specialist (web design) – 1800 euro

PR specialist – 200 euro

Domain name and web hosting – 45 euro

Press-conferences – 100 euro

Total: 5845 euro

Percentage of the overall budget for the action) – 6,77%
