Tender Advertisement No.506/2017
Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute
37, S.P.Mukherjee Road
No. GA-3 (32)/97 Dated : 11th January 2017
Tender for pest control at CNCI
The Director , CNCI ,invites sealed quotations from the reputed agencies having experience in pesticide termite, fumigation, Bed Bug, and de-ratting etc. treatment in different areas of CNCI and RNMCRC, Chandannagar on annual contract basis.
Last date for submission of tenders 27thJanuary 2016 upto 2pm
Opening of tenders 27thJanuary 2016 after 3pm
Tender Documents are to be downloaded from the web sitewww.cnci.org.in
No hard copy of the tender document will be available from the office.
Terms and conditions for pest control
1.Rates are to be quoted inclusive of Taxes. And item wise and as a whole.
2.The Chemicals mentioned in the specification for pest control are to be used .
3.Quoted price should be inclusive of chemicals, manpower andtransportation.nameof the company against each chemical to be used are to be mentioned. The procedure of each treatment is to be mentioned.. Quantities and qualities of the materials are to be included.
4.Water will be provided free of cost.
5.The contract will be for a period of one year. Extension for further period will be considered depending on the performance .
6.The contractor should possess valid trade license, copy of which is to be submitted along with the quotation.
7.At the time of Agreement ,the successful tenderer will have to submit Security deposit @ 10% of the annual tender value in the form of demand draft, in favour of the Director, CNCI, payable at Kolkata.
8.Movement /displacement of any item of furniture or other material of the office done if any for performing the job , is to be restored to its original place after completion of the work.
9.The servicing done by the company should be properly recorded with signature of Head/in-charge of respective Department/unit.
10.The agency shall be responsible to maintain the laws , rules and regulations relating to labour, payment of wages ,safety measures and various taxes to the Government and statutory requirement.
11.Requirement of service and areas to be covered will be as per Tender Advertisement.
12.The work should be undertaken on a mutually convenient day and without inconvenience to the members of the staff and patient.
13.The company should have the credential for such job in any government hospital /office Document in support of the credential is to be submitted along with the Tender papers.
14.No advance payment will be made. Payment will be made on the monthly bills only.
15.CNCI will provide no space for storage of materials.
16.The selected Company will have to give an undertaking that they will take appropriate measure during their work to make the discomfort minimum to the patients and other people.
17.The institute reserves the right to terminate the contract by one month’s notice without assigning any reason.
18.The Director reserves the right to accept or reject any or all quotations without assigning any reason.
Specification for pest controlDescriptio of work / Type of treatment / name of chemicals / Areas to be covered / frequency of service
Pest control and de-rating / general pest control / Deltamethrin-2.5%SC / Ground floor to 8th. Floor / once in a month
for control of Cockroaches / Betacyfluthrine2.45%SC / in research Building
Mosquitoes, files, / Diclorovos76%EC
Red and Black ants / Fenthion-82.5%EC / All wards including / once in a week
Spiders etc. / Emidaclopride-30.50%SC / 200 beds/departments.
Propoxure 20%EC etc. / Ground floor and 1st. Fl. At
mixed with water / RNMCRC / once in a month
Rodent and De-Rating / a / Forate 10% CG,
Zinc Phosphate/Recumine
mixed with foods
Anti-Termite Treatment / For Control of Termite / Chlorpyrifos20%EC/50%EC
Bifenthrin2.5%EC/Fipronil / same as pest control and / once in a month
2.92% w/w EC / de-ratting
Imidaclopride30.5% SC
Fumigation / Cypermethrin 3% / 1st. And 5th. Floor O.T. / once in a monbth
ITU, Libraries
Bed Bug / Fention-82.5% EC
Propoxur20% w/w / CNCI Complex / once in a week
Deltamethrin 2.5% SC
Methyl Parathion 50% EC
Mosquito treatment / CNCI Complex / once in a week