2014 Municipal Election Questionnaire
Name:Email address:
Municipality:Running for the Office of:
This survey, sponsored by the Ontario Sewer and Watermain Construction Association (OSWCA) and the (insert Local Association name here) is designed to help our industry understand where municipal candidates’ stand on investment in water and waste-water infrastructure.
- What initiatives have you supported/will you support during your time in office that have improved or will improve water and waste-water infrastructure in your municipality?
- Do you intend to put your name forward to sit on your municipality’s Public Works Committee?
Yes ___ No ___
- Numerous government and third-party reports recommend that municipalities establish separate corporate entities and dedicated reserve accounts in order to appropriately operate, maintain, repair, and replace water and sewer infrastructure. Do you support these recommendation?
- What are your thoughts on water conservation and how it might best be achieved (e.g. government incentives, regulation, water metering, etc)?
- Do you support full cost recovery practices and dedicated reserves in order to promote water conservation and long-term financial stability for your municipality’s water and sewer system?
- Municipal infrastructure investment needs to be done strategically, rather than tactically. In order to accomplish this in a transparent manner, municipalities need to move towards a comprehensive asset management system to prioritize infrastructure rehabilitation and replacement, and guide long-term investment. Such an approach will ensure that investments are being made where they are most needed, rather than wanted. If elected, would you work towards implementing such a system? Why or why not?
Thank you for taking the time to complete the questionnaire. Please return it to:
Email address
Mailing Address of Local Association
The OSWCA and its members wish to thank those candidates who have contributed and will continue to contribute to the health and well-being of their communities through supporting investment in water infrastructure
Sincerely on behalf of the (insert Local Association name here) Board of Directors.
Name of local President