Assessment sheet for reviewers
ACCEPT (ready for publication)
ACCEPT (with no more than minor revisions)
RESUBMIT (with major revisions)
/ 19 September 2018
Very high / High / Acceptable / Low / Very low


  • Do the research question(s), method(s) and result(s) contribute to current research?
  • Are the topic covered and the theoretical and methodological framework new or used in new and exciting ways?
  • Does the article make an original contribution to the field? To what extent does it break new intellectual ground?
  • Did you learn something new by reading this article?


  • Is the article’s length suitable (maximum 8000 words)?
  • Is the structuring and weight of the different sections appropriate for answering the research questions in a satisfactory manner?
  • Is the language concise and suitable with a sufficient level of detail?
  • Are observations, reflections and recommendations clearly formulated and to the point?
  • Is the quality of communication high? What is the standard of the writing, including spelling and grammar?


  • Is the article overall coherent and consistent with a clear argumentation? Does the explanatory logic make the research question(s), analysis, and conclusions easy to follow?
  • Are the main concepts or categories adequately defined? Are they used consistently? Should other concepts or categories have been considered?
  • Are conclusions drawn from empirical data, textual analysis, sources, or represented objects clear and insightful? Do they effectively advance the themes addressed by the article?
  • Is the author critically aware of any limitations that might befall the article due to the author’s own premise? Does the author acknowledge alternate perspectives, approaches, and paradigms?
  • Does the article adequately document, acknowledge, and reference existing findings, research, practices and literature within its field


  • What are the prospects and range of applicability and appreciation within the research community? Are these addressed by the author?