K-12 Partnership Program
Course Descriptions
Models for K-12 Internet Connectivity Conference
"Models for K-12 Internet Connectivity" is a full-day symposium designed to provide educators with the knowledge and information required to get their schools and districts connected to the Information Superhighway. The conference includes a brief video, "Connecting to the Future," which describes the educational benefits and diverse options available for Internet connectivity. An on-line demonstration of K-12 science curriculum resources available on the Internet showcased many NJNIE-developed curriculum materials, as well as other national projects and resources for educators. Four breakout sessions provided detailed information for schools at varying stages of Internet connectivity, from single user, dial-up connectivity solutions to cable TV, to scenarios for connecting local area and wide area networks (LANs and WANs).
Basic Internet Training
This basic course will teach educators how to use the Internet and introduce its potential to enrich students' experiences in the classroom. Educators will learn the specific requirements
and costs associated with connecting a computer to the Internet through a local Internet Service Provider (ISP). The hands-on portion will include learning how to compose, send and receive email using "point and click" email software and an introduction to Netscape (a browser for viewing the World Wide Web). Participants will explore specific educational web sites that
have the potential for classroom and professional development applications. Each participant will receive a FREE email account when they complete this course.
Searching Strategies/EBSCO Library Resources
Participants will spend the first half of the day exploring Internet search engines such as Alta Vista and Lycros and strategies for using various searching tools most effectively, as well as appropriate ways to incorporate Internet searching into classroom activities. The second half-day of training will cover installation of the EBSCO software, accessing the EBSCO database, and using the software to search for information. K-12 Partnership schools are eligible for a
free EBSCO account through CIESE for up to two years. This resource, worth approximately $6,050 per year, provides teachers and students on-line access to the full text of over 350 journals and periodicals, as well as abstracts of approximately 650 additional publications. EBSCO is the largest provider of subscription services to schools in the country.
Internet Applications for Educators (Part Iand II)
This TWO DAY workshop will focus on direct curriculum applications of the Internet in the classroom, particularly in the areas of science and mathematics. Participants will engage in hands-on exploration of unique and compelling Internet resources, such as on-line experts, "real time"data (e.g. weather satellite images), and othercompelling Internet-based projects which participants can join. One major focus will be on the use of the Internet in collaborative projects, such as linking up with schools around the world to investigate water quality. Educators will be shown how to find these projects on the Internet as well as how to develop and implement there own collaborative project. Time will be given to develop a project which fits into a teacher’s existing curriculum, promotes the New Jersey Core Curriculum Standards and enriches students learning experiences in math and science.
Internet Data Exploration Activities in Science
This workshop will expand upon some of the real-time data resources that are introduced in the Internet Application for Educators workshop. Teachers will be walked through several real time data activities and given the necessary resources to implement these activities in their classrooms. These activities will cover a wide range of science and math topics and incorporate the integration of math and science whenever possible. Part of this workshop will be dedicated to more open ended “guided” exploration of several real time modules.
Mathematical Explorations Using the Internet
This workshop will focus on using the Internet as a resource for teaching and learning mathematical topics in grades 6 through 10. Participants will experience activities that use Internet resources such as WeatherNet On-line stations which allow school-based weather stations to be directly connected to the Internet. This provides participating schools the means to exchange, compare, plot and graph real time and historical weather conditions from sites round the world. The "Noon Day" project which re-creates Eratosthenes' (200BC) famous attempt to measure accurately the circumference of the earth, will also be explored. This experiment involves measuring shadows, using scale drawings, solving proportions, geometry and learning why the measurement of angles (better known as trigonometry) can be useful. Strategies for adjusting these projects to fit the constraints of the typical school day will be discussed. The workshop will also share with participants useful mathematics sites on the Internet which offer a variety of effective resources for classroom use.
How to Design a Web Site
This TWO DAY workshop will provide educators with the skills and tools to develop a web site (or home page) for their own schools. Basic HTML codes, web page design, image formats, and file transfer protocols (FTP) will be covered in the first dayof the workshop. Participants will create their own web sites, using a temporary six-month account provided by the NJNIE project. Instructions for securing a personal or school account will be provided. The second day follow-up "help lab" will offer participants experience with advanced
techniques and additional guidance in the development of their web site in an informal setting. CIESE/NJIN staff will be on-site for one-to-one consultation.
Exploring Meteorology Using the Internet
This one-day workshop will focus on using the Internet in the study of meteorology. Participants will begin with hands-on exploration of a wide range of Internet-based resources, including live GOES-9 visible satellite images, hurricane tracking sites, and hourly reports from hundreds of weather stations around the world. Several Internet-based lesson plans which incorporate the use of real-time weather data will be introduced. As a result of this workshop, participants will be able to implement Internet-based meteorology projects, collaborate with meteorologists via email, and access a wide range of real-time weather related data.
Exploring Geology Using the Internet
This one-day workshop will focus on using the Internet in the study of geology. Participants will begin with hands-on exploration of a wide range of Internet-based resources, from live earthquake data to collaboration with geologists and volcanologists at the U.S. Geological Survey. Several NJNIE-developed curriculum modules which cover traditional geology
topics, such as plate tectonics and earthquakes, will be introduced. As a result of this workshop, participants will be able to implement in their classrooms Internet- based geology modules, related hands-on activities that elucidate the topic, and several email-based collaborative projects on geological topics.
Exploring Oceanography Using the Internet
This one-day workshop will focus on using the Internet in the study of oceanography. Participants will begin with hands-on exploration of a wide range of Internet-based resources, from heat sensitive infrared satellite images of major ocean currents such as the Gulf Stream, to remote sensing data from ships and buoys at sea. Several NJNIE- developed curriculum modules which cover traditional oceanography topics, such as surface currents, salinity, and the marine food chain, will be introduced. As a result of this workshop, participants will be able to implement in their classrooms Internet-based oceanography modules, related hands-on activities that elucidate the topic, and several email-based collaborative projects on oceanography.
Exploring Environmental Studies Using the Internet
This one-day workshop will focus on using the Internet in the study of environmental topics. Participants will begin with hands-on exploration of a wide range of Internet-based resources, from remote sensing data from rivers around the U.S. to collaboratively- generated acid rain information. Several NJNIE-developed curriculum modules centered around using email-based collaborative projects to exchange water quality data will be introduced. As a result of this workshop, participants will be able to implement in their classrooms Internet-based environmental modules, related hands-on activities that elucidate the topics, and several email-based collaborative projects