The Fairbank City Council met in regular session on Monday, April 9, 2012. Mayor Welsh called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Members present: Vorwald, Erickson, Woods, Mangrich and Sullivan. Also present: Dave Ryan, Public Works Director; John Goeller, Maintenance; Heather Prendergast, City Attorney; B. J. Sackett, Police Chief and Marlene Strempke, City Clerk.
Motion by Woods, second by Sullivan to amend the agenda to include: Appointment to Pool Board. Roll call vote—Ayes: Woods, Sullivan, Mangrich, Erickson and Vorwald. Nays: None.
Motion by Mangrich, second by Erickson to approve the agenda as amended. Roll call vote—Ayes: Mangrich, Erickson, Woods, Vorwald and Sullivan. Nays: None.
Motion by Woods, second by Vorwald to approve the minutes of the March 26th regular meeting. Roll call vote—Ayes: Woods, Vorwald, Sullivan, Mangrich and Erickson. Nays: None.
Motion by Vorwald, second by Erickson to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Receipts for the month of March were: General, $8,302.47; Special Revenue, $19,079.57; TIF, $3,615.55; Capital, $30.36; Permanent Fund, $19.29 and Proprietary, $150,378.84. Disbursements were: General, $15,418.74; Special Revenue, $2,371.44 and Proprietary, $108,554.93. Balance on hand at the close of business on March 31, 2012 was $2,267,079.06. Roll call vote—Ayes: Vorwald, Erickson, Mangrich, Sullivan and Vorwald. Nays: None.
Larry Burger of Speer Financial and Jon Biederman of TeKippe Engineering were present to discuss the scope of the Main Street Project and the possible financing options available. The current debt limit was discussed and the possible use of revenue bonds. The sewer upgrade will need to be taken into consideration as well. More discussion will be held before any decisions are made.
Motion by Mangrich, second by Sullivan to approve the request of Dan and Linda Cutsforth to operate the concession stand at the ball park on behalf of the IC Church youth program. Roll call vote—Ayes: Mangrich, Sullivan, Vorwald, Woods and Erickson. Nays: None.
George and Linda Whalen were present to discuss the discharge of rain water from their sump pump. Councilmen Woods and Vorwald will check out the situation in the next two weeks and it will be on the next agenda.
Motion by Mangrich, second by Woods to approve the mayor to sign the Agreement for services with TeKippe Engineering for the Need Survey. Roll call vote—Ayes: Mangrich, Woods, Erickson, Sullivan and Vorwald. Nays: None.
Motion by Mangrich, second by Erickson to pay the bills as presented with the following exceptions: Hold the B & K Automotive bill for $348.24 and to include the Modern Building Products bill for $1,230.32. Roll call vote—Ayes: Mangrich, Erickson, Woods, Vorwald and Sullivan. Nays: None.
Black Hawk Waste Disposal, Service 4508.53
Brown Supply Co, Supplies 34.50
Buchanan County Auditor, Dispatch 5302.00
Stuart C. Irby Co. Supplies 295.42
B & B Farm Store, Supplies 5.40
Butler County REC, Labor 735.00
Butler County REC, Electric 42457.67
City of Fairbank, Utilities 354.22
Continental Research Corp. Supplies 173.15
Don’s Truck Sales, Veh. Maint. 286.15
Emergency Medical Products, Supplies 125.00
Fairbank Firemen’s Fund, Training 694.97
Hub City Implement, Equip Maint. 145.73
Hawkeye Fire & Safety Co., Labor 36.60
IA Assoc. of Municipal Utilities, Supplies 370.10
Windstream, Service 453.03
Joe Miller Plumbing & Heating, Repairs 52.10
Keystone Laboratories, Testing 191.90
Kirkwood Community College, Training 30.00
Knapp’s Service, Equip Maint. 40.41
K-Mart, Supplies 12.49
Manatt’s Inc., Concrete 998.36
Miller Fence Co. Supplies 1193.69
Modern Building Products, Supplies 1230.32
Ron Miller, Mileage 169.20
Oelwein Publishing, Publications 122.21
Overhead Door Co., Supplies 180.00
TriTech Emergency Medical Systems, Billing 550.00
Office of Vehicle Services, Inspections 120.00
Pronto Market, Gas 1219.98
Quality Truck Rebuilders, Rent 1080.00
Rite Price Office Supply, Supplies 340.26
Roberts, Stevens, Prendergast & Guthrie, Service 710.00
Schutte Spraying Service, Labor 374.00
Secretary of State, Notary Renewal 30.00
TeKippe Engineering, Services 11091.30
Grainger, Supplies 105.45
Maurice Welsh, Mileage 148.50
Woods Construction, Inc. Building 59061.76
Jerry Hayzlett, Labor 50.00
Janet Schoonver, Util Dep Refund 200.00
Chris Rechkemmer, Util Dep Refund 200.00
Nancy Holub, Ambulance Refund 285.60
Fairbank Postmaster, Postage 173.00
City of Fairbank, Replenish Petty Cash 23.32
Clayton Energy Corp. Gas 15395.49
Delta Dental, Premium 188.04
Windstream, Service 5.99
US Cellular, Cell Phones 178.20
Wellmark, Premium 3971.58
City of Fairbank, Utilities 4369.62
IPERS, Benefits 2543.33
US Treasury, 941 taxes 354.52
US Treasury, 941 taxes 825.60
US Treasury, 941 taxes 3056.99
Treasurer, State of Iowa, SWT 2072.00
Treasurer, State of Iowa, Sales Tax 3066.45
Payroll Claims 12212.25
The Library Board approved the following bills on April 4, 2012:
Baker & Taylor, Books 1070.48
Book Look, Books 188.87
Nick Curley, Labor 20.00
Fairbank Public Library, Petty Cash 9.40
Karen Tiedt, Supplies, Mileage, Videos 146.02
K-Mart, Video 20.99
Modern Building Products, Supplies 7.68
Payroll Claims 1386.99
Motion by Woods, second by Sullivan to approve the appointment of Jason Kayser to the Pool Board. Roll call vote—Ayes: Woods, Sullivan, Mangrich, Erickson and Vorwald. Nays: None.
Motion by Mangrich, second by Erickson to adjourn at 7:47 P.M. Roll call vote—Ayes: Mangrich, Erickson, Woods, Vorwald and Sullivan. Nays: None.
Maurice, Mayor
Marlene Strempke, City Clerk