Oklahoma State Resolution International Education 1

Proposal for an International Education Resolution for the State of Oklahoma

Sunny Garner, OklahomaNAFSAState Representative

I. Objective:

Request the State of Oklahoma adopt a resolution encouraging and supporting international education.

II. Purposes:

To promote mutual understanding between Oklahomans and citizens of other countries by encouraging international education programs at Oklahoma colleges, universities and language schools. Stronger international trade and commerce are a natural outcome of such activities.

III. Financial Impact and Cost to the State:

A resolution supporting international education will benefit the State of Oklahoma financially, by bringing money into the state, and at no cost to Oklahomans (monetary or otherwise). The net contribution to the Oklahoma economy by foreign students and their families was$155, 973, 000 for the 2005/2006 academic year according to a conservative statistical analysis conducted by NAFSA, Association of International Educators (addendum 1). International students could be considered long term ‘tourists’ to the state in terms of economic stimulus and development. Furthermore, the expertise of international students and scholars in teaching roles provides a direct benefit for preparing Oklahomans for the workforce. As a requirement for a Student or Exchange Visitor visa, applicants must provide financial documentation to indicate their ability to finance tuition and living expenses while residing in Oklahoma without working. Students pay non-resident tuition rates and are required to maintain full-time enrollment, thereby significantly impacting Oklahoma colleges and universities. Furthermore, the diversity of students interacting with domestic students prepares all students for a global workforce and mutual understanding.

Without a resolution, Oklahoma risks losing international students and scholars, as well as business income, to other states that are actively engaging in international education.

IV. Background Information:

1)International education significantly impacts and contributes to the state economy and to a stronger and diverse higher education environment. Domestic students benefit from new methods of learning and an expanded global awareness.

2)International education includes curricular offerings that teach foreign languages, address global issues and provide in-depth understanding of other cultures. International education includes infusing cultural aspects into a broad spectrum of curriculum. Oklahoma residents who choose to study abroad contribute to increased global awareness within the state. International collaboration is required to obtain the best breakthroughs in research, technology, and international educators are utilized to share knowledge and develop new expertise.

3)International students add diversity to local communities, promote cultural and ethnic tolerance and produce relationships with business and community leaders that continue to promote Oklahoma.

4)Oklahoma has an active foreign trade market and is geographicallyfirst-rate because of its central location in the United States. Businesses choose to come to Oklahoma because they believe in the workforce. As Oklahomans are exposed to ethnic and cultural diversity in higher education and their communities, they can compete for international business opportunities making Oklahoma workers globally marketable. Furthermore, Oklahoma must prepare academic, business and technical professions with the knowledge and skills to work and succeed in an international context. Oklahoma must maintain and expand ties to international industry. Strong international business ties directly affect revenue and future ventures for Oklahoma. A resolution supporting international education would in turn support the international marketplace within Oklahoma.

5)The foundation of the amended Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) and the Patriot Act have defined clear boundaries for those who may present a terrorist threat. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) developed the Student Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) under the authority of the United States Immigration Custom Enforcement agency (USICE) and with the guidance of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) to monitor and track international students and exchange visitors post 9/11. Due to the tracking measures and increased security throughout the country, Oklahoma is safeguarded more than ever from those people entering the country with hidden agendas. Furthermore, because of tracking measures it is unlikely international students remain in the country illegally.

6)The foundation of international education is educating students and scholars without boundaries of a location. Oklahoma has a strong record of leadership in international education exchange. Foreign students and scholars choose Oklahoma 20th in the nation to complete their higher education. For the 2003/2004 academic year, international students brought in $168,118,000 in revenue to the State of Oklahoma. For the 2004/2005 academic year, international students brought in $150,983,000 to the OklahomaState economy, approximately a 10% decrease from the previous year. This year, the estimated revenue was $155, 973, 000, a 3% increase over the previous year. By introducing a resolution, Oklahoma could send an inviting message to foreign students and scholars to choose Oklahoma for higher education at no cost to the state.

7)International students represent their country of origin as future leaders, but their experience in the United States, specifically Oklahoma, shapes not only their education experience, but their world view. In addition, Oklahoma students who study abroad gain the same insight. Diplomacy as a result of first hand experience is an immeasurable benefit that expands beyond Oklahoma state lines.

8)Governor Brad Henry’s Office issued Proclamations supporting International Education Week in 2004, 2005 and 2006 (addendum 2) directly addressing the need for international education for Oklahoma.

9)International education is supported by other state agencies. Oklahoma Associations Supporting International Studies (OASIS) supports international education. OASIS is a collaboration of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, the Oklahoma State Department of Education, and the Oklahoma Department of Commerce. OASIS offers resources for primary, secondary, and postsecondary students and educators and seeks to globalize K-16 curricula.

10) Hundreds of international high school and college students annually come to the State Capitol for International Student Awareness Day at the State Capitol. State Senator Bernest Cain (D-OklahomaCity), who serves as the co-chair of the Special Joint Committee on International Development, said the event has been occurring for over a decade. In 2004 over 500 international high school and college students attended the event. The event is sponsored by the Special Joint Committee on International Development, the Governor’s International Team and the Oklahoma Department of Commerce. Representative Shane Jett has led the event the last two years.

11)Five other states, including two neighbors to Oklahoma, have already adopted an International Education Resolution post 9/11. These include:Kentucky in April 2002, California in September 2002, Louisiana in April 2003, Texas in May of 2004 and April 2005, Nevada in May of 2005 and Mississippi in spring of 2005 (addendums 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7). Arkansas just adopted an international education policy January 17, 2007 (addendum 8). By adopting an International Education Resolution, Oklahoma would be recognized nationwide as a leader in international education and progressive in the international market.

National security, foreign and domestic policy, economic competitiveness, advancement of education and skills for workforce and capacity for tolerance depends significantly on our ability to provide the future leadership of Oklahoma with the broadest possible education.

V. Proposed Elements for a Statement on Oklahoma Policy for International Education:

We propose a policy that encourages all public and private institutions of higher education and language training in the State of Oklahoma to develop, as their resources permit, programs that support learning about other cultures and global concerns, as well as encourage the exchange of Oklahoma domestic students to study abroad. The policy statement would further encourage institutions to develop courses and programs in international studies, to promote the presence of international students and scholars, and to facilitate international exchange programs, as their resources permit.


  1. Institutions are encouraged, as resources permit, to establish the following:
  1. Develop courses of study in as many fields and disciplines as possible to increase students’ awareness and understanding of global issues and cultural differences.
  1. Further develop courses in foreign languages and communication to prepare students to seek careers in a global marketplace and enhance understanding of other nation’s cultures, values and beliefs.
  1. Provide opportunities for Oklahoman students in all majors to participate in study abroad programs to enrich their academic training, perspectives, and personal development. Further encourage study abroad opportunities through scholarships or promote participation of established programs supporting study abroad like the David L. Boren National Security Education Program (NSEP).
  1. Provide opportunities for domestic and international students to interact effectively and routinely to share their views, perspectives and experiences in international settings.
  1. Develop innovative public educational forums and venues to explore global issues and showcase world cultures.
  1. Institutions are also encouraged, as resources permit, to accomplish all of the following:
  1. Encourage the presence of qualified students from other countries with sufficient geographic diversity to inspire an appreciation for differences among cultures, and a deeper understanding of the values and perspectives of other people.
  2. Facilitate faculty exchange and collaborative partnership programs with institutions in other countries.
  1. Initiate collaborative research undertakings to address issues of global significance.
  1. Encourage and define opportunities for study abroad for domestic students.
  1. Recruit and retain the world’s best and brightest faculty to educate Oklahoma students as globally competent citizens through exchange programs.

As the globe is shrinking in terms of business and education, Oklahoma must be ready to meet the opportunities in a global marketplace. By adopting a Resolution to support international education, Oklahoma is taking the first steps in meeting the challenge. International education supports international students and scholars, but it also offers a cultural exchange for residents of Oklahoma. Oklahomans’ must have a global perspective to compete in today’s marketplace.