From: McManus, Craig [mailto:

Sent: Monday, December 19, 201110:48 AM

To: Cannon, Patrick (LARA)

Cc: Jones, Leamon (LARA); Beatty, Timothy; Cavataio, Christyne; Doyle, Julya; Jones, David; Sadler, Charles; Stegemiller, Megan; Rankin-White, Sue

Subject: MCB Final CAP Approval

Good morning Pat,

I want to thank you and the MCB staff involved, especially Leamon, for the time and effort expended in the development of the Corrective Action Plan (CAP) that resulted from RSA's FY 2009 monitoring review. RSA acknowledges the difficulty in reviewing the documentation to determine the allowability of services provided through the Certified Expenditure agreements. Additionally, the IL Part B corrective action regarding SILC Appointments and Term Limits for Non-Voting Members, impacting both MRS and MCB, has been addressed through the MRSCAP.

The team has carefully reviewed MCB's submissions, and we have concluded that all of the corrective actions are ready for approval.

The corrective actions that are approved are as follows:

Approved VR Chapter Corrective Actions:

1. Cooperative Agreements with Grants to American Indian VR Programs

2. Youth Low Vision Program

3. Financial Needs Testing for SSI/SSDI recipients

Approved Fiscal Corrective Actions Items:

1. SILC Providing Donated CIL Funds to MCB for Match

2. Unallowable Certified Expenditures

3. Assigning Personnel Costs

4. Periodic Certification

5. Youth Low Vision Program Match

6. Unallowable Source of Non-Federal Funds - Benefits to Private Donor 7. Financial Reporting 8. Unallowable Costs - MOPIX

I have attached the approved corrective action documents submitted for the FY 2009 MCBCAP. RSA is requesting that MCB report quarterly progress on the completion of corrective actions and specific steps taken to address compliance findings. This will include the submission of any revised policies, procedures, or implementing documents.

RSA requests that the first quarterly progress report be submitted by April 15, 2012. The subsequent submissions of quarterly progress reports will be due July 15, 2012, October 15, 2012, January 15, 2013, etc. Further quarterly progress report submissions will follow the quarters of the federal fiscal year(s) until the CAP activities resolve the findings identified. In addition to the quarterly progress reports, MRS may complete more frequent updates or submissions in accordance with the timeline to complete specific CAP steps.

Please let me know if you have any questions or need further assistance. I look forward to working with you and other MCB staff to address these findings and corrective actions.

Thank you,

Craig McManus

Financial Management Specialist

Rehabilitation Services Administration

550 12th Street, S.W. Room 5181

Washington, D.C., 20202
