Florida Benchmarks Review
Circle the letter of the best answer.
OGalileo drew the following model of the solar system. What does this model show?
A The distance between Earth and the sun changes as Earth moves around the sun.
B Some, but not all, of the planets move around the sun.
1. Ear th is the center of the solar system.
2. Earth and the other planets move around the sun.
OHow did Rachel Carson change scientific knowledge?
A Her observations of the night sky supported the heliocentric model.
B She proved that doctors should wash their hands before delivering babies.
C She showed that the pesticide, DDT, harms animals.
D She proved that mass could be converted to energy. sc.1.N.2. 1
QWhy is the law of gravity not a theory?
A Itdescribes an observed pattern in nature without attempting to explain it.
B It does not describe an observed pattern in nature.
C It describes a wide range of observations.
D Scientists thin k that it could one day be proved incorrect.
eWhat is the basis for all scientific explanations?
A laws
B opinions
A controversy
B empirical evidence
8Why should scientists debate the results of a scientific experiment?
l A They want to figure out who gets credit.
B They notice errors in the data.
10. The results go against the thinking of society.
11. Some of the scientists who worked on the experiment are relatively young and inexperienced.
(i)The graph shows the amount of ultraviolet (UV) rays during a day.What is a scientific explanation for the trend shown in the graph?
o 200
A UV rays are strongest when the sun is highest in the sky.
B UV rays are strongest when the sun rises and weakest when the sun sets.
9. UV rays are dangerous to your health.
10. The amount of UV rays does not depend on the angle of the sun in the sky.
Review and Assessme nt
Scientific Explanation
1,Data and observations that have been col lected through scientific porcesses are called
•., ..: Scientists and Society
4. The scientist who said that Earth moves around the sun is
a. empirical evidence. b. opinions.
C. facts. d. scientific explanations
7 Rachel Carson.
c. Albert Einstein.
8 Galileo Galilei.
d, Ignaz Semmelweis.
2. A biologist reads a scientific journal to learn more about how cancer cells multiply. Which method is the biologist using to form a scientific explanation?
Use the graph below to answer Questions 3 and 4.
Effect of Body Mass on
Calories Burned While Bicycling
6.A public disagreement between groups with
different views is called a(n)
A Sequence What process must occur before a new scientific discovery is published?
- ---- -- -----------
B Evaluate Science in the Media Identify a scientific controversy that you have seen
reported on television,in a newspaper or
magazine, or on the Internet.
::, ::,
co .!: 80
,ooM 60
30 40 50 60 70
Body Mass {kg)
C Evaluate Science in the Media How do you think Ignaz Semmelweis's discovery in the
1840s affects modern medicine?
3. Relate Evidence and Explanation Write a
scientific explanation based on the empirical evidence shown in the graph.
- --------
4.Infer Suppose your friend states that if you double the amount of time that you bike, you will double the calories burned. Can you infer this for certain from the graph? Explain.
A company must clear the land of existing trees in order to erect a new building. Some people support the company because the expansion will provide new jobs. Other people are against it because they don't want the wildlife to be destroyed.
On a separate sheet of paper, write which side of the controversy you would support and why.
Florida Benchmarks Review
Circle the letter of the best answer.
GThe temperatures of four pies are shown below.
Which statement is true? A B
ao·c 40°C
c D
A A and D have the same thermal energy. B C and D have the same thermal energy. C B has twice the thermal energy of C.
D D has twice the thermal energy of A.
C What happens when heat is added to gas in a sealed container?
• The particles of gas slow down.
• The particles of gas speed up.
C The motion of the particles does not change.
D The particles of gas form a pile on the bottom of the container.
OWhich is an example of evidence that energy is neither created nor lost during a transformation?
10. Ice melts in the hot sun.
11. Ice does not melt in the hot sun.
C When a driver of a car applies the car's breaks, friction heats the breaks.
D Ifyou drop a tennis ball, the tennis ball will never stop bouncing.
0Which energy transformation takes place in a match head when you light a match?
A mechanical energy is transformed into potential enegy
B potential energy is transformed into chemical energy
C chemical energy is transformed into thermal energy
D thermal energy is transformed into mechanical energy.
0Which type of heat transfer would transfer heat through the bottom of the pot?
eWhich statement describes the direction of heat flow?
A Heat flows between two objects at the same temperature.
B Thermal energy can only be absorbed by cool objects.
4. Heat flows from a warmer object to a cooler object.
5. Heat flows from a cooler object to a warmer object. SC.7.P.11.4
A conduction
B convection
c radiation
D freezing
I Energy and Heat
Review and Assessment
Energy Transformations and Conservation
7. As a car skids to a stop, friction transforms kinetic energy to
Temperature, Thermal Energy, and Heat
6. What is the total energy of all the particles in an object called?
a. thermal energy. b. potential energy.
c. chemical energy. d. electrical energy.
C chemical energy
c. potential energy
D thermal energy
d. mechanical energy
C The law of conservation of energy states that
·-----------·- ---- ----
SC.7.P.11.2, SC.7.P.11.3
D Classify Describe the energy transformation that occurs in a digital clock.
A The temperature scale used in most of the world is the
B Apply Concepts How does heat flow when you place an ice cube in your hand?
Use the illustration to answer the questions below.
0 3o·c
• Apply Concepts Explain why a spinning top will not remain in motion forever.
SC.7.P.11.2, SC,7.P,11.3
• Infer Why does a bouncing ball rise to a lower height with each bounce?
---------- ---------
Write About It An eagle flies from its perch
100 g 200 g 200 g
C Interpret Data Compare the average motion of the particles in the three containers. Explain your answer.
SC.7.P.11.2, SC.7.P.11.4
D Draw Conclusions Compare the total amount of thermal energy in containers A and B. Explain your answer.
in a tree to the ground to capture and eat its prey. Describe its energy transformations.
SC.7.P.11.2, SC.7.P.11.3
SC.7.P.11.2, SC.7.P.11.4
Florida Benchmarks Review
Circle the letter of the best answer.
OThe index of refraction for water is 1.33 and for glass it is 1.52. What happens to the speed of light when light travels from water into glass?
A It increases. B Itdecreases.
C Itremains the same.
D It depends on the angle of incidence.
f)A convex lens can produce a real or a virtual image. Which type of mirror is most similar to a convex lens?
A concave mirror B convex mirror C plane mirror
D none of the above
C,Ultraviolet rays from the sun are able to reach Earth's surface because
8. they require air to travel through.
9. they have less energy than infrared rays. C they have lower frequency than visible light. D they can travel through empty space.
OWhich of the following groups of electromagnetic waves is listed correctly in order of increasing energy?
A X-rays, visible light, radio waves B radio waves, visible light, X-rays
C infrared rays, visible light, radio waves D visible light, gamma rays, X-rays
0The speed of sound through a gas will increase if the following is also increased:
A temperature of the gas. B density of the gas.
2. compressibility of the gas.
3. index of refraction of the gas.
0A rainbow is formed because when white light passes through rain drops, the white light is
A absorbed by the rain drops. B reflected by the air.
a. refracted by the rain drops.
b. unaffected.
SC.7.P.10.1, SC.7.P.10.2
Review and Assessment
, Waves of the Electromagnetic Spectrum
• The electromagnetic waves with the longest wavelengths and lowest frequencies are
Reflection and Mirrors
7. What type of reflection describes how light reflects off an uneven surface?
a. real reflection b. concave reflection
• radio waves.
c. X-rays.
• infrared rays.
d. gamma rays.
c. diffuse reflection d. regular reflection
C Light rays obey the law of reflection, which
2. _ is the only type of electromagnetic wave that you can see.
states that
Use the graph below of ultraviolet
waves at a particular frequency to answer Questions 3 and 4.
D Draw Use a ruler to draw how the parallel light rays reflect off each mirror below.
Ultraviolet Rays During a Day
.... 300
'o 200
:::, VI
::, 0
4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8
A.M. P.M.
Local Standard Time
3. Interpret Graphs What is the amount
of ultraviolet rays at 8 P.M.?
C Infer What is the cause of the peak in the graph line at 12 P.M.?
D Classify Night-vision goggles allow you to see warm objects in a dark environment. Which type of electromagnetic wave do they detect?
.Qp -
axis Focal
9.Classify Name the kind(s) of mirror(s) that can produce only virtual images.
f) Apply Concepts Can a plane mirror produce a real image? Explain.
Florida Benchmarks Review
Circle the letter of the best answer.
8The diagram below shows Earth's interior. Which point on the diagram is in a part of Earth that is liquid?
C,How do pressure and temperature change inside Earth as depth increases?
A Pressure and temperature decrease.
B Pressure increases; temperature decreases. C Pressure decreases; temperature increases. D Pressure and temperature increase.
A B 2
C 3 D 4
OYou decide to build a clay model of Earth's interior. What would be one benefit of using a different color of clay for each of Earth's layers?
A I could easily show the relative thicknesses of Earth's layers.
B I could show how pressure changes inside Earth.
C I could show how temperature changes inside Earth.
D I could show Earth's magnetic field.
SC.7.N.3.2, SC.7.E.6.1
OIn the rock cycle, what forces can change sedimentary rock to igneous rock?
A compaction and cementation B pressure alone
7. deposition
8. melting and volcanic activity
SC.7.E .6.2
eWhich statement best describes how an extrusive igneous rock forms?
A Magma cools quickly on Earth's surface. B Magma cools slowly to form granite.
a. Magma cools quickly below Earth's surface.
b. Magma cools slowly beneath Earth's surface.
0Look at the diagram below.Which environment most likely existed millions of years ago where these rocks formed?
C an environment in which plates were colliding
D an environment in which there was intense volcanic activity
E a hot, dry environment
F a swamp near a lake or river that flooded repeatedly
Earth'sstructure and
Review and Assessment
Earth's Interior
5. What is the relatively soft layer of the upper mantle called?
a. continental crust b. asthenosphere
c. lithosphere d. inner core
6. Summarize What is the relationship between temperature and depth inside Earth? Is this relationship the same for pressure?
Classifying Rocks
• rock that forms from many small fragments of other rocks is a(n)
• igneous rock. b. sedimentary rock.
c. metamorphic rock. d. extrusive rock.
8. What are all rocks made of?
Use the photograph to answer Question 9.
3.Write About It
Compare and contrast oceanic
crust with continental crust. In your answer,be
of both types of crust.
C Interpret Photographs Describe the texture of this rock.
Convection and the Mantle
• What is the transfer of heat by direct contact
-------·------ SC.7.E.6.2
Igneous and Metamorphic
of particles of matter called?
• convection b. radiation
C What kind of igneous rock usually contains large crystals?
c. conduction d. pressure
a. organic
c. intrusive
b. elastic
d. extrusive
• Identify Name the two layers below Earth's surface in which convection takes place.
• Explain What conditions allow rock in the mantle to flow?
S -7.E.6.-
C. 1
D An igneous rock's color is mainly determined by its _ ---------SC.7.E.6.2
E Relate Cause and Effect What conditions lead to the formation of large crystals in an igneous rock?
F f•'ffltl+HMfll Describe the texture of granite.
Also describe granite's mineral composition
and explain granite's origin.