Zarafshan Ali CV

Data of Birth: 1955
Status: Married, 5 children
Nationality: Iranian
Educational Background / 1- Graduate Diploma (GD)
A work based change management Postgraduate diploma by western sydny University (1999-2001)
Thesis: Developing ICT Strategies For Iranian Education
2-Librarianship and Information Science (MS) Tehran University (1991-1994)
Thesis: None Textbook study of Iranian students.
3- Computer Programming (BC)
Beheshty University (1974-1978)
Proffessional experience / 1- Counsellor of Deputy of Minister of education and the head of Organization for Educational Research and Planning (OERP) (2005- )
- To Counsel about OERP duty and mission, about curriculum and Textbooks, IT and ICT s, National school network (ROSHD) International cooperation, Islam and Iran culture and civilization (head of The Committee), .e . .
2-Head of Research Committee for teacher Training 2010-
3-Member of Research Committee for curriculum development 2010-
4-Member of Committee for Astronomy studies 2010-
5-Executive manager of Jahanara Complex 2006-
6-Member of selection committee of 40th International Film Festival 2010
7- General Director of curriculum Development center (2001-2005)
25 different department for Developing, Implementing and Evaluating curriculum Textbook and teacher guides.
- Developing new curriculum in primery, Lower Secondary and Secondary for about 10 courses in (k-12)
- Developing 10 books in 3 courses in lower Secondary with cooperation of 10 provinces.
- Developing 10 programs for Teacher Training courses in BC and MS level.
- conducting International workshops for capacity building in: National curriculum development (Japan, England and Australia),Value Education (Phillippin), Human Rights Education, . . .)
- Representative of OERP for Taking ICDL Agency for OERP From Ireland ECDL.
- national Director of Global Education a 5 year Project with Unicef cooperation in 5 provinces and 20 Elementary and lower Secondary Schools.
8- National Director of Human Rights Education Project (NPD) (2005)
It was an OHCHR and UNDP Project for evaluating HR Situation in Iran education and making Suggesting for Future.
- Research report about HR Situation in different Part of Iran Education.
Proffessional experience / - Translating 2 books and a bout 10 articles.
-a six day International workshop.
- 2 study Tour (Philippine, India) for 25 Iranian experts.
- Developing a proposal for HR Development.
9- Instructional counselor of Minister of Education (1997-2001)
Suggesting and Organizing ICT development committee for MOE
- Suggesting Long year System for new secondary education Instead of Termic system.
- Suggesting To Develop National school Network (ROSHD)
- Suggesting To develop National Student parlement (etc)
10- Instructional Deputy of Tehran Province (1988-1995)
- Developing Special homework for norouz vacation (Peyke shadi) for the first time
- conducting an exhibition of Tehran Lower secondary students (from 30 districts) in Tehran International exhibition
11- coordinator of Tehran Instructional groups (1986-1988)
12- Deputy of a high school for martyrs children (1990- 1998)
It was a new Founded school in a high Quality district of Tehran. We made it one of The best.
13- In – service Training expert (1984- 1986)
14- Teacher Training center (in – service and preservice) Iecture (1984- 1990)
15- Librarian teaching center lecture (1995-1999)
16- Upper secondary teacher (1980-1983)
17- Lower secondary teacher (1978- 1980)
18- Elementary teacher (1974-1977)
19- Member of Suprim Council of Education (2001-2003)
20- Head of Curriculum Commission of Suprim Council (2001-2003)
21- Member of Suprin Council Commission (as an expert) (1997-…)
22- Minester of Education Representive in joint commission with turkmenistan for developing an agreement memerandom (1998)
23- Minister of Education Representive and head of deligation for developing an agreement memerandom with Austria Mininstry of Education (Austeria 1999)
Workshop and seminar / 1-  6 annual Internatioal Conference of Quality Managers (2004- 2008 Tehran)
2-  15 day workshop in” Value Education” by Normal University of Philippine (2005 Tehran)
3-  Technology Foresight Methods and Practice (2005 Teh)
4-  National curriculum Development (Australia experience 2004 Teh)
5-  National curriculum development (England experience 2003 Teh)
6-  National curriculum development (Japan experience 2001 Teh)
7-  Research and Development in Management by Colombo college (1999 Teh)
8-  Regional conference for EFA Evaluation( Bankok 1999)
9-  Human Rights education (2005 Teh)
10- 46th, 47th Ministers International Conference of Unesco Geneva
11- Art and mathematic eduation (Qatar 2004)
12- Instructional management in-service Training
13- Human Rights education Studytour (Philippin 2004)
14- Distance education studytour (France 2005)
15- World education market (WEM) (2000 Canada)
16- Youth policy studytour (England 2003)
Scientific Activities / 1-Member of research team for “Survey of private tutoring in Iran schools” 2010-
2-Translating the article “Character education in American schools by Dorothy L Prestwich,school community journal 2004” as a team work for publishing a book about ethic education.2010
3-Advisor for “Teacher Inovations” research 2009-2010
4-Member of research team for “Developing The 5year Strategic Program For OERP” 2010-
5-Member of research team for “ Developing Program For Iranian Women Religious Beleives Enrichmet”
6-Member of research team for “Suprim Council Of Education Acts Survey “according to 4 approaches
And head of “Cultural and Training Approach”.2009-2010
7-Feasible Study Of Curriculum Decentralisation Model “for new national curriculum of Iran.2009
8-Advisor for “Textbooks Content Analyse For Enrichment Of National and Religious Identity of Iranian
Students(k-12)” 2008-2009
9-Advisor for “Profession Ethics For Developing Technical and Vocational Education Curriculum”
10-Developing the curriculum for “ Dialogue And Friendship School “.2007
11-Member of research team for “ Developing Educational Policy For I.R.Iran” and Developing Curriculum section .2007-2008
12- Translating and Publishing “Hand Book For Multigrade Teachers,Unesco” Madresseh Publication
13- Developing 3 curriculums for ICTs Education(primery,lower secondry ,upper secondry).2004-2005
14-Graduate Diploma thesis “Developing ICT Strategies for Iranian Education” .2001
15-Master Degree thesis “None Textbook Study of Iranian Students”.1994
Language ability: Very good