Procura® Health Management Systems
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Last Update Date / 2014-08-06
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Table Of Contents
Table Of Contents
HH-CAHPS Export 1
Billing Records 1
Client Document 2
The HH-CAHPS Export 3
To Run the HH-CAHPS Export 4
Appendices 5
OASIS Question for the HH-CAHPS Export 5
Survey Vendor File Formats for the HH-CAHPS Export 9
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Billing Records
Your System Administrator must add the required Visit Disciplines to the DISCIPLINE lookup table, (e.g., PT, OT, SN, ST, MSS (OR MSW) AND HHA). Then, for the Billing Records in each of the billing tables, they must update the Discipline box with the appropriate discipline code.
Exports | HT_-_Billing_Records.htm
Client Document
CMS states that Home Health organizations must exclude from the files that they submit to survey vendors all of the patients who requested that their names not be released to anyone outside the organization. Therefore, in order to record the patient’s denial of consent, your System Administrator must create a Start of Care with Consent and/or Recertification with Consent type of Client Document, which contains a custom question. The question must contain a reference value of HH_CAHPS_CONSENT with an answer reference value of N. When users add an OASIS assessment, they will be shown an option, called Custom OASIS, which will include this question.
Keep in mind that most of the patient data used in the HH-CAHPS export is taken from OASIS-C data elements. Therefore, the most recent OASIS-C RFA01 Start of Care or the most recent RFA04 Recertification will be used as the source of all M---- data elements. If there is no valid OASIS-C for a client, they will not be included in the export file.
Exports | HT_-_PASE_Document.htm
The HH-CAHPS Export
All Medicare certified Home Health Care organizations must participate in a CMS requirement to collect standardized patient satisfaction data. This requirement is known as Home Health Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Plans and Services (HH-CAHPS). All organizations will be required to submit files containing patient data to a CMS approved HH-CAHPS survey vendor on a monthly basis As of March 22, 2010 there are 40 CMS approved survey vendors. The HH-CAHPS Export form enables you to export your patient data to the appropriate survey vendor format.
Sample Month (the month you want to use as an example)Lookback Period (the number of months that precedes the date specified in the Sample Month box, which you want to be included as the lookback period, e.g., if the sample month is Jan 2010 and you select 1 month, the lookback period for client filtering will be Dec 1, 2009 to Jan 31, 2010)
Apply CMS Patient Exclusion Rules (specifies that patients who meet any of the following criteria will be excluded from the export:)
§ are under 18 years of age
§ did not have a home health visit for skilled nursing care, physical therapy, occupational therapy or speech therapy during the sample month
§ are deceased
§ are currently receiving hospice care
§ have received home visits for routine maternity care only
Include Non CMS Clients (specifies that clients who do not have visits payable to Medicare or Medicaid will be included in the export)
Survey Vendor Format (the format in which you want the export file to be saved)
File Path (the location in which you want the export file to be stored)
To Run the HH-CAHPS Export
- Go to Imports/Exports | Exports | HHCAHPS Export. The HH-CAHPS Patient Survey Export window displays.
2. From the Sample Month drop-down box, select the month you want to use as an example.
3. From the Lookback Period spinbox, select the number of months prior to the Sample Month that you want to be included as the lookback period, (e.g., if the Sample Month is Jan 2010 and you select 1 month, the lookback period for the purposes of client filtering will be Dec 1, 2009 to Jan 31, 2010).
4. If you want to exclude from the export all patients who meet the standard CMS patient exclusion criteria, click the Apply CMS Patient Exclusion Rules checkbox.
5. If you want to include in the export all clients who do not have visits payable to Medicare or Medicaid, click the Include Non CMS Clients checkbox.
6. From the Survey Vendor Format drop-down box, select the format in which you want the export file to be saved.
7. Click the button at the end of the File Path textbox, and then browse for the location in which you want the export file to be saved.
8. Click Export.
OASIS Question for the HH-CAHPS Export
- Go to Maintenance | Client Documents. The Documents form displays.
- Click Add. The Document window displays.
- In the Name textbox, type a name for your document.
4. From the Type drop-down box, select OASIS.
- Fill in all other required information.
- Click OK. Your document displays in the Document Designer Authoring Tool.
- Double-click the page called 1.0 Page Name? The Page form displays the General tab.
8. In the Name textbox, type a name for your page.
9. From the Show this Page's Questions After drop-down box, select the name of the externally stored OASIS page after which you want your new page to be inserted.
10. Click OK to return to the Document Designer form.
11. From the Edit menu, select Add Question; or click the button. The Document Question form displays the General tab.
12. Type the question in the Question Text textbox as you want it to appear to the user.
13. In the Reference Number textbox, type HH_CAHPS_CONSENT.
14. Click the Answers tab.
15. From the Type drop-down box, select Radiobuttons.
16. Click the button to remove one of the rows from the Choices table.
17. Click in the Choice Text column of the first row in the table, and then type Yes.
18. Click in the Reference Number column of the first row, and then type Y.
19. Click in the Choice Text column of the second row in the table, and then type No.
20. Click in the Reference Number column of the second row, and then type N.
21. Click OK to return to the Document Designer form.
22. From the Main menu, select Exit to close the document.
Exports | Appendix__PASE_Question_for_the_HH-CAHPS_Export.htm
Survey Vendor File Formats for the HH-CAHPS Export
CMS Minimum Data Set (Standard) CSV Format
This file format produces a comma delimited text file with quotes around text fields. The file name will be in the format HHCAHPS_[Sample Month]_[Date Timestamp].csv (e.g,. HHCAPS_201004161528.csv). If this format is selected, you should check the Apply CMS Exclusion Rules checkbox, but not the Include Non-CMS clients checkbox.
OCS File Specification
This file format produces a fixed-width text file with the first line of the file being a Header Record. The file name will be in the format HHCAHPS_[M0010]_[Sample Month]_[Date Timestamp].txt (e.g., HHCAPS_123456_05_201004161528.txt). Only those clients who have declined consent to share their information will be excluded from this file format. If your organization is providing service under multiple CCNs (OASIS-C M0010, formerly known as Medicare Provider ID Number), clients must be grouped by the CCN attached to the OASIS-C and, if more than one exists, there will be a file created for each CCN.
Strategic Healthcare Programs (SHP) Comma Delimited File Specification
This file format produces a comma delimited text file. The Survey Vendor has no file name requirement other than that it must end in .csv. The file name will be in the format HHCAHPS_[Sample Month]_[Date Timestamp].csv. If this format is selected, you should not check the Include Non-CMS Clients checkbox. Clients will be excluded from this file format if they have any of the following properties:
§ No billable visits during Sample Month with a corresponding Billing Rate Discipline Code that matches SN, PT, OT or ST.
§ Client deceased date is not blank.
§ Client has a billable visit within the date range starting at the beginning of the Sample Month until the current date with a Billing Rate Revenue Code of 0651, 0652, 0655, 0656, 0657 or 0569.
§ Client has ICD-9-CM DX codes in the relevant OASIS’s M1020, M1022 or M1024 within the range 630-679 (any DX related to maternity).
Note: In order for your file to be processed in this format, your System Administrator must define a system reference with the label SHPProviderNo. The value should be the SHP provider number that uniquely identifies the HHA to SHP, supplied to the agency by SHP.
DSS Research File Specification