Missouri Breastfeeding Coalition
Meeting Minutes
Diane Bibb, Co-Chair
Becky Schwaller, Co-Chair
Kathy Mertzlufft, Treasurer
Karen Urick, Secretary
Charlene Burnett, Mountain/Plains USBC Regional Representative
Erin O’Reilly, Teresa Bowman, AnnMarie Long, Sarah Greek, Lori Peterman, Cheryl Blevins,
Rachel Saltzman, Tamara Fusco
Sept 2013 Minutes approved and will be posted on the members only section of our website
Treasurer/Membership Report by Kathy
$1614.70 in our account
Deposits – $40 in new memberships
Expenses - $109.40 to Debbi for website
4 new members since Sept meeting and 44 current members
470 “Likes” on our Facebook page
On-going Business
Breastfeeding law
It’s the 3rd time submitting a revision of our current law. Ellie Glenn is our liaison. MO Dept of Health is sponsoring the bill. Our 3 goals are:
1. to remove from the language “with as much discretion as possible”
2. to allow nursing mothers to be excused from jury duty
3. to make it unlawful for nursing mothers to be charged with sexual misconduct
The wording on the senate bill for revisions on the breastfeeding law has been submitted for approval, but no word yet on if it was approved or if there are any changes. There are some other groups interested in revising the law such as the Mid-wives Association and YMCA State Alliance. Senator Schaaf is planning on carrying the bill, but has changed “with as much discretion as possible” to “with discretion”. He has also added back in that a doctor’s note is needed for women to be excused from jury duty. He agrees with our original recommendations on wording, but his strategy is to start with this to gain support and knows there will be amendments as the bill goes through the legislative process.
Ann Marie Long is happy to start a letter writing campaign to help us pass this law. She plans to get a draft letter out to the coalition.
Erin mentioned that there has been concern in STL about nursing mothers at YMCA’s not being supported. There have been other reports around the USA. Charlene was asked to contact USBC for more info.
USBC Grant – Continuity of Care Connections
Diane and Kathy are our reps with this CDC sponsored program. They reported the 3 MO Hospitals involved are in final stages of technical assistance and the development of education materials which are to be completed in March.
Business Case for Breastfeeding
The MO Breastfeeding Friendly Worksite website is found here:
Education packets will be going out to local health departments and breastfeeding coalitions in 2-3 weeks. The last piece for the packet is a guide on how to use the materials.
Debbi to make a new tab for this program on our website so businesses can easily be recognized as well as listing the program under “resources”. Perhaps we can have an “initiatives” tab to consolidate and recognize the Show Me 5 hospitals, the breastfeeding law and the Business Case for Breastfeeding recipients.
Strategic Workgroup Update-
Education (Charlene) – no report
Grant Writing (Diane) – no report
Conference Planning (Diane) – no report
Legislative (Karen) – to help with outreach for the upcoming proposed breastfeeding bill
IBCLC Reimbursement (Becky) – no report
IBCLC Licensure (??) – a chairperson is needed
Missouri Breastfeeding Coalition Logo – Debbi reported by email that she hadn’t heard anything.
New Business
Toddler Survey
The Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics Dept at the Cohen Children's Medical Center of New York is studying breastfeeding past 1 year and how moms feel supported. They have a developed a toddler survey with the help of LLL USA, which closes in mid-April, has had an astounding 16,200 completed Debbi via email: “Thank you to everyone who helped spread the word! (As of Nov 15: There are now more than 47,000 completed surveys. The researcher is thrilled beyond his wildest dreams----and is now hoping for over 50,000 by the time the study closes in mid-April. So we’ll want to re-post in mid- March since more moms will have had babies turn 12 months old by then.)”
Here’s the link for the survey:
Promoting Missouri Milk Bank and Milk Depots – a new tab on our webpage, see:
The idea for more promotion of milk banks came from articles promoting Prolacta, a for profit company that pays donors and the fact that more MO moms are asking where to donate their milk.
Other outreach opportunities for MO Milk Bank advertising is thru OB/GYN, Midwife offices, baby stores, La Leche League, WIC, Facebook
WIC Update
50 more peer counselors trained making MO have 80/112 WIC offices with PC’s!
Hannibal Regional Hospital is piloting a Peer Counselor training program. Diane says it is going very well.
FREE 18 –hour training courses will be in KC and STL next Spring. Locations and dates TBA.
Charlene offered to make a card toSusan White, MO WIC Director to thank her for her dedication towards breastfeeding support, promotion and protection. Diane and Becky will sign it. Kathy has verbally thanked her on behalf of the coalition.
Show Me 5 Update- Per Kathy, more hospitals are applying.
Next Meeting
Teleconference on Friday, January 31st, noon – 2pm
A face-to-face meeting in 2014 is desired with the date TBA.