Solano County Health & Social Services Department

Mental Health Services / Employment and
Public Health Services / Eligibility Services
Substance Abuse Services / Children’s Services
Older & Disabled Adult Services / Administrative Services

Gerald Huber, Director

Aaron Crutison, Deputy Director / P.O. Box 12000, MS 5-230, Vallejo, CA 94590
Child Welfare Services / (707) 784-8280 Fax (707) 784-8739

Parent First Name Parent Last Name Date

123 Anywhere St

City, ST Zipcode

Regarding: Child Name

Dear Ms. Parent Last Name:

Your child’s case has been selected for review regarding services provided to you and your child(ren) during your involvement with Child Welfare Services. All 58 counties in the state are participating in the Federal Child and Family Services Reviews in order to obtain feedback and assess areas where counties are doing well and areas where counties can make improvement; so that children and families can better achieve safety, permanence, and well-being.

As part of the review process, I would like to meet with you in person to ask about your experiences with Child Welfare Services, and to obtain your feedback regarding what worked well for you, concerns you may have, and what you might want to change. Cases are reviewed regarding a pre-selected 18 month time period, and questions you may be asked focus around the county’s efforts to ensure your child and family’s:

·  Safety - Assessments of safety and risk , and efforts to keep children in the home of their parents when possible

·  Permanence – Maintaining stable placements, connections with family and community

·  Well-being- Families are provided the services needed to safely care for their children, children receive the services they need to meet their education, physical, and mental health needs.

Any information you share with me or other members of the case review team is confidential, will not be shared with your social worker (should the case be currently open), and will not affect the case outcome or any benefits you may be receiving. In addition to meeting with you, I will also be arranging interviews with your child(ren), your child(ren)’s care providers (foster or relatives), and your social workers, as well as reviewing case records. Your participation is voluntary, and is highly valued; as it will provide our Department and the State of California vital information to improve our service delivery.

Please contact me at 707-784-8285 to arrange an interview or to discuss any concerns you may have regarding participating. Thank you for your assistance with improving Child Welfare in our community.


Kim McDowell, MSW

Social Services Supervisor

Solano County Child Welfare Services,

Continuous Quality Improvement Unit

275 Beck Ave

Fairfield, CA 94533
