Please fill in this form to register your interest in participating in the NVivo training workshops for Semester 1, 2018. Registration will be on a first come, first served basis, and will not be guaranteed until full payment is made. Payment must be made at least two weeks prior to the workshop and any cancellation needs to be made at least one week before to receive a refund.
1. Personal DetailsFamily Name / Given Name
Staff/Student ID # (if primary or affiliated role is at UNSW)
Email Address
2. Enrolment
Sessions (NOTE: Attendance at BOTH sessions is compulsory to achieve certification)
Session 1: Thursday 19th April 2018; 10 am – 4.30 pm (included break for lunch)
Session 2: Thursday 14th June 2017; 10 am – 4.30 pm (included break for lunch)
Program (if applicable)
e.g. 1835 PhD in Public Health
Organisation (compulsory)
Is your primary role as a research student? Yes No
3. Payment
Please go to the below link to make payment
PLEASE NOTE: Only students at UNSW are eligible for the student rate. Staff rate applies to any UNSW staff member or conjoint lecturer. Non-UNSW rate applies to all other participants. Rates and payment details to be provided by 1 March 2018.
4. Research
a) What is your research topic and research question?*
b) Have you done NVivo training before / Yes No (If yes, go to Question c) and if no, go to Question d)
c) If yes provide details (when, duration of training and where)
d) What methods are you using to collect your data? / structured interviews
in depth semi-structured interviews
unstructured interviews
focus group discussions
group interviews
quantitative survey tools
field observations
text-based (e.g., media, online forums)
e) Stage of your research / proposal writing
no data collected yet
data collected but not transcribed
transcripts and/or field notes ready
coding of data started
writing up stage
*Please attach research proposal/abstract if you have one
Please return this completed form to