All Saints Episcopal Church
Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
Minutes of the September 27, 2010, Vestry Meeting
Those attending the meeting: The Rev. Rick Lindsey, Rector; Sherm Barker; Kerry Grant, Clerk; Bob Hooper; Dottie McIlraith; Arthur McVitty; Marjorie Milbrandt, Senior Warden; Tony Rizza; Mark Szen, Treasurer; Bob Taylor, Junior Warden.
Following Compline in the Hay Chapel, Fr. Lindsey convened the meeting at 5:03 p.m. in Gordon Mann Hall.
The minutes of the August 23, 2010, regular Vestry meeting were approved as posted.
1. Prior to the meeting, the Associate Rector distributed his monthly report via e-mail (Attachment I); it was received without comment.
2. Prior to the meeting, Treasurer Mark Szen distributed via e-mail copies of the letter (Attachment II) and accompanying fact sheet (Attachment III) which were sent out to all parishioners on September 14, 2010, regarding the 2010 budget deficit.
3. Prior to the meeting, Wil Hamp distributed via e-mail the Finance Commission report (Attachment IV), updated by an e-mail from Treasurer Mark Szen (Attachment V). Mark updated his comments on the deficit request: approximately 60 parishioners have responded to the appeal and nearly $23,000 has been received. Regular giving is also strong, so September looks like it will be a good month financially. The Stewardship and Finance commissions will work jointly in designing communications back to the parish about the response to the deficit appeal and the challenge for next year.
4. Prior to the meeting, Sherm Barker distributed a Stewardship report via e-mail (Attachment VI); it was received without comment.
1. Due to time conflicts and illness, only three lay delegates or alternates are available to attend the reconvened diocesan convention on October 15, 2010. After discussion, the Vestry opted not to take any action to add a fourth member to the delegation.
2. The Vestry discussed a request (Attachment VII) from Cub Scout Pack 222 for permission to solicit parishioners on two Sundays as part of their popcorn sale. After discussion, the Vestry opted to support a policy that no direct solicitation of parishioners by outside organizations should be permitted, and that the Cub Scout request should thus be denied pursuant to this policy. Kerry Grant, Bob Hooper, and Rick Lindsey will meet to formulate the specific language of the policy.
3. Tony Rizza presented a request from the ECW for permission to distribute United Thank Offering (UTO) boxes. The Vestry expressed its support of the annual UTO project, but suggested that this was not a good time to do it, suggesting a postponement, perhaps to be done during Lent.
1. Marjorie Milbrandt reported for the Vestry Nominating Committee that two nominees have been identified – Pat Amer and Peg Hamilton – and that the committee is working on the third one.
2. Dottie McIlraith reported that the Children’s Christian Education program got off to a good start the previous day (Sunday, September 26).
3. Fr. Lindsey reported on behalf of Fr. Brinkmann that plans for the 25th Anniversary are on schedule, with a champagne celebration on October 17th following a single service at 9:30 a.m. and a second celebration on December 8th, the precise 25th anniversary date.
4. Fr. Lindsey reported that the Organ Committee has finished its deliberations and is in the final stages of preparing a written report with recommendations, which will be circulated to Vestry members prior to its next regular meeting so that action may be taken then.
5. There was consensus that the congregational meetings held on September 19 were well-received by the attendees; Fr. Lindsey suggested the possibility of holding more such meetings, perhaps quarterly. He noted that there was an opportunity for a meeting on October 17, when no adult education program is scheduled, focusing either on finances or on the status of relations among TEC, the diocese, and the parish.
6. The Vestry discussed at some length the possible impact of the proposed resolutions (Attachment VIII) to come before the reconvened diocesan convention (October 15, 2010). It was observed that it appears that voting on most, if not all, of the proposals at this convention would violate the procedures called for in the existing constitution and canons, and that a major theme running through all of them is the further dissociation of the diocese from TEC. The Vestry agreed, without dissent, that if votes are taken on these proposals, the delegates from All Saints are strongly encouraged to vote “yes” on proposed resolution R-10 and “no” on all other proposed resolutions.
The Vestry discussed possible actions that might be taken at this time:
a. Meeting with representatives of like-minded parishes in the diocese – Fr. Lindsey stated that he has spoken with clergy at such parishes and their general reaction is to wait and see what happens after the convention.
b. A meeting between the rector and the bishop, perhaps augmented by the Senior Warden – Fr. Lindsey stated that he would pursue a meeting with the bishop, but had no expectation that it would alter the bishop’s course or open up new possibilities for the parish.
c. Sending a letter to the presiding bishop seeking some novel relationship allowing All Saints to remain affiliated with TEC while severing relations with the diocese. Michael Jordan had drafted a letter outlining several such possibilities (Attachment IX) – the Vestry did not support this action at this time.
d. Pursuing the possibility of alternate Episcopal oversight – pros and cons were identified, but the Vestry did not support this action at this time.
Marjorie Milbrandt reminded Vestry members of upcoming scheduled meetings:
· October 4, 2010, 5:00 p.m. – a special Vestry meeting to establish the role of the Vestry in the All Saints Year Round Stewardship Program, approved in principle at the August Vestry meeting.
· October 25, 2010, 5:00 p.m. – the regular Vestry meeting.
· November 13, 2010, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Vestry Retreat.
The meeting concluded with a prayer at 7:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kerry E. Grant, Clerk Attachments (9)
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