November 3, 2003


Mayor Shawn Kenney called the November 3,2003 Council Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in City Hall Council Chambers.


CALLING OF THE ROLL: Present: Bill Dane, Nellie Cihon, Diane Downing, Linda Zahirsky, Mike Mouse, Bob Szanto, Mayor Shawn Kenney.

OTHERS PRESENT: Marge Loretto, City Manager; Dale Kincaid, Law Director; Chief Bob Hill, Fire Department; Chief Mike McNeely, Police Department, Michael Rodino, Finance Director; Director; William Dorman, City Engineer; Julie Scheurer, The Independent; Joan Porter, The Repository; Rochelle Rossi, Victor Colaianni, Mary Lou Hester, Alice and David Weinreb, Donna Lemmon, all residents.


The Mayor asked for approval of the minutes of the October 21, 2003 regular Council meeting. Mrs. Cihon made a motion to approve the minutes of October 21, 2003. Mr. Daneseconded the motion.

Roll: Yes – ALL.


The Mayor said he would like to make a special recognition. He asked for a moment of silence in memory of Jim Lerch, former councilman, who past away this week. (Moment of silence.)




Senior Citizens.

Mrs. Cihon said they had their Christmas Bazaar on Saturday and it went very well. She said they also have a trip to Casino Grand Victoria on November 11 and 12. She said on December 3rd they will be doing a Christmas trip to RichmondCounty.

Community Service Coordinator.

No Report.

Fire Chief.

No Report.

Police Chief.

Chief McNeely said there was a discussion at the budget meeting last week regarding personnel levels. He said the FBI released its Uniform Crime Report for the year and in it they discuss law enforcement personnel. He passed out updated figures.

The Chief said Halloween went fairly well. They had a complaint about a drug party across the street from City Hall. He said they apprehended ten individuals. He said this morning they received a tip that there were two teenagers near Giant Eagle consuming marijuana prior to school. He said they were arrested and cocaine was also found in the car.

Engineer/Streets/Public Utilities.

Mr. Dorman said they have conducted final inspections on the senior housing on Beverly, a Schalmo development, and also on the Highlands at Autumn Meadow #4. He said they are currently reviewing improvement plans for DiscoveryPark, Phase II. He said they are continuing to work on the NorthwestSchool waterline, which is nearing completion, as well as the water and sewer on Milan Street.

He said there will be a meeting regarding Issue 2 State funding on November 20 to consider the two projects the City has – the resurfacing of S. Canal Street and Milan Street waterline. He said he feels the City is in the running.

Director of Finance.

Mr. Rodino said he will have the October, 2003 end-of-month reports ready by the next Council meeting.

Mayor’s Report.

The Mayor said he would like to recommend to Council that they appoint Scott Fellmeth to the Civil Service Commission. He said Stacy Roth resigned because she moved out of town. The Mayor said Mr. Fellmeth is an attorney who lives in town. The Civil Service Chair, John Bailey, suggested that the City appoint Mr. Fellmeth.

Mr. Szanto made a motion to approve the Mayor’s appointment of Scott Fellmeth to the Civil Service Commission. Mrs. Cihon seconded the motion. Roll: Yes – ALL.

The Mayor also said the City has two vacancies on the Income Tax Board of Review. He said Mr. Szanto found someone who would be interested in being on this Board. He said the Income Tax Board of Review addresses any complaints regarding income taxes or appeals. He said citizens have the right to go before this Board to contest any disputes they may have with the City’s Income Tax Administrator. Mr. Szanto has recommended Charles Myers.

Mr. Szanto said Mr. Myers was an account executive with AT&T. He has started his own investment company. Mr. Szanto said Mr. Myers has always been interested in community affairs. Mr. Szanto said he is a good, fair, and level-headed person to have on this Board.

Mr. Mouse asked if these vacancies have been publicized. The Mayor answered no. Mr. Mouse said he felt it would be a good idea.

Mrs. Zahirsky made a motion to approve the Mayor’s recommendation to appoint Charles Myers to the Income Tax Board of Review. Mrs. Cihon seconded the motion. Mr. Mouse said he wants to wait until these vacancies are publicized. The Mayor said there are still two other vacancies and they will publish those.

Roll: Yes – ALL.

The Mayor said there are board and commission members whose terms will be expiring soon, namely on the Planning Commission, Parks & Recreation Board, Historic Preservation Commission, Senior Citizens Board, and Civil Service. Most of these terms expire on the first of the year. He said the administration is sending letters out to those who presently serve to see if they wish to continue to serve.

City Manager’s Report.

Mrs. Loretto said that the loaner leaf vacuum was delivered and the leaves are now being picked up. She said City Hall has received positive feedback. She said the waterline repair on Locust Street went very well, as well as the repair of the culvert on Rt. 93.

She said they are completing the City’s Emergency Preparedness Program. She said Purchase Order 3602 is for an eight inch sanitary sewer main on Cherrywood Lane off High Street. She said this will allow several homes on that street to get City water and sewer. She said this was in the annual appropriation ordinance.

She said Purchase Order 3603 is for a new manhole, because at the present, the City does not have the ability to get down there to do preventative maintenance on the system. She said this item was also in the annual appropriation ordinance.

She said the fire hydrants will start to be flushed on Wednesday, November 5th. She also said the CommunityHealthCenter’s storm water project is under way.

Mrs. Loretto then said City employees usually have Christmas Eve and Christmas Day off. She said she polled the employees, except for the police because they are twenty-four hour. She said the employees would like Council to authorize the Mayor to change the holiday to the day after Christmas, because Christmas falls on a Thursday and they would prefer the long weekend. She said this would be just for this year.

Mrs. Cihon made a motion to waive the City Ordinance in order to give City employees December 26, 2003 off, instead of the usual December 24th. Mr. Dane seconded the motion. Roll: Yes – ALL.


No Report.

Law Director.

Mr. Kincaid said the Engineer mentioned that there were a couple improvement plats to accept. He said he hoped Council had received copies of the letters from CTI. He addressed the one regarding the senior housing and said Council needed to accept the utility improvements.

Mrs. Zahirsky made a motion to accept the utilities for the senior housing improvements as shown on the fax from CTI dated October 30, 2003. Mrs. Cihon seconded the motion. Roll: Yes – ALL.

Mrs. Zahirsky then made a motion to accept the utility improvements at the Villas at Autumn Meadows, Phase 5 as shown on the fax from CTI dated October 30, 2003. Mrs. Cihon seconded the motion. Yes – ALL.



Ordinance 36-03: An Ordinance Accepting the Dedication of Buggy Alley.

Mr. Kincaid explained that the City thought Buggy Alley was a City street, which extends from the two bridges on this side of the river. He said there is a property that borders the river and Buggy Alley is a fifteen foot wide alley that the City has maintained during the years. He said, however, it turned out that it had never been platted, so the City had to file litigation and has reached a settlement. The City will now actually own the street.

Mr. Szanto made a motion to pass Ordinance 36-03. Mrs. Cihon seconded the motion. Roll: Yes – ALL.


No Second Readings.


Resolution 21-03: A Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Contract with the NorthwestLocalSchool District for a Waterline Extension.

Purchase Orders and Bills:

Purchase Order #3602 to W.G. Lockhart in the amount of $14,000.00 for repair and replace of Cherry Street sanitary sewer.

Mr. Dane made a motion to accept P.O. #3602 to W.G. Lockhart in the amount of $14,000.00. Mrs. Cihon seconded the motion.

Mr. Szanto asked if they will be required to pay a sewer tap in fee. The answer was yes.

Roll: Yes – ALL.

Purchase Order #3603 to W.G. Lockhart in the amount of $4,900.00 for a manhole on an existing sewer including granula backfill and restoring the pavement.

Mrs. Cihon made a motion to accept P.O. #3603 to W.G. Lockhart in the amount of $4,900.00. Mr. Dane seconded the motion. Roll: Yes – ALL.

Bills: $76,150.48

Mr. Szanto made a motion to acknowledge receipt of the list of bills in the amount of $76,150.48. Mr. Dane seconded the motion. Roll: Yes – ALL.


Mr. Szanto stated there were still many questions after the earlier budget work session and asked what Council’s pleasure would be as far as a next step.

Mrs. Zahirsky said she felt they needed to set up a Saturday meeting. It was agreed to meet the next two Saturdays – November 8 and November 15 –at 8:30 A.M.

Mr. Szanto then made a motion that Council schedule Council budget work sessions from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00Noon, on Saturday, November 8 and Saturday, November 15, 2003. Mrs. Cihon seconded the motion.

Mr. Kincaid suggested that the meeting be set as a Special Council meeting designated as budget work sessions and any other business that may arise.

Mr. Szanto withdrew his original motion. He then made a motion to have a Special Council meeting on November 8 and November 15, 2003, at 8:30 A.M. until Noon, the purpose of the meetings being budget discussions and any other Council measures that may be appropriate. Mrs. Cihon seconded the motion. Roll: - Yes – ALL.






The meeting was adjourned.


Sharon Reiter, Clerk of Council Shawn Kenney, Mayor
