Faculty Recommendations
K:\travel\Travel Advisory Committee\facultyrecommendations.wpd
Name / DepartmentGreece / Joe Amar / Classics
James Bellis, Ph.D. / Anthropology
Harvey Bender, Ph.D., FACMG / Biological Sciences
Germany / Doris Bergen / German History scholar
Jay Brandenberger, Ph.D. / Ctr for Soc Concerns
Professor, Psychology
Rev. David Burrell, CSC, Ph.D. / Philosophy, Theology
Italy / Ted Cachey / Dante Studies
Lawrence Cunningham, Ph.D. / Theology
Rev. Bob Dowd, CSC / Government
Rev. Paul Doyle, CSC / Rector, Dillon Hall
Tex Dutile / Law School
Speaks fluent Spanish / Rev. Tom Eckert, CSC / Rector, St. Eds
Mike /Chris Etzel / Marketing/Mendoza
Rev. Jim Flanigan, CSC (artist) / Art,Art Hist. Design
Rev. James Foster, CSC / Pre-Professional Studies
Ireland / Chris Fox / Chair, Irish Language
Greece / Dolores Frese / Medievalist
Japan / Yusaku Furuhashi / Marketing (Emeritus)
Sam/Gayle Gaglio / Ass=t Dean/Mendoza
Edward Goerner / Political Science
Joe/Sharon Guiltinan / Dept Ch/Marketing Mendoza
Ireland / John Halloran / Assoc Prof-Finance
Ron Hellenthal / Biological Sciences
Lionel Jensen, Ph.D. / East Asian Languages/Literature
Germany / Don Kommers / Kellogg Fellow Emeritus
France / Prof Tom Kselman / Prof of History, Nanovic Studies
Alaska / Gary Lamberti, Ass=t Chair / Biological Sciences
Sr. Jean Lenz, OFM / Student Affairs
Rev. William Lies, CSC / Ctr for Social Concerns
Dean David Link / Dean of Law Emeritus, Law School
George Lopez / Kroc Institute
Germany / Jim McAdams / Political Science
Dir Nanovic Studies
Sub Saraha Africa / Rev. Tom McDermott, CSC / Kroc Institute
James McKenna, Ph.D. / Anthropology
Tom Marullo / Russian Language
Lebanon / Khalil Matta / Prof-Mgmt
Russia/E. Europe / Maratha Merritt / Assoc. Dir. Kroc Inst
Ken Milani, Ph.D / Accountancy
China / Dian Murray / History
Rudy Navari / College of Science
Fluent Spanish / Rev. Pat Neary, CSC / Rector/Moreau
Rev Jerome Neyrey, S.J. Ph.D. / Theology
SE Asia / Rev. Martin Nguyen CSC / Art Dept
Bill & Diane Nichols / Assoc Dean, Mendoza
Rev Mark Poorman, CSC, Ph.D. / VP St Affairs/ Theology
Jack Pratt / Law School
India / Ram Ramanan / Prof-Accountancy
Dave/Jean Ricchiute / Acctg/Mendoza
Mexico / Juan Rivera / Accountancy
Germany / Mark Roche / Dean/Arts & Letters
Charles Rosenberg, Ph.D. / Art
Ireland / Professor Jim Smyth / History Professor
Tom Schlereth / American Studies
Thomas Gordon Smith / Architecture
John Stamper / Architecture
David Solomon, Ph.D. / Center for Ethics and Culture
Tom Swartz / Economics
Lee Tavis / Finance
Dominic Vachon, Ph.D. / Psychology
Mexico / Sandra Vera-Munoz / Assoc Prof-Accountancy
Rev. Joseph Walter CSC / Pre Professional Studies
Tom Werge / English Department
Carolyn Woo / College of Business
Host/Faculty Recommendation
From Travel Advisory Committee
Name / DepartmentJoe Amar / Classics
Doris Bergen / German History scholar
Mario Borelli / Math Department
Ted Cachey / Dante Studies
Vince Desantis / History (Emeritus)
Leo Despres / Anthropologist (retired)
Rev James Foster, CSC / Pre Professional Studies
Chris Fox / Irish Studies
Jeremiah Freeman / Organic Chemistry - Emeritus
Dolores Frese / Medievalist
Edward Goerner / Political Science
Ron Hellenthal / Biological Sciences
Don Kommers / German Scholar
Sr. Jean Lenz / Student Affairs
Tom Marullo / Russian Language
Dian Murray / China
Mark Roche / Dean of Arts and Letters
Tom Schlereth / American Studies
Thomas Gordon Smith / Architecture
John Stamper / Architecture
Rev Joseph Walter CSC / Pre Professional Studies