Application form
Þ To be returned to Ms Vera Veljanovski (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia)
e-mail: no later than 20th March 2015
EUROMED Invest Academy Serbia
“Cooperation - Complementarity between
the South Mediterranean and the Western Balkans”
25-27 March 2015
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia
Belgrade, Serbia
Ms/Mr:First Name:
Last Name:
Address: / Phone:
City: / Mobile:
Zip code: / E-mail:
Country: / Web-site:
Is your organization partner or affiliate in the project EUROMED Invest? / Yes o / No o
Optional sessions: Select optional sessions of most interest to you, in order of preference.
We will do our best to match your top optional sessions.
26 March / Session 1a o / Session 1b o
Session 2a o / Session 2b o
Will you participate in the Study tour on 27 March? / Yes o / No o
Will you participate in the following meals?
19:00 Welcome Dinner / 24/03/2015 o / 12:30 Lunch / 25/03/2015 o
19:30 Dinner with networking activities / 25/03/2015 o / 12:15 Lunch / 26/03/2015 o
19:00 Dinner and award Ceremony / 26/03/2015 o / 13:00 Final Cocktail / 27/03/2015 o
Note: Dinner (for international participants and speakers)
If you are interested in attending this event please complete the application,
indicating your motivation in participating as well as the selected courses.
Should your application be successful, we will do our best to fulfil your preference.
Please note the EUROMED Invest project will cover 80% (for a maximum of € 1.000) of the following costs (related to the Academy participation): travel - Economy class ticket (for a maximum of € 640), daily appliances - per diem or real costs (for a maximum of € 120 / per night and maximum of 3 nights).
Questions below will be used as a reference in the selection process.
1. Your Organisation
Please describe the main features of your organisation: memberships, internal Structure and activities, main objectives.
2. Your Role in the Organisation
Please describe your responsibilities in your organisation. Be as concrete as possible.
3. Main Achievements
Please outline which has been your main achievement while working for your organisation (e.g. introducing a new service, reorganising the organisation, increasing the membership, etc).
4. Your Motivation
Please explain in detail why you wish to participate in the EUROMED Invest Academy.