Name:Chapter 22: Vietnam
Ms. Ha Review Bingo
U.S. History Hour:
Date: 5-24-17
Call Letter / Question / Answer1. What President came up with the domino theory? / President Eisenhower
2. List the 3 countries that made up FrenchIndochina / Laos / Cambodia / Vietnam
3. Leader of North Vietnam / Ho Chi Minh
4. Capital of North Vietnam / Hanoi
5. Leader of South Vietnam / Ngo Diem
6. Capital of South Vietnam / Saigon
7. Nick-name for those in favor of War (bird) / Hawk
8. Students protested War on campus were call the “New…..” / “New Left”
9. Leaf-killing chemical that later proved tocause cancer / Agent Orange
10. U.S. leading General. / General William Westmoreland
11. Americans began to view their government with (blank)
after some of thelies they were told by the Johnson
Administration / Cynicism
12. He coined the term “Vietnamization” / Henry Kissinger
13. Name of the village where US soldiers massacred 500 +
innocent S. Vietnamesewomen, elderly and children. / My Lai
14. This stated that the President had to withdraw troops
within 90 days if the Congress demanded it or
Congress did not declare war. / War Powers Act
15. Guerilla group also known as the VC / Vietcong
16. A war fought between two large countries
trying using a third country / Proxy War
17. She designed the Vietnam Memorial Wall. / Maya Ying Lin
18. He was arrested for the S. Vietnamese
village massacre and served four years. / 2 Lt. William Calley, Jr.
19. What does PTSD stand for? / Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
20. Where was Vietnam divided at? / 17th parallel
21. First sustained bombing of North Vietnam / Operation Rolling Thunder
22. New US President in November of 1963 / Lyndon Baines Johnson
23. Did the US & ARVN win theTet Offensive? Military / Yes
24. Secretary of Defense at the start of Vietnam / Robert McNamara
25. Describe two tactics the VC used? / 1. Tiger Pits
2. Underground tunnels
26. Gasoline based bomb / NAPALM
27. Selective Service System / Draft
28. How many US women served in NAM? / 10,000
29. US plan to gradually wear down the VC / Attrition
30. Sneak attack on S. Vietnam and USduring a truce and
S. Vietnamese NewYear. / Tet Offensive: 1968
31. The primary purpose of the Ho Chi MinhTrail? / Vietcong could carry weapons
32. Four students were killed at this Ohio
University because there was opposition
to President Nixon bombing VC in Laos
and Cambodia while pulling out US troops / Kent State University, Ohio
33. Gradual withdrawal of US soldiers from
Vietnam and allow the South Vietnamese
military take over combat / Vietnamization
34. The southern most country to the left ofVietnam is: / Cambodia
35. The country nearest the 17th parallel ofVietnam is: / Laos
36. President Nixon coined this phrase for the
US troops pulling out of Vietnam. / “Peace with Honor”
37. Out of 3.3 million US soldiers in Vietnam,
what number suffered from PTSD? / Estimated: 450,000
38. What year did Saigon fall and the NorthVietnam won? / 1975
39. These 7,000 pages were leaked revealing
the US planned on entering Vietnameven when
President LBJ promised wewould not. / The Pentagon Papers
40. The Communists put 400,000 ARVN
members in “reeducation camps” formany years. / True
41. Those that opposed the war in Nam (bird) / Doves
42. The brother of JFK and Martin Luther King
were both assassinated this year: / 1968
43. Disbelief between what the Johnson
Administration told US citizens and what
critics were saying about the Vietnam War. / Credibility Gap
44. US soldiers, uprooted S.V. people, burned
their villages and killed their livestock. / “Search-and-Destroy”
45. This granted President Johnson broad
powers in Vietnam / TonkinGulf Resolution
46. Means to rise or increase in number / Escalation or escalate
47. Those who refused to go fight in Vietnam
and left for Canada and hid in the US. / Draft Dodgers
48. Returning US soldiers were treated as
heroes (true/false) / False
49. What was the MOST COMMON method
a US citizen could avoid entering the
Vietnam War? / College deferment (go to college, rich had the advantage)
50. Total number of deaths, wounded from
the Vietnam War /
- 58,000 dead
- 303,00 wounded