Study Guide for Word Stem Test 3
Give the answer and explain:
- The English language contains many homonyms. Can you name some?
- Do a pendant and a necklace have anything in common?
- Do homologous structures have dissimilar constructions?
- Is a dependent person self-sufficient?
What do these words mean:
- con / duct
- in / spect
- de / pend
- homo / nym
- aqua / fer
Answer the following:
10.Is a pantheon one god or a group of gods?
11. When you hydroplane, are you sliding on pavement?
12. Does a photometer measure sound?
13. Is a micron a measurement of something extremely large?
What do these words mean?
14. PENTAthlon
15. MICROscopic
16. HYDROponics
17. PHOTOgraph
18. PANdemic
Use the word stems to answer the following questions. Then explain how the word stem helps determine the meaning of the word.
19. Is polygamy marriage to more than one person?
20. If a culprit is exculpated, is he out of trouble?
21. Is a weak, indecisive person omnipotent?
Use context clue and word stem meanings to determine the definitions of the bolded words in the following sentences.
22. The strange boy could move distant objects by telekinesis.
23. The kids played video games for hours.
24. The all-consuming furry muncher had an omnivorous appetite.
25. The surgeon was able to excise the tissue with a scalpel.
26. Johann Sebastian Bach composed polyphonic music.
Define the bolded words by using their word stem meanings:
27. His new novel was carefully reviewed by the literary critic.
28. The crash victims suffered hypothermia on the frozen tundra.
29. The amoeba uses its pseudopods to move across the surface.
30. The brain is said to contain more than 100 billion neurons.
31. The clown received an emergency appendectomy in the medical tent.
What do the bolded words mean? Use the meaning of their stems to help you decide.
32. Iron ore is called hematite because of its deep red color.
33. Single-celled animals are known as protozoa.
34. Musicians play together in a symphony.
35. The German prince peered through his gold-rimmed monocular.
36. Laws against vivisection prevent cruelty to animals.
Define the following word stems.
HOMOphone ______BELLicose______
DUCTile ______AUTOmobile______
imPENDing ______AQUAplane______
MICROscopic ______musICIAN______
HYDROsphere ______laggARD______
PHOTOn ______BIBLIOlatry______
PANorama ______ANTHROpoid______
PENTAthlon ______CENTipede______
TELEphone ______anARCHY______
VIDeo ______NEOphyte______
OMNIvorous ______CONfidence______
EXobiology ______DEscend______
POLYglot ______CIRCUMspect______
REpeat ______SYNchronize______
HYPOtenuse ______UNfit______
PSEUDOnym ______EQUitable______
NEUROsis ______BInary______
dichoTOMY ______ANTIbody______
HEMAtologist ______TRIad______
PROTOn ______POSTerity______
PHONetics ______ANTEdate______
MONOgamous ______SUPERb______
VIVacious ______DISperse______