
TEXT – I PETER 3:17-22


I.  Have you noticed that we never go on for a very long period of time without there being some kind of problem or challenge to arise in life that troubles us? There are times when it seems that we have everything going in our direction. In such times it is easy to believe that God is on our side and everything is falling into place.

II.  But even when you feel that you have everything going in the right direction and life seems to be falling into place, there will still be things that go wrong, leaving us questioning ourselves and sometimes even our relationship with God.

III.  Peter challenges us to live in such a way that people will ask us how things are going in our life for God? They will want to know what keeps our hope alive even in the midst of trials and troubles in life.

IV.  If we are living in Pollyanna land where everything just seems to be falling into place for us and we never have any real problems or challenges in life, we won’t likely have many questions. It such a situation it isn’t hard for people to see why we would be happy. They will likely feel about us the way Satan felt about job that God had built a wall around him to keep him safe and blessed at all times. He felt that Job served God because God was being so good to him.



  1. It is better if God wills it so that we suffer for doing what is right rather than for what is wrong.
  2. When we suffer for wrongs we have don’t it isn’t unusual. It fits the pattern of Galatians 6:7-8.
  3. But when we do right and suffer it doesn’t seem right to us.
  4. Yet it is following Christ when we suffer for doing good. He was completely innocent yet was beaten and crucified for our sins, thus taking our place.
  5. In the same way in living for him there will be times when we will suffer for doing the right thing.
  6. While it seems more right for us to suffer for doing the wrong than it does for doing the right, it is more godly and Christ-like to suffer for doing good.
  7. Instead of feeling hurt and like we are being pulled out for mistreatment we should feel we are following Jesus and living a godly life.
  8. Remember in the Beatitudes Jesus said we are blessed if we are persecuted for doing right.
  9. Compare this with James 1:1-3 about rejoicing when suffering for doing right.


  1. He died once for all.
  2. Compare Hebrews 2:9
  3. Result is the grace of God is for all people. Titus 2:11-13
  4. The just for the unjust. See 2 Corinthians 5:21
  5. So that he might bring us to God. His death had a clear purpose. He was leading a long train of people to God the Father and the salvation of their souls.
  6. Having been put to death in the flesh but made alive in the Spirit.
  7. This doesn’t mean that His resurrection was only of the inward spirit.
  8. When we go back to the Gospel of John Jesus said to those around him, to examine his flesh and bones to see if he was real
  9. He was made alive in the spirit or in the Spirit. Perhaps by the Spirit of God. See Romans 8:10-11
  10. In which also He went and made proclamation to the spirits now in prison.
  11. Who once were disobedient, when the patience of God kept waiting in the days of Noah, during the construction of the ark, in which a few, that is, eight persons, were brought safely through the water.
  12. Could mean that Christ preached to them while they were alive through Noah.
  13. Could mean that after his resurrection he made an announcement to those in punishment of what had been done to offer salvation to people.


  1. As Noah and his family were saved by water by being carried by the water from an old world stained by sin to a new world washed clean by the flood, so baptism now saves us.
  2. The saving of Noah served as a type of our salvation by baptism.
  3. It wasn’t the water alone that saved Noah. He found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
  4. He was saved by faith. Hebrews 11:7
  5. His faith was obedient to God in building an ark and entering it to be lifted up above the flood.
  6. So with our baptism. It has no value all by itself. It is based on God’s amazing grace offering our salvation. Ephesians 2:8-9
  7. It is based on our believing in Christ. Mark 16:15-16
  8. It is tied to our turning from sin and to the Lord. Acts 2:38
  9. It isn’t about getting a good bath or cleaning up the body. It is an inside thing. It is an appeal to God for a good conscience. We are washed in the blood of Christ.
  10. Through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  11. We go through a death burial and resurrection as Jesus does. Colossians 2:12; Romans 6:3-4
  12. With a good conscience we can serve the Lord who is at the right hand of God, having gone into heaven, after angels and authorities and powers had been subjected to Him.


  1. The atoning death of Jesus for our sins opens the way to being washed in the blood.
  2. The resurrection of Christ is the basis for our salvation, for our being empowered to live for Him each day and for our anticipation of our coming resurrection from the dead to live with Him eternally in heaven.