TLC Minutes 9/22/11
Lynn welcomed back the members and introduced new incoming members.
Agenda topics for today are: Informative
Table Talk this month is a review of Schmoker’s book Focus – Chapter 1.
3 Priorities (pages 10-11) Page 1 of handouts.
“Their profound impact will come from all teachers applying them consistently and reasonable well.”
Questions to discuss in the groups for the 3 Priorities are:
- Have we, as educators, made a case for the importance of the three priorities described by Schmoker? Why or why not?
- Have we made the case for the impact that these priorities would have on student learning and college/career preparation?
- If not, how could we do this? Is so, have we done enough?
- How often should we revisit, clarify, and reinforce these priorities?
Priority #1. What We Teach: Curriculum & Power Standards
What do we want them to learn? =Pillar #1 of Good to Great
- Yes, the district is doing well with Priority #1
Priority #2. How We Teach: Every lesson includes a clear objective connected to common core
curriculum, background knowledge or a hook, direct
instruction/modeling/demonstrating, guided practice, gradual release, assessment,
and re-teaching (as needed)
How will we know they learned? What will we do if they haven’t learned or
already know it? = Pillars #2 & #3 of Good to Great
- It is good although it is a work of ongoing progress
- We need to work on the lack of understanding about college and life at the elementary level
Priority #3. Authentic Literacy: The spine that holds everything together – purposeful,
argumentative, thoughtful reading, writing, & talking
How will we prepare them for life? = Pillar #4 of Good to Great
- This priority is a challenge and should be visited every year
- Building relationships with students and connecting with students will help them in class and with life.
- We need to have a statement that speaks to this priority.
Lynn congratulated the Public Schools of Petoskey for all buildings meeting AYP and all receiving an “A” on their School Report Cards.
Lynn referred to pages 4 and 5 of the hand-outs. They are the District Teaching and LearningPlan for 2011-2012 and the plans for ourProfessional Learning Communities(PLC’s) for 2011-2012. They can be found on the Teaching and Learning website.
Committee went through the PowerPoint on Common Core State Standardsand it was sent out to all staff earlier this year. It is also on the T & L website for viewing.
If you haven’t looked at the new Common Cores yet please do. Review numbers 6-8.
For our next TLC please review:
- Reviewing District Data 2008-2011. Page 6 of hand-outs.
- Subgroups from the end of year 2010-2011. Page 7 of handouts.
- Please review the Formal District Assessment with your building to see if this schedule is working well. Pages 8 and 9 of handouts.
- Also please review with your building the NWEA/MAP District Testing Schedule. Page 10 of handouts.
- District Survey Results for 2010-2011. What, if any, new questions for this year’s survey should be added or deleted? Page 11 of handouts.
- District School Improvement Plan - Remember we will no longer use percentage for MEAP/MME Proficiency scores. Our Annual District Goals stating an Increase 3 Mean Points Proficiency in core classes.Pages 12 and 13 of handouts.
Our next meeting is Thursday, October 27, 2011, Spitler Board Room, 3:45pm – 5:15pm.
Respectfully submitted by:
Diana Konkus