Invitation for Tenders
TENDER NO. 03/2011-2012.
GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF BANGLADESH1 / Ministry/Division / Ministry of Water Resources.
2. / Agency / Bangladesh Water Development Board.
3. / Procuring Entity Name / Executive Engineer, Gumti O & M Division, BWDB, Comilla.
4. / Procuring Entity Code / Not used at present.
5. / Procuring Entity District / Comilla
6. / Invitation for. / As per list of work.
7. / Invitation Ref: No. / Memo No. T-12/265.(100)
8. / Date / 29-09-2011.
9. / Procurement Method / Open Tendering Method(OTM).
10. / Budget and Source of Fund / Annual Development Programme (ADP)/ (GOB).
11. / Development Partners / None.
12. / Project/Programme Code / Not Applicable.
13. / Project/Programme Name / “Rehabilitation and Strengthening of Embankment on both sides of Gumti River”
14. / Tender Package No. / 5 (five) Nos.
15. / Tender Package Name / Describe in the brief description of works.
16. / Tender Publication Date / Within 03-10-2011.
17. / Tender Last selling / 01-11-2011 up to Banking hours.
18. / Tender Closing Place, Date & Time. / Place
(a) Office of the Executive Engineer, Gumti O&M Division,
BWDB, Comilla
(b) Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Comilla.
(c) Office of the Executive Engineer, Dhaka O&M Division-2,
BWDB, Motijheel, Dhaka. / Date
02-11-2011 / Time
up to 12-00 hours
19. / Tender Opening Date and Time / Date
02-11-2011 / Time
4-00 PM.
20. / Name & Address of the office(s)
-Selling Tender Document (Principal) / Office of the Manager, Agrani Bank Ltd, Tomsom Bridge Branch, Comilla
-Selling Tender Document (Others) / Office of the Manager, Janata Bank Ltd, Kandirpar Branch, Comilla
Office of the Manager, Janata Bank Ltd, Dilkusha Corporate Branch, 29, Dilkusha C/A. Dhaka.
-Receiving Tender Document / (a) Office of the Executive Engineer, Gumti O&M Division, BWDB, Comilla
(b) Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Comilla.
(c) Office of the Executive Engineer, Dhaka O&M Division-2, BWDB, Motijheel, Dhaka.
-Opening Tender Document / Office of the Executive Engineer, Gumti O&M Division, BWDB, Comilla.
21. / Place/ Date/ Time of Pre-Tender Meeting (Optional) / Not Applicable
22. / Eligibility of Tender / All Eligible Persons/Contractors/Firms (Potential Tenderer) who fulfill the qualification criteria stipulated in the Tender Date Sheet (TDS) & other conditions of the Tender Documents.
23. / Brief Description of works / As per List of works given below.
24. / Price of Tender Documents / As per List of works given below.
25. / Brief Description of work:
Sl. No. / Identification of Package / Description of Packages / Location / Bid Security(In Lakh) / Price of Tender Documents / Completion time
25(1) / GUM/W/
GRL-06 / Re-sectioning of Gumti left Embankment from km. 33.320 to km. 33.720, km. 34.500 to km. 35.000,km. 36.500 to km. 37.500, km. 39.000 to km. 41.100,km. 42.000 to km. 42.500, km. 43.500 to km. 44.000, km. 51.000 to km. 54.200, km. 57.000 to km.57.800, km. 62.500 to km. 64.500 & km.66.870 to km. 68.760. (Total length=12.890km) at Upazilla Debidwar, Muradbagar, Titas, Dist. Comilla in Connection with Rehabilitation and Strengthening of embankment on both sides of Gumti River under Gumti O&M Division, BWDB, Comilla during the year-2011-2012. / Debidwar, Muradnagar, Titas / Tk. 16.00 lac
(Tk. Sixteen lac) / Tk. 5000/-
(Tk Five thousand) / 5 (five) months
25(2) / GUM/W/
GRR-07 / Re-sectioning of Gumti right Embankment from km. 35.000 to km. 37.000, km. 40.140 to km. 42.000, km. 44.000 to km. 46.500, km. 48.500 to km. 49.000 & km. 49.000 to km. 50.500, km. 53.000 to km. 63.500(Totalk length=18.860km) at Upazilla Debidwar, Muradbagar, Dist. Comilla in Connection with Rehabilitation and Strengthening of embankment on both sides of Gumti River under Gumti O&M Division, BWDB, Comilla during the year-2011-2012. / Debidwar, Muradnagar / Tk. 16.50 lac
(Tk. Sixteen lac fifty thousand) / Tk. 5000/-
(Tk Five thousand) / 5 (five) months
25(3) / GUM/W/
GRL-08 / Bank Protective work on the left bank of Gumti River from km. 36.630 to km. 36.690=60m at Upazilla Debidwar, Dist. Comilla in Connection with Rehabilitation and Strengthening of embankment on both sides of Gumti River under Gumti O&M Division, BWDB, Comilla during the year-2011-2012. / Debidwar / Tk. 1.80 lac
(Tk. one lac eighty thousand) / Tk. 1500/-
(Tk one thousand five hundred) / 4 (four) months
25(4) / GUM/W/
GRL-09 / Bank Protective work on the left bank of Gumti River from km. 42.450 to km. 42.510=60m at Upazilla Debidwar, Dist. Comilla in Connection with Rehabilitation and Strengthening of embankment on both sides of Gumti River under Gumti O&M Division, BWDB, Comilla during the year-2011-2012. / Debidwar / Tk. 1.20 lac
(Tk. one lac twenty thousand) / Tk. 750/-
(Tk seven hundred fifty) / 4 (four) months
25(5) / GUM/W/
GRL-10 / Bank Protective work on the left bank of Gumti River from km. 38.350to km. 38.430=80m at Upazilla Debidwar, Dist. Comilla in Connection with Rehabilitation and Strengthening of embankment on both sides of Gumti River under Gumti O&M Division, BWDB, Comilla during the year-2011-2012. / Debidwar / Tk. 2.00 lac
(Tk.Two lac) / Tk. 1500/-
(Tk one thousand five hundred) / 4 (four) months
26 / Tender security: / ** Payable in the form of Bank Draft/Demand Draft from any schedule bank of Bangladesh in favour of the Accounts Officer, Regional Accounting Center(RAC), BWDB, Comilla. In case of Pay Order, it must be issued from any branch of Scheduled Bank within Comilla Town or irrevocable Bank Guarantee in favour of the Executive Engineer, Gumti O&M Division, BWDB, Comilla for tender security from any schedule Bank of Bangladesh.
27. / Name of Official Inviting Tender / Md. Abul Hossain
28. / Designation of Official Inviting Tender / Executive Engineer.
29. / Address of Official Inviting Tender / Office of the Executive Engineer, Gumti O & M Division, BWDB, Comilla.
30. / Contract details of Official Inviting Tender / Telephone: 081-68357 (Office), 081-65315 (Res)
a) / The provision laid down in the “The Public Procurement Regulations-2008 (including 2nd and 3rd Revision) and Procurement Procedures shall be strictly followed.
b) / Work may be dropped, decreased or increased according to Budget allocation or field condition. No claim/extra rate will be entertained for cancellation of the tender or issuance of work order with decreased/increased quantity of work. The procuring entity reserves the right to accept/reject any or all tenders or annul the tender proceeding.
c) / Work order will be issued after getting approval from the competent authority
d) / Bill will be paid on availability of fund. No claim what so ever will be entertained.
e) / Intending Contractors/Tenderers must read carefully and go through the terms, conditions and all relevant points written in the Tender documents and must submit all relevant and supporting papers/documents along with the tender as instructed in support of their tender.
f) / Rates must be quoted both in figures & in words for each item of works in the Bill of Quantities (BOQ) of Section-6.
g) / The authority reserves the right to ask for analysis for any/all items of the work.
h) / If it is not possible to receive/open the tender on the scheduled date for any unavoidable circumstances, the same will be received/opened on the next working day at the same time and same venue.
i) / In case of Credit Certificate from the bank, specific Package Number & Name of the work must be shown in the certificate along with document of credit facilities.
j) / Additional 2 (Two) copies of BOQ (available with STD) duly filled in and shall be signed by the person duly authorized to sign on behalf of the tenderer should be submitted in separate two envelopes and marked “Additional BOQ” over the envelope.
k) / In addition to the Original Tender, One copy shall have to be submitted. Original and copy of Tender should be covered by an outer envelope containing the name of Tender, Tender Number, Lot Number, Tender’s specimen signature and address, as well as employers address.
l) / Modification of Price must be quoted in item wise.
NB : The Tender notice may also be available in the website of
D:/Jamal/Tender Notice No.02/2011-2012