Oronoco Parks Committee
Important Dates:
●February 2 @ 7pm Next Parks Meeting
Attended: Jonya Pacey, Lance Sorensen, Peter Sanders, Ryan Cradick, Tim Kramer, Trish Shields, and Eric Weis
Absent: Shirley Kingsley-Berg, Cain Dolan
Expense Items:
- T Ball Supplies–Recommend couple more helmets per bag that are medium or large. To many small ones, that barely fit the small kids.
- Playground equipment repair– Need to check with Cain, if any equipment needs repaired.
- River Park to Cedar Woodlands trail gate - City and developer to work together on this. Move this to old business.
- Garden Park– Water hook up has been approved. Need to resist expense items still needed along with timeline on how we would like to see project rolled out this spring.
- Signs – Generic rules and regulation signs along with some standard Oronoco specific items – Check with Cain on sourcing. Need to compile list of parks that need it along with costing.
Capital Items:
- Riverwood HIlls Park trails - Crushed rock trails in this years budget.
- Compliant playground safety equipment – Would like to slowly become compliant at each park without breaking the budget.
- Oronoco Park parking and repaving - Move this to a secondary wish list items so not completely off radar.
- Memorial Field parking– Possible 3-5 gravel parking spots off the road - Move this to a secondary wish list items so not completely off radar.
- Swings for park by city hall at location where swings were removed
- Back stops for tennis courts at River Park.
- Basketball court/ or half court at Riverwoods Park
Old Business:
- Ideas for use of Cowden Park Move this to a secondary wish list items so not completely off radar.
●Oronoco Park residence – City council to handle this
●Grants – Lance– Is working on these Operation round up grant submitted for $4000. He has an application for our bank Eastwoods that is now owned by Bremer Bank – they have a foundation
Other grant opportunities to research Target Corporation & Home Depot
New Business:
●Next Garden Park cleanup– Put on calendar for Saturday April 25th , need to bring up at council.
●Members and terms - Updated term end dates for Eric Weis now 2016, Lance Sorensen now 2015, Tim Kramer Now 2016
Trish to bring this year’s park budget to the next meeting.