Great BasinCollege
English 095 –Basic Writing II– Fall 2013
Section 1003 – Web Enhanced
Instructor:Allen Justin Moore
Phone:AcademicSuccessCenter – (775) 753-2149
Office Hours:AcademicSuccessCenter – Tuesday 2:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Thursday 2:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Email:Please contact me through WEBCAMPUS email. I will check it daily Monday through Sunday.
Class Time:Tuesday & Thursday -- 9:30-10:45 AM
Location:MCML 219
Text:1) My Sister’s Keeperby Jodi Picoult -- ISBN-10 : 0743454537
2) English Simplified by B. Ellsworth & J. Higgins -- ISBN-10 : 0205110460
3) Connect Writing 2.0 - ISBN-13: 9780073513546
Other:WEBCAMPUS Login--KNOW IT! -- Problems? Help Desk # (775) 753-2167
Prerequisite:ACCUPLACER (85 or below), ACT (17 or below), SAT (339 or below).
Course Objectives/Description:English 95 is considered a refresher course. We will work on writing skills so that you may confidently advance to college transferable courses. This course provides you with an intensive writing experience.We will work on grammar and mechanics, as well as sentence structure, paragraph structure and essay development with the goal of preparing you for college-level writing.The course is supported by tutoring sessions at the GBC Academic Success Center (ASC).At the ASC you will receive individual attention in the areas of grammar, mechanics, content, and organization.Give this course your best efforts, attend classes with a minimum of absences and complete all assignments, and you will finish this semester with a new and well-deserved confidence in your writing.
Methods of Instruction:This course will include: class discussions, instructor and tutor feedback, writing workshops, lectures, presentations, and group work.
WEBCAMPUS Enhancement:English 95 is a web-enhanced (or hybrid) course. Materials for the course can be found on WEBCAMPUS.Each student will receive a user name and password for WEBCAMPUS early in the semester. (It is YOUR responsibility to learn your username and login!) You will access course information via WEBCAMPUS.You can also email your instructor or other classmates via WEBCAMPUS. In addition, you will be asked to submit certain assignments into the Assignment Drop Box or by attaching them to an email in WEBCAMPUS. (Detailed information about using WEBCAMPUS can be found on the site.) The web-enhanced feature is designed to help you keep class materials more organized, communicate more effectively, and learn some of the basic features of electronic classes. You do not need a home computer to participate. WEBCAMPUS is available on any computer in theAcademicSuccessCenter and on most campus computers.
To find WEBCAMPUS:Go to < Find the WEBCAMPUS icon on the home page. Click on it. Enter your user name and password.
***I require you to check WEBCAMPUS regularly (daily if possible) and especially the day before class as I communicate essential information I expect you to receive in order to be prepared for classes.***
Supplemental Instruction: A pilot program is being implemented for English 095. This program consists of a weekly study session, outside of class, that will build on strengths and address weaknesses of current students. A Supplemental Instructor (SIL) will lead the class in various tasks including: mini-lessons on lectured material, assistance with a current writing assignment, and/or basic study skills. These supplemental instruction sessions will be part of your final grade under the “Attendance/Participation” weight.
Remember:Writing is a process. All writers are constantly in the process of improving. In this class we need to trust each other and ourselves. You need to trust your own ideas and that you have something worthwhile to say. You also need to trust that I will do all I can to help you learn the skills of writing; and, finally, I need to trust that you are putting your best efforts into your writing because learning to write well requires considerable time and energy from all of us.
Learner Outcomes and Measurements:
Learner Outcomes / MeasurementsIdentify main ideas and differentiate those from supporting details. / Student discussion of readings; evidence in written essays.
Recognize and correct faulty mechanics. / Error Analysis Assignments; Academic Success Center (ASC) tutor requirement.
Use appropriate language and tone based on purpose, audience, and topic. / Quality of written essays; rubric evaluation; evidence of improvement through revision.
Construct coherent, well-developed paragraphs. / Quality of written essays; rubric evaluation.
Revise written assignments using the writing process. / Evidence of revision in student portfolio.
Construct a basic essay demonstrating techniques of solid organization. / Quality of written essays; rubric evaluation; evidence of improvement through revision.
Write clear, defined thesis statements. / Instructor observation of skill development in practice sessions; evidence in written essays; rubric evaluation.
Utilize the GBC library services to find appropriate articles and information. / Instructor observation of skill; appropriate choice of articles for written essays.
Apply the basics of MLA format and documentation to all written work. / Evidence in written work; rubric evaluation.
Show readiness for ENG 101 / Successful completion of final department read; successful completion of Academic Success Center (ASC) requirement.
Course Assignments:Assignments must be submitted through the Web Campus assignment drop box by the due date. Late assignments will be accepted for one week after the due date with a 10% deduction. After the late period, assignments will not be accepted and will NOTreceive points.
Assignment Breakdown: The following is a breakdown of how assignments will be weighted in the class:
1)3 Essays (60%)
- 1st Essay – 15%
- 2nd Essay – 20%
- 3rd Essay– 25%
2)Connect Writing Supplement (25%)
3)Attendance/Participation (15%)
Grades:Grading will be based on the following scale:
Percentage of Total Points and Letter Grades:
94 - 100 - A 87 - <90 - B+ 77 - <80 - C+ 60 - <70 - D
90 - <94 - A-84 - <87 - B 74 - <77 - C Less than 60 - F
80 - <84 - B- 70 - <74 - C-
Expectations of Attendance:Attendance is extremely important to your success. I expect:
- You to be present for class every day we meet, on time, and prepared.
- Assignments to be turned in on time, in class and on-line.
- Genuine and sincere effort toward improving your writing skills.
***We will follow the stated GBC attendance policy (see catalog), which is one absence per credit hour. This means you may havethreeabsences during the semester. For ENG. 95: Four absences = no credit (withdrawal). Two tardy arrivals = 1 absence.If you do miss a class, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed and catch up on that work before the next class period. You must ask, inform yourself, and be aware of course details even if you are absent.***
Withdrawal:If you miss more than three classes, confer with your instructor about your status.It is your responsibility to withdraw from the course by week 13 of the semester in order to get a “W” issued on your transcript.
Classroom Policies:In order to create a quality learning environment, students will:
- Treat each other with respect and dignity
- Encourage each other to actively participate
- Listen while others are speaking
- Come to class prepared to share ideas
- Be on time to all classes and attend the entire class session
- Participate appropriately. Side conversations not related to the class topic, working on other class assignments during class, sleeping, or distracting others are unacceptable
- Communicate with me as soon as possible if you have problems or concerns about class
- Turn assignments in on time. Late assignments will be docked, and eventually NOT accepted. If there are extenuating AND documented circumstances, please talk to the instructor.
Academic Success Center (ASC) Requirement: As a developmental English student at GBC,you will be asked to visit the Academic Success Center (ASC) in the Electrical and Industrial Technology (EIT) Center. Students must complete four (4) visits for ENG 95, but are welcome as go to the ASC for tutoring as often as they like. Make an appointment with a tutor several days in advance as your tutor session must be completed by the deadline.Each time you arrive for your visit at the ASC, you will log in on the Tutor Trac software. A record of your visits will be kept in the Tutor Trac system, so do not forget to sign in. You will also be asked to have your tutor sign off on a written sheet at the end of your visit.Students can call the ASC at 753-2149 to make appointments.Please cancel with the ASC if you cannot attend your appointment.
Confidentiality: The English Department respects the policy that your grades are you and your instructor’s business only. However, during the semester, student writing will be shared with peers and/or Academic Success Center tutors for revision purposes and may be publicly displayed. This is an integral part of the college writing program. If you have comments concerning this policy, please make them known to me during the first week of the course.
Accommodations: GBC supports providing equal access for students with disabilities. An advisor is available to discuss appropriate accommodations with students. Please contact the Student Services Office in Elko at 753-2271 at your earliest convenience to request timely and appropriate accommodations.
Policy of Academic Integrity:You are expected to be honest.Cheating and plagiarism are violations of the University of Nevada System’s Code of Conduct as well as violations of the standards of intellectual honesty.Students who violate these standards are subject to consequences ranging from dismissal from a class to dismissal from the academic institution.
Plagiarism– Representing someone else’s words, ideas, artistry, or data as one’s own, including copying another person’s work (including published and unpublished material, and material from the Internet) without appropriate referencing, presenting another person’s opinions and theories as one’s own, or working jointly on a project, then submitting it as one’s own. (I have a computer program that will search your words on the Internet, so do not make the choice to plagiarize). PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THIS REQUIREMENT! IT IS SERIOUS.
Written Work:Please present work that is neat, carefully proofread, and attractively presented.The proper format for written work is MLA. Practice proper paragraph structure: indent the first sentence; use complete sentences. We will always discuss major writing assignments in detail. You will receive separate assignment sheets detailing criteria and due dates for proposals, peer editing, and essays.
This is your class.If you have any concerns, academic problems, or if you need special assistance, please discuss all matters with me as soon as possible. If you have further concerns, see the current GBC catalog on the procedure you must follow to protect your rights.