July 2007 Rule Notice
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1570 Grant Street, Denver, CO 80203-1818 (303) 866-2993 (303) 866-4411 Fax (303) 866-3883 TTY
Bill Ritter, Jr., Governor Joan Henneberry, Executive Director
December 31, 2008
The Honorable Mike Coffman
Secretary of State
1560 Broadway, 2nd Floor
Denver, Colorado 80203
Dear Mr. Coffman:
Attached is the Notice of Proposed Rules concerning rules to be considered for final adoption at the February 2009 meeting of the Medical Services Board of the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing. The meeting will be held on Friday, February 13, 2009, beginning at 9:00 A.M., at The Children's Hospital, 13123 E. 16th Avenue, Aurora, CO 80045 in the Mt. Yale Room located in the second floor Conference & Education Center.
This notice is submitted to you for publication, pursuant to § 24-4-103(3)(a) and (11)(a), C.R.S.
Judi Carey,
Medical Services Board
“The mission of the Department of Health Care Policy & Financing is to purchase cost-effective health care for qualified, low-income Coloradans.”
February 2009 Rule Notice
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The Medical Services Board of the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing will hold a public meeting on Friday, February 13, 2009, beginning at 9:00 a.m., at The Children's Hospital, 13123 E. 16th Avenue, Aurora, CO 80045 in the Mt. Yale Room located in the second floor Conference & Education Center. Reasonable accommodations will be provided upon request prior to the meeting, by contacting the Medical Services Board Coordinator at 303-866-4416.
A copy of the full text of these proposed rule changes are available for review from the Medical Services Board Office, 1570 Grant Street, Denver, Colorado 80203, tel. (303) 866-4416, fax (303) 866-4411. Written comments may be submitted to the Medical Services Board Office. Additionally, the full text of all proposed changes will be available approximately one week prior to the meeting on the internet at http://www.chcpf.state.co.us/msb/agenda.
MSB 08-12-04-A Third Party Liability. HB-1409, the third party data matching and liability bill required under the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (DRA), was passed by the Colorado Legislature during the 2008 legislative session and signed into law by Governor Bill Ritter last summer. The bill, amending 25.5-4-209 C.R.S. (2008) and creating new section 25.5-4-300.4 C.R.S. (2008), requires the Department to formulate rules to implement these new provisions. This rule defines the minimum necessary requirements third parties, as defined in 25.5-4-209 C.R.S. (2008), must provide to the Department or its business associate to conduct eligibility data matches and other requirements as provided under HB-1409 and the DRA.
MSB 08-12-02-A. Pharmacy Benefits. Senate Bill 08-090 authorizes mail order delivery of maintenance medications for Medicaid clients with a physical hardship or clients with third-party insurance that requires the use of mail order pharmacies. The rules implementing this legislation have been promulgated at 10 C.C.R. 2505-10 Section 8.800 et seq. The authority for this rule is contained in 25.5-1-301 through 25.5-1-303, C.R.S. (2008)
MSB 08-12-02-B Preferred Drug List and P&T Committee. The current Preferred Drug List and P&T Committee rules require physicians to submit a care plan for clients when requesting an exemption from the Preferred Drug List. This rule revision does not require physicians to submit a care plan when requesting an exemption for clients. The authority for this rule is contained in Sections 25.5-5-506(3)(a), C.R.S. (2007) and Executive Order No. D 004 07, Establishing a Preferred Drug List (Jan. 31, 2007).
MSB 08-08-19-A. Medicaid-Revisions to the Medical Assistance Eligibility Rule Sections 8.100-8.123 10 C.C.R. 2505-10. The Eligibility rule revision reorganizes and clarifies existing rules and includes previously omitted rules to be in conformity with current state and federal law. The authority for this rule is contained in 25.5-1-301 through 25.5-1-303, C.R.S. (2008).
MSB 07-08-20-A. Alternative Care Facilities, Section 8.495. The authority for this rule is contained in 25.5-1-301 through 25.5-1-303, C.R.S. (2008) and 25.5-6-303, C.R.S. (2008), 25.5-6-601 C.R.S. (2008) et. seq. Incorporated in this rule are changes to create a homelike feel for ACFs. This rule also deletes obsolete requirements regarding the Adult Foster Care Program.
“The mission of the Department of Health Care Policy & Financing is to purchase cost-effective health care for qualified, low-income Coloradans.”
February 2009 Rule Notice
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MSB 08-11-21-B Changes to Provider Reimbursement Rates for the Old Age Pension Health and Medical Care Program. Adjusts provider reimbursement rates for the Old Age Pension Health and Medical Care Program in accordance with what is allowed for operation within statutory spending limits. This rule endorses adjusted provider payment rates under 10 C.C.R. 2505-10, Section 8.941.9 and authorizes the Executive Director of the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing to increase provider reimbursement rates under Section 8.941.1(E). The authority for this rule is contained in Sections 25.5-1-301 through 25.5-1-303 C.R.S. (2008).
“The mission of the Department of Health Care Policy & Financing is to purchase cost-effective health care for qualified, low-income Coloradans.”