Club Development Table - Midtown
Current Season2012 / 13 / Year 1
2013 / 14 / Year 2
2014 / 15 / Year 3
2015 / 2016 / Year 4
2016 / 17
No. of teams / 4 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
Male / Female / Male / Female / Male / Female / Male / Female / Male / Female
U15 / U9
U16 / U7
U14 / U7
U15 / U7
Club Development Table – Forrest Rangers
Current Season2012 / 13 / Year 1
2013 / 14 / Year 2
2014 / 15 / Year 3
2015 / 2016 / Year 4
2016 / 17
No. of teams / 5 / 5 / 7 / 8 / 9
Male / Female / Male / Female / Male / Female / Male / Female / Male / Female
U14 / U8
U14 / U7
U15 / U7
U16 / U12 / U7
U17 / U12
Club Development Table – Blyton Bombers
Current Season2012 / 13 / Year 1
2013 / 14 / Year 2
2014 / 15 / Year 3
2015 / 2016 / Year 4
2016 / 17
No. of teams / 2 / 1 / 3 / 5 / 6
Male / Female / Male / Female / Male / Female / Male / Female / Male / Female
U10 / U9 / U8
U10 / U7
U11 / U7
Club Development Table – Scotter JFC
Current Season2012 / 13 / Year 1
2013 / 14 / Year 2
2014 / 15 / Year 3
2015 / 2016 / Year 4
2016 / 17
No. of teams / 12 / 15 / 17 / 18 / 19
Male / Female / Male / Female / Male / Female / Male / Female / Male / Female
U8, U9, U10, U11, U12, U13, U14, U15, U16, Adult / U12, U15 / U6, U7, U8, U9, U10, U11, U12, U13, U14, U15, U16, U17, Adult / U13, U16 / U6, U7, U8, U9, U10, U11, U12, U13, U14, U15, U16, U17, U18, Adult / U12, U14, U18 / U6, U7, U8, U9, U10, U11, U12, U13, U14, U15, U16, U17, U18, Adult / U12, U13, U15,
Adult / U6, U7, U8, U9, U10, U11, U12, U13, U14, U15, U16, U17, U18, Adult / U12, U13, U14, U16,
Club Development Table – Gainsborough Trinity Juniors
Current Season2012 / 13 / Year 1
2013 / 14 / Year 2
2014 / 15 / Year 3
2015 / 2016 / Year 4
2016 / 17
No. of teams / 8 / 7 / 9 / 10 / 11
Male / Female / Male / Female / Male / Female / Male / Female / Male / Female
U8, U9, U10, U11, U14, U15, U16, U17 / U8, U9, U10, U11, U12, U15, U16 / U7, U8, U9, U10, U11, U12, U13 U14, U16 / U7, U8, U9, U10, U11, U12, U13 U14, U15, U16 / U7, U8, U8, U9, U10, U11, U12, U13 U14, U15, U16
Club Development Table – Marshall’s Sports
Current Season2012 / 13 / Year 1
2013 / 14 / Year 2
2014 / 15 / Year 3
2015 / 2016 / Year 4
2016 / 17
No. of teams / 12 / 9 / 11 / 13 / 14
Male / Female / Male / Female / Male / Female / Male / Female / Male / Female
U8, U9
U10, U11
U12, U13
U14, U15
U16, Adult / U12
U15 / U8, U9
U10, U11
U13, U15
U16 / U13
U16 / U7, U8, U9
U10, U11
U16, U17, / U14
U18 / U7, U8, U9
U10, U11
U16, U17, / U12
U15 / U7, U8, U9
U10, U11
U12, U13
U15, U17 U18 / U12
Growth and Retention / This section identifies how the club plans to retain and grow provision and develop flexible club formats that will support existing players and introduce new male and female players from the diverse communities into football
Objective / Achievement Targets / Timescale / Responsibility / Costs
1 Retain all existing teams
Retain a good level of support to existing clubs for managers and players. Provide regular communication to ensure clubs are up to date with any new measures or procedures / All existing teams retained / Annually / FDO, Lincolnshire FA, Club Committees / Affiliation to Lincolnshire FA and leagues
2. Work with Adult Saturday and Sunday Leagues to become an FA Charter standard League and create exit routes for U18 and U16 players / Retain all existing adult teams.
Consultation around Saturday football / Annually / Club Committee, League committee, FDO
3 Support the development of development squads for U6’s and U7’s
Providing opportunities for children to learn and develop necessary skills before forming into affiliated squad / Correct squad size recruited for the following year / Annually / Club Committee,
Senior Coach, FDO
4 Develop school club links to aid recruitment of players especially female and disability
Utilise existing coaching resources to offer opportunities to local schools / Attracting new players into clubs
Various sessions delivered throughout the year / Year 2 onwards / Club, FDO
5 Work with Marshall’s to develop and establish girls football
Develop a new U10s girls team and retain each year working with Marshall’s / 3 teams established / Year 2 onwards / Club committee, Schools, FDO / Cost per year:
Facilities – training
6 Ensure all youth players have a player pathway to be able to continue playing in to open aged football / Senior section established / Year 3 onwards / Club committee / A progression from a youth team,
7 Develop a new Disability Football Club and link into existing charter standard football club Marshalls. / Disability team established with adults and under 16’s provision / Year 2 / FDO, Inclusion Officer / Cost per year:
Facilities – training
8 Work with small sided games providers in Gainsborough to create new opportunities in line with Lincolnshire FA’s projects - Lincs 5’s / Affiliated small sided competitions in Gainsborough / Year 2 / FDO, Lincolnshire FA, Small Sided providers
Raising Standards and Addressing Abusive Behaviour / This section identifies ways in which the club can create a fun and safe environment for everyone involved in its structure. This includes how the club will raise standards of behaviour and ensure a safe and positive environment for children and vulnerable adults.
Objective / Achievement Targets / Timescale / Responsibility / Costs
1 Retain FA Charter Standard accreditation, support the clubs to complete the application form and annual health check / FA Charter Standard retained/ accreditation achieved / Annually / FDO, Charter Standard Co-ordinator
Club Committee
2 To achieve and retain the FA Charter Standard status for all Junior Football Clubs and achieve development club status at Scotter and Marshalls / All Junior Football Club achieve charter standard status / Year 2 onwards / Charter Standard Co-ordinator
Club Committee
3 To support the Clubs Welfare Officers
Training and support to ensure club is up to date with guidelines, legislation and procedures / All Clubs to have a fully qualified CWO / Annually / Club Committee
FDO, County FA Welfare Officer
Club Welfare Officer / Cost of potential workshops for any new CWO’s needed
4 Fully support the FA Respect Programme / Promotional material displayed at all clubs / Respect posters and codes of conduct displayed / Annually / Club Welfare Officer
Utilise Respect barriers or other appropriate resources / Barriers purchased and used at matches / Annually / Team Managers
All managers and parents briefed on supporting Respect / Minimum of 1 respect briefing per season per team / Annually / Club Committee
Team Mangers
Every player, parent, coach to sign ‘Code of Conduct’
Zero tolerance of abuse towards referees / Reducing the number of incidents of abuse and misconduct. Using FA guidelines for recommended sanctions / Annually / Club Committee
5 Deliver FA Charter Standard in service workshops in partnership with Lincolnshire FA to be hosted in Gainsborough / Club – Minimum 1 per year
Development and Community – Minimum of 2 per year / Annually / Club Committee
6 Organise the end of season awards evening in Gainsborough
Seeking to recognise the hard work of players, volunteers and clubs feeding into LFA event / Each club to make at least one nomination for awards / Year 3 / Organising committee
FDO, Town Council, Lincolnshire FA
7 Support the Lincolnshire FA annual awards through McDonalds
Nominate club and/or individuals for annual awards / All Junior Football Clubs to have at least one nomination / Annually / Club Committees, FDO, Lincolnshire FA
Better Players / This section identifies how the club will support every player to realise his/her potential.
Objective / Achievement Targets / Timescale / Responsibility / Costs
1 Organise an end of season tournament with Marshalls and or Trinity Juniors.
Look into the different formats for a tournament, 5v5, 7v7 etc. to support youth teams / 1 end of season tournament delivered / Annually / FDO, Gainsborough Town Council Facility Maintenance team.
Club Committee’s
2 Organise Primary Schools football festivals to aid recruitment for local clubs
Look into the different formats for a tournament, 5v5, 7v7 etc. to support the FA’s youth review / 2 Festivals a year
1- 5 a side
1- 7 a side / Year 2 onwards / FDO, Gainsborough Town Council Facility Maintenance team.
Club Committee’s, Volunteer Workforce
3 Establish and develop opportunities for 5, 6, 7 year olds within local clubs
Providing opportunities for children to learn and develop necessary skills before forming into affiliated squads / Formation of ‘Saturday Morning Clubs’ or ‘Coaching taster sessions’ / Annually / FDO, Club Committee’s, Volunteer Workforce
4 Establish Grassroots / Player development centre/ Skills centre for 5-11 year olds mixed ability / Opportunity for up to 48 5-11 year olds to access weekly skills sessions either as their only or an additional playing opportunity / Year 2 / Year 3 / FDO, Coaches, Volunteer Workforce
5 Develop an ‘Advanced Player’ Development Centre as an additional opportunity for gifted and talented players / Formation of Advanced Player Development Centre as an additional opportunity for talented players. Sessions running weekly with friendly fixture against other centres. Exit routes into Centre of Excellence / Year 3 / FDO, Lincolnshire FA, Coaches
6 Run ‘School Holiday’ coaching provision for 5-11s
Provide opportunities for players to develop skills throughout the year at the key age group / 30- 5-11s engaged in weekly summer coaching sessions / Year 3 onwards / FDO, Coaches, Volunteer Workforce
Running the Game / This section focuses on the identification of ways to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of how the club is run
Objective / Achievement Targets / Timescale / Responsibility / Costs
1 Form a local football network to include organisations working within grassroots/community football.( meet 4 times a year)
Committee formed with representation of each section / Committee formed and meet on regular basis / Year 1 onwards / Lincolnshire FA, FDO
2 Set up a coaches support group to offer help and guidance including in service events
All coaches invited to discuss coaching methods through meetings or training sessions / Support Group established / Year 2 / Club Committee
Senior Coach
3 All teams affiliated with the CFA and entered into appropriate leagues / All teams affiliated / Annually / Club Secretaries, FDO, Local League committees / Cost of affiliation plus league and cup entry
4 Promote the use of member services to help the running of clubs
Utilise the member services and the annual health check / All details kept up to date. / Ongoing / Club
5 Increased communication with clubs and leagues by attending league and club meeting where necessary and increased use of full time, websites and social networking / Become a focal point for contact in Gainsborough for Football Development / Year 1 onwards / FDO
6 Support Kerry’s Youth League with the Youth Review
Supporting league with festivals, trophy events, pitches sizes, goals etc / Teams running inline with Youth Review. Including competition formats. / Year 1 onwards / FDO, Lincolnshire FA
Workforce Development / This section looks at how the club will recruit, train and develop the workforce that will support the administration, development and promotion of the club
Objective / Achievement Targets / Timescale / Responsibility / Costs
1 Become a key contact to support the recruitment and development of volunteers
Ensure all clubs have a volunteer co-ordinator / Become point of contact for volunteers
All clubs appoint volunteer co-ordinator / Year 1 / FDO