OCASE Notes April 29, 2011 Page 2

Oregon Coalition of Addiction Studies Educators

Chemeketa Community College

Bldg 48, Room 102

April 29,2011

10 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Meeting Notes

Participants Ann Bonner (MHCC), Tom Favreau (UO), Denna Vandersloot (NFATTC,) Donna Hirt (CCC), Maureen Jenne (Emergence),Pauline Martel (ADAPT,) Garry Oldham (LCC), Linda Simmons and Allan West (TVCC), Monica Vines (COCC), Jan Woodcock (UCC)

Guests: Gearl Seal ( therapist), Thad Labhart representing ACCBO

I  Introductions and selection of meeting facilitator, Pauline Martel

Pauline introduced handouts available for review at lunch re. Health care reform

II  Minutes Read and approved from February 4, 2011. Agenda approved with additions.

III  Determining OCASE Goals / Direction for 2011 – 12.

·  Review of Vision from mid-2000’s

Curriculum Coordination

DISCUSSION included issues relevant to curriculum coordination. It was agreed that the recent OCASE changes/ recommendations related to the addition of a course in co-occurring disorders was useful to our combined programs, particularly as CD/AOD/health care integration proceeds. Keeping in line with TAP 21 (National Competencies) will be an ongoing effort for OCASE. Interest in seeking competencies for related fields regarding integration.

Plans to expand distance education were discussed. Several members expressed interest in Jo Bell’s original contact with OCASE concerning the RACES project and prospects for a mutually accessible electronic platform.

It was also agreed that OCASE should be in continual contact with Health Care Reform and the changes that will likely have on our curriculum /programs.

OCASE Identity

Denna and Thad suggested that OCASE review it’s former desire to be more fully defined /identified as a group in its capacity to link local/state/national policy issues which have relevance to treatment and to workforce development / education.


Pauline indicated that Shawn will no longer be attending /representing AMH on a regular basis. Members discussed the impact of this decision and agreed that contact should be made with Karen Wheeler / AMH about it. Members also discussed the need to expand OCASE membership to include other community colleges that may have added /developed courses /programs in the addiction area. Members agreed on the following:

a) Ann will seek information on the content of Behavioral Health curricula

b) Donna and Jan will identify /invite instructors /representatives from other community colleges to be a part of OCASE (this should be done over Spring /Summer so that new individuals can be invited to attend in 2011/12.

c) Maureen agreed to draft a letter to Karen Wheeler expressing concern with loss of regular input /contact on workforce development issues from AMH. [NOTE: this was resolved thru email discussions: Karen Wheeler and Shawn Clark will be invited to the Fall meeting.]

d) Pauline will obtain most recent contact list from Shawn and obtain information about AMH continuing to reimburse OCASE members for travel over 100 miles.

IV  Peer Delivered Services

Members discussed training for peer specialists. Pauline indicated ADAPT is seeking approval from the state for minimum number of training hours (24). Donna indicated Chemeketa is investigating Perkins funding for the development of a short-term training certificate in this area as well. Thad noted that ACCBO has approved a new Recovery Mentor Certificate; current mentors can be “grandfathered” into certification before September 1, 2011 at a cost of $100. While these services are currently billable under Mental Health, it is hoped that Oregon will obtain a waiver to use Medicaid funding for Alcohol and Drug services.

V  Updates and announcements from college programs and providers

a.  Central Oregon CC: Monica, deans leaving so will have impact, UO is exiting campus which is a loss. COCC is seeking suggestions on advisory board and networking.

b.  Mt. Hood CC: Ann updated members on negotiations/ mediation and the current decision by faculty to strike.

c.  Chemeketa CC: Donna announced that a new faculty member will be joining the team in the fall.

d.  Umpqua CC: Jan reported that their new president will be announced Monday.

e.  UO: Tom discussed changes including their new administrator; he is hoping to integrate a CADC track as a minor in Human Services

f.  Lane CC: Garry – enrollment continues to climb and more jobs are becoming available. Starting labor negotiations.

g.  Emergence: Maureen- several severe cuts in funding proposed, waiting for decisions.

h.  Treasure Valley CC: Linda is retiring at the end of June, Allan will be OCASE contact She suspects the program will have limited offerings in the future.

i.  Rogue Valley CC: No report.

j.  ADAPT-Pauline reports that their internship program with Umpqua CC is growing; they are also working with Criminal Justice students.

VI  A lunch-time Guest speaker (invited by Shawn Clark), Gearl Seal presented on male socialization. He was inspired by the work of Paul Kivel (“The Man Box”). Gearl presented an overview and handouts demonstrating an activity from a curriculum he has implemented to address gender issues as a therapist in Central Oregon. He supports gender issues being addressed in training and treatment.

VII  DHS/OHA Criminal Background check

Donna discussed the expansion of the criminal background check by DHS which, as of April, includes abuse allegations. Pauline noted the check relates to those with “substantiated” histories, that means an investigation found a preponderance of evidence against the individual. Members discussed this change and it was agreed that Pauline would ask a former student with such involvement to join the rules committee. She will report back to OCASE on this at the next meeting.

VIII  NFATTC Update- Denna Vandersloot

a.  New publications and products: Performance Assessment Rubrics completed !! New format, to be sold by publisher. Members expressed hope for bulk purchase opportunities. NFATTC will send link to web site to download finalized product.

b.  National move is to distance education & the use of technology like webinars. Currently, ATTC offers monthly webinars on emerging topics.

c.  Recent Addiction Messenger on health care reform available on-line, well researched.

d.  Course Schedules: self-paced course on use of motivational incentives.

ATTC shifting away from one-time trainings to long-term project implementation and moving towards behavioral health focus (MI, SBIRT, NIATx).

e.  Funding for ATTC ends 2012, likely new configuration for behavioral health and health care integration.

VIII Update on CAAP meeting and appointment of OCASE representative – Donna

Donna will continue to be our representative with CAAP in the coming year until new funding cycle begins.

IX Set Future actions and agenda items:

f.  Next meeting will be Friday, Oct 7, 2011 at Chemeketa Community College 10 AM to 2 PM (summer meeting not feasible)

g.  Donna will reserve and confirm room

h.  Denna/Jennifer will reserve and confirm lunch

i.  Garry will facilitate OCASE Goals/Direction with strategic tips from Denna

j.  Membership list – update on behavioral health recruitments- Donna and Jan

k.  Maureen will send minutes, reminder and draft agenda

l.  Everyone to send agenda items to Maureen

m.  Agenda to include:

i.  Updates

ii. Distance Ed. Committee Report – Jo Bell

iii.  DHS Abuse History /rules committee report - Pauline

iv.  AMH guests update on Health Care Integration – Karen Wheeler, Shawn Clark –update Peer Delivered Services

v. OCASE Goals/Direction for 2011-12 -- Garry (& Denna) (update on behavioral health recruitments – Donna & Jan)

vi.  CAAP report – Donna