L.I.G.H.T Summary of Romans 06/20/18

It Is Finished!

Describe the layout of the temple and the priority given to various people.

God’s Presence (Ark of the Covenant)

Exodus 34: 29-35 ______Exodus 33:19-20 ______

Exodus 40:35 ______1 Chronicles 13:9 ______

High Priest ______Priests ______Jewish men ______

Jewish women ______Jewish people vs. Gentiles ______

Describe Jesus’ work on the cross

Matthew 27:50-54 ______John 19:30 ______

Hebrews 9:24-16 ______Hebrews 10:19-22 ______

John 14:6-7 ______John 10:28-30 ______

The book or Romans stirred Martin Luther to action and started the Protestant revolution. Luther’s writings on Romans awakened John Wesley as he heard the truth of Roman’s set forth. In the history of the modern church, few writings have stirred more people to action as well as faith in Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior than Paul’s letter to the Romans. As we study Romans, our prayer needs to be that it will change our lives not just expand our minds!

We Cannot Self-Declare Ourselves Righteousness


What was the purpose of the law? ______

Why is belief and faith nullified if obeying rules can declare you acceptable before God? ______

The work of Jesus Christ on the cross is God’s only plan of salvation and (always was and always will be). Before Christ righteousness was achieved by belief (Genesis 15:6). ______. Obedience to the law was an outward manifestation of an inward choice to obey and believe in God. Obedience to the law NEVER was an atonement for sin and a Holy God has zero tolerance for sin (Matthew 27:46) ______. What is required for is the shedding of blood from a perfect male sacrifice. (Leviticus 17:11, Hebrews 9:22, Hebrews 13:7-14) ______

The work of Christ on the cross was not a new revelation it was the fulfillment of God’s original plan of salvation. Prior to Christ God interacted with his people through the priests. After Christ, God interacted with his people through his son, our new high priest.

Jesus Declares us Right Before God

Justified: dikaioō (dē-kī-o'-ō) To be declared or pronounced that one is now in an approved and acceptable status ______


Righteous dikaiosynē dē-kī-o-sü'-nā: approved and acceptable to God ______


Propitiation: (hilastērion) The act of appeasement, indemnity, imputed righteousness, substitutionary atonement. There is a price that needs to be paid that we ourselves cannot pay. There is nothing that we can do, we must rely on someone else who has the ability or credentials to pay the required price or take the appropriate actions. ______


Justification is declared by God and cannot be earned. Righteousness is on God’s terms and not ours. One can only be declared acceptable before God on his terms. This comes by accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior and not by any works on our part except accepting Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior.

Matthew 5:17-20

Explain what Jesus was saying focusing on the true definition of righteousness? ______

Why will even the most disciplined followers of a law still not be declared acceptable before God?

Because ______declares (justifies) us approved and acceptable to God (Righteous) is based on _____ terms (Propitiation)

How Do You Come to Know and Accept Jesus as Your Personal Lord and Savior

Romans 3:23 ______

Romans 5:8 ______

Romans 10:9 ______

Romans 8:37-39 ______