Highwood Primary School

Prospectus & Handbook

2013 - 2014

Highwood Primary School

HighwoodPrimary School,

Loves Green, Highwood, Chelmsford, CM1 3QH

01245 248200

Fax 01245 249336

Parent Hotline: 08447 70 75 76. ID: 48533

Head teacher: Mrs Helen Hutchings

Chair of Governors: Rev. Michael Jones

Status:Community Primary School for boys and girls aged 5 – 11 years

Number of pupils

Onroll (Jan 2013) 40

Number of pupils

that can be

admitted to school

in a year group 10

Getting to HighwoodPrimary School:

The school can be located travelling from Chelmsford, Writtle or Ongar by using the A414 and then at the mini roundabout take the exit signposted to Highwood. Continue on this road passing The Green Man pub, with a sharp left hand bend and St Paul’s church on the left soon after. The school is on the left hand side after this bend.

Reporting on arrival:

When visiting the school, please report to the school office which is situated in the School House. Here the School Business Manager will welcome you. Please sign your name in the visitor’s book.

Welcome to Highwood Primary School

We are a small, friendly,rural primary school situated on the outskirts of Chelmsford. We are part of a small village community in which the school has existed for over 150 years. Many local historians have written and researched its history. Some of our families have attended the school through several generations. Highwood provides a very individual approach with small class sizes and a high staff ratio.

The buildings are full of character,whilst some date back to Victorian times we have had areas extended. The main building houses two classrooms, and a large multi-purpose hall. In addition there are two demountable classrooms. All areasare enhanced by the display of children’s work. The School House provides additional accommodation for our school office, staff room, Head teacher’s room and storage space. There is a large playing field, environmental area, two playgrounds, and an outdoor swimming pool for summer use.

We welcome visitors to our school.

Our School Aim

Our school will be a place where values are shared, where support is given so that children will become confident learners who take risks and learn from their mistakes. Our school will encourage children to develop their creativity. We will equip children with the skills and knowledge they need for their future within the wider world. We will continue to work with the community, encouraging children, staff and parents to develop a thirst for learning for life.

Highwood School a community of learners

Highwood Primary School’s Ethos.

  • Respect and tolerance of our diverse world:

promote children’s understanding of, and responsibilities towards, the immediate environment in which they live

encourage children to learn how to care and respect themselves, others and the environment

value their own and other cultures, religions, moral attitudes and values

promote the dignity, worth and status of all people regardless of gender, race and ability

  • Family atmosphere:

provide an environment in which every individual has a role, as a part of an extended family

know and nurture each and every child

  • Friendly and fun:

provide a process of learning that is fun from the start to the end of the child’s time at Highwood school

develop lively and enquiring minds

enable each child to enjoy a healthy lifestyle

  • Positive partnerships:

foster and maintain close links with parents, local community and neighbouring schools

  • Small and unique with more opportunities to participate:

enable each child to become confident to take part in all areas of school life

provide a rich and stimulating range of activities and opportunities

help all of our children to enjoy the present, prepare for the future and develop their aspirations

The School Day.

Although routines vary from time to time and from class to class the following example is given of a typical day for a pupil at HighwoodPrimary School.

9.20-10.30 / Class 1 go into their classroom from 8.45 onwards with their parent/carer to share activities.
Classes 2 & 3 stay in the playground where there is a teacher on duty.
The bell rings for the beginning of school. Classes 2 & 3 line up and wait for their class teacher to bring them into school.
Early Morning work
Numeracy or Literacy or Science
10.30-10.45 / Playtime
10.45- 12.15 / Numeracy or Literacy or Science
12.15-1.15 / Lunch break
1.15-1.35 / Register & Assembly
1.35-3.15 / Cross curricular work
3.15pm / End of school day for pupils – children escorted out to playground by class teacher.

School Session Times

The amount of time set aside for teaching every week, including Religious Education but excluding assembly, registration and breaks is:

Infants: 4 hours 20 minutes daily

21 hours 40 minutes weekly

Juniors: 4 hours 40 minutes daily

23 hours 30 minutes weekly

School organisation

The Governors

Who they are: The Governing Body consists of elected parents, nominated local council representatives and chosen members of the community.

The role of governors is to oversee the running and management of the school:

-they ensure that your child receives the best education that can be provided

- they ratify school policies and procedures

-they oversee the setting and use of the school budget and appointment of staff

-they ensure that school is a happy, safe environment that enhances children’s learning.

Our Governing Body members are as follows:

Chairperson/Essex County Council Representative: Rev Michael Jones

Essex County Council Representative:Phillip Whettell

Parent Representative:Alan Oddy

Margaret Cameron

Ginette Henderson

Jonathon Scott

Community Governors:Lesley Bridgman

Staff Governors:Susan Cory

Lucy Whitley

Headteacher:Helen Hutchings

The agenda and minutes of all Governors Meetings are available at the school.

The Teaching Staff

Headteacher:Mrs Helen Hutchings

Teachers:Mrs Lucy Turner (Mon-Wed): Class 1

Mrs Linda Eagleton (Thurs-Fri): Class1

Mrs Anne Randall: Class 2

Miss Lucinda Whitley: Class 3

Mrs Chloe Moat: Booster classes

Mrs Jo Doubleday (Swimming) summer term

The Teaching Assistants Vicky Woskett

Sue Cory

Gerry Bacon

Tamasina Sarta

Natalie Herlihy

School Business ManagerJune Brett

Health and Safety Manager David Cameron

Cleaner in Charge: Sue Hofert

Midday Assistants: Sue Cory

Gerry Bacon

Vicky Woskett

Natalie Herlihy

In charge of servery: Pauline Woskett

Meals delivery: Kevin Johnson

Enrichment Activities Instructors: Chelmsford City Football Club (Sports)

Bunnies Pre-School

We run a Pre-School twice weekly at the School. Bunnies is run by Miss Vicky Woskett who offers a programme of activities with a choice of snack during the session. There is a small charge to cover the purchase of snacks. Many children find it beneficial to attend the group prior to their start in Reception. Please ask at the School office for further information.

Admissions Policy

Children at foundation stage begin school full time in September.

When you decide to send your child to the school you will need to fill in the form sent to you by Essex County Council, giving details of your choices of primary schools in preferential order. The education authority will notify the school of all those who have applied for a place. These applications will then be ranked in line with the school admissions policy.

Arrangements for parents to visit the school

Prospective parents can arrange to visit the school by making an appointment with the Headteacher, who will be pleased to show them round and provide further information.

Induction Programme for Foundation Stage children

The Head teacher and Class 1 teachers hold an Induction meeting, usually at the end of a school afternoon in mid June. All new parents are invited to attend with their children. The purpose of the afternoon is to explain various procedures, requirements and expectations; the areas of learning covered in the Foundation Stage curriculum; to discuss any queries or concerns about the child starting school.

“Starter Sessions” are offered in the summer term prior to the child starting in September. During these sessions, the child meets and works with the staff and the children and experiences the day to day organisation of the school. These are arranged with the class teacher at the new parents Induction meeting.

Home – School Agreement

The Home - School Agreement is a government initiative to clarify and support the working relationship between home, school and the pupil. There is an expectation that the agreement is signed before entry.

The school will:

a)Encourage children to do their best at all times.

b)Encourage children to take care of their surroundings and others around them.

c)Inform parents of the children’s progress at regular meetings.

d)Inform parents about what teachers aim to teach the children each term.

e)Provide an interesting and varied curriculum

f)Provide a safe and caring learning environment

g)Aim to build up each pupil’s self esteem.

The Family will:

a)Make sure their child arrives at school on time:- for a 9 am start.

b)Make sure child attends regularly and provides a note of explanation or telephone call if child is absent.

c)Attend Consultation Evenings to discuss child’s progress, one each term.

d)Offer sustained support of their child’s learning and development.

e)When possible attend school events.

f)Support their child with homework.

The Child will:

a)Try to do his/her best in all schoolwork.

b)Be co-operative with and friendly towards other children

c)Be polite and helpful towards all adults working in school

d)Show care and respect for school property and that of other people.

Together we will:

a)Tackle any special needs and concerns

b)Encourage the child to keep the School’s Rules

c)Support the child’s learning to help them achieve progress and develop.

Child/ren ………………………………..

Signed by HighwoodSchool ………………………………………

Signed by Parent/Guardian ……………………………………………….

Date ……………………………………..

Holiday Requests

At present the school will not agree to holidays during school time. Any holidays taken during term time will be unauthorised. Being away from school disrupts learning and children find it very difficult to catch up.

It is the responsibility of the Education Welfare Officer (EWO), in conjunction with the school, to monitor attendance patterns in school. The Local Authority may issue a penalty notice in certain circumstances. This is a fine of up to £100 for each parent for each child.

Information and a copy of the school’s attendance policy can be obtained by request from the school office, or viewed on the school’s website.

School Closure

On very rare occasions the school has to close. The school uses the Parent Hotline service which enables the school to give parents immediate and up to date information about school closure.

In the event of bad weather the Head teacher, or other designated staff member, will record a message for parents. To listen to an announcement parents need to call the telephone hotline on 08447 70 75 76 and enter the ID 48533, the message will then be played. The school also informs local radio stations about school closures (BBC Radio Essex and Essex FM), details of this can be found on their web sites.

School also uses this service when any pupils are on a trip away and information can be passed on about arrival times etc.

Health and Safety.

Schools are all subject to internal and external monitoring regarding health and safety. The Head teacher is responsible for health and safety on the school site, the health and safety mangers are responsible for the maintenance of the school’s health and safety policies and procedures.

Health and safety checks are undertaken on all relevant members of staff and governors in line with government safeguarding procedures.

Administering medication at school

The school does not administer medicines routinely in school. If your child requires medication such as antibiotics or Calpol during the day you, or a nominated adult may come to school and administer the medication having given the school, via the office, due notice.

All children who may require emergency medication (asthma, epilepsy, anaphylaxis etc) must be registered with the office and Head Teacher. Any medication required eg. inhaler, epipen, should be labelled with your child’s name and kept with the child in an easily accessible place within the classroom.

If your child has medication which is kept at school, it is the parents’ responsibility to check that it is still in date and to replace when necessary.

If your child is unwell

If your child is unwell whilst at school, a member of staff will contact you or another nominated adult. You will be asked to collect your child and take them home to recover. It is very important that the school has up to date telephone numbers for emergency contact.

Absence and first day contact

Please contact the school before 9.15am on the first day of your child’s absence. If you fail to do this, office staff will contact you at home or at work to find out where your child is. All contact numbers are likely to be used. Names of absent children are recorded in a book.A letter explaining their absence will also need to follow when they return to school.

Further information about absence can be found in the school’s absence policy which can be obtained by request from the school office or viewed on the school’s website.

The school nurse and health checks.

The school nurse visits the school to carry out interim health checks. Any contact your child has with the school nurse will only happen after written parental consent. The school nurse can make referrals to specialist health personnel if necessary. Children may be referred to the school nurse by teaching staff if they have any concerns regarding the health and well being of any child after discussion with parents.

Pastoral Care and Discipline

All of the adults within the school have a responsibility for the care and nurture of your child and the purpose of the school’s pastoral care policy is to provide an emotionally safe learning environment based on clear expectations.

Golden Rules:

There is a set of Golden Rules which are displayed around the school. Parents will be informed if a pupil has difficulties keeping any one of these. Each class regularly discusses the rules that operate in their class and at play/lunch times

A system of incentives and rewards is in place and includes Headteachers Awards,

merit stickers, hexagons of achievement, Gold Awards, postcards home from the

Headteacher, Golden Time and commendations. These are all used to encourage

positive behaviour, raise self esteem and acknowledgeprogress and achievement.


Children are helped and encouraged to resolve their own emotional difficulties.

However, bullying – verbal or physical is not tolerated; neither is racism or other forms of discriminatory behaviour. The school’s anti bullying policy is regularly shared and updated with children, staff and governors. Key messages are

Be assertive – tell others to stop their behaviour

Do to others what you would like others to do to you

Staff will;

- Discuss all incidents of bullying as they arise with those concerned

- Respond immediately and unambiguously to incidents

- Teach pupils who use bullying behaviour other ways of relating to their peers

- Build positive self images with pupils

- Commend appropriate behaviour

- Provide a safe forum where any child who has been bullied or upset can express their feelings and fears and expect to have their concerns addressed in a supportive way.

- Work with pupils to take responsibility for their own actions.

Serious incidents are dealt with by the Headteacher – all pupils involved and their viewpoints are included as are any outcomes and follow up actions. This may include a verbal warning from the Head teacher and the loss of some play time or activity.

If there is consistent anti-social behaviour with a pupil, parents are called in to discuss the problem and an action plan is agreed. The Headteacher has the power to exclude children in very serious cases where the education and safety of other children is threatened.

Copies of the school’s Behaviour and Anti Bullying Policies are available at the school office.

Safeguarding Children

The Head teacher is the nominated Child Protection Officer. It is the nominated child protection officer’s legal duty to refer children to the Social Services and Police in cases of suspected abuse. It is the welfare of the child that is paramount when a referral is made. A referral may lead to an official investigation. Referrals are made when:

  • a child makes an allegation of abuse
  • there are signs of non accidental injury as defined in the child protection manual
  • concerns are expressed by other adults

All members of staff receive training on safeguarding children; Mrs M Cameron is the nominated governor for safeguarding.

All adults who have contact with children within school are subject to CRB checks.

Lunch time.

Cooked meals provision.

The school meals are cooked by MelbournePrimary School and are transported to the school. We aim to provide as much unprocessed local food as possible, with our meat being locally sourced. Where possible, this includes the use of fresh fruit and vegetables each day as a choice for the children. We provide two meal options each day, both of which are in line with national nutritional requirements.