GBF Constitution
Article I
Section I: Name: Gluten-Free Buckeyes: a Generation GF group
Section II: Purpose: To educate members, the student body, and the community on celiac disease, gluten intolerances, and wheat allergies. To serve the community through fundraisers and advocate for a gluten-free lifestyle.
Section III: Non-discrimination Policy: This organization and its members shall not discriminate against any individual(s) for reasons of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.
Article II - Membership: Qualifications and categories of membership.
Voting membership is limited to currently enrolled Ohio State students. Others such as faculty, alumni, professionals, etc. are encouraged to become members but as non-voting associate or honorary members.
Article III – Methods for Removing Members and Executive Officers
III.a. If a member conducts themselves in such a manner deemed detrimental to advancing the purpose of this organization or is in violation of the Ohio State University Student Code of Conduct, they can be removed through a unanimous vote of the officers, with the consultation of the advisor. If the vote is not unanimous, however, then the decision will be made by majority vote of the group as a whole.
III.b. Any elected officer of the chapter may be removed for sufficient cause. Sufficient cause for removal includes, but is not limited to: violation of the constitution or by-laws or any conduct deemed prejudicial to the best interests of the chapter. Officers must also maintain a 75% attendance record; excused absences will be decided at the discretion of the executive committee. Falling below a 75% is grounds for probation. Falling below a 50% attendance is grounds for dismissal from their particular office. Prior to a vote on the matter of removal of an elected officer, the chapter Executive Committee shall hold a formal hearing. The officer shall have the opportunity to personally appear at the formal hearing or to be represented by counsel. The officer may present any defense to the charges before any action is taken. The chapter Executive Committee shall adopt rules to ensure due process to the officer. The Executive Committee may act for removal upon a two thirds affirmative vote of the executive board.
Article IV - Organization Leadership: Titles, terms of office, type of selection, and duties of the leaders. Organization leaders represent the Executive Committee and general membership and are elected from the ranks of the organization’s voting membership. The titles of organization leaders, the length of terms, specification as to which leaders are elected, and the general duties of each leadership position should be clearly specified. Organizations need to have the necessary leaders to conduct their activities.
All executive board members including president, secretary, treasurer, and committee chairs, will serve a term length of one year. They are to be elected by the by the entirety of the organization.
The president will possess overall authority of the organization by overseeing all club communication and provide leadership and direction to the general body. The secretary will maintain official records of club meetings and attendance as well as coordinate the mailing of news, notices and deadlines to the organization. The treasurer will be responsible for overseeing club finances, and supervising the club bank account. They will also work with the rest of the executive board and committee members to establish adequate budgets for club events. The committee chairs will oversee projects within their committees and communicate with the executive board to gain approval and keep them informed.
Article V - Executive Committee: The executive committee will consist of the president, secretary, treasurer, and committee chairs. They will communicate between meetings and report its actions at the general meetings of the membership.
Article VI - Standing Committees: The standing committees will be responsible for heading their committees under the supervision and direction of the executive committee. The standing committee's purpose and leadership will be determined as needed. These committees serve the organization leadership, Executive Committee, and general membership and are permanent and designed to carry out the basic functions of the organization. Chairpersons of these committees are elected by the general members as well as the executive committee.
Article VII – Adviser(s) or Advisory Board: Qualification Criteria. Advisers of student organizations must be full-time members of the University faculty or Administrative & Professional staff. If a person is serving as an adviser who is not a member of the above classifications, a co-adviser must be chosen who is a member of these University classifications. The adviser and co-adviser are expected to be as involved in the committee as they desire, including carrying out tasks on behalf of the organization if it is required by the University. They are not required to be in attendance at meetings.
Article VIII – Meetings of the Organization: Two meetings are required of the general membership per year.
Article IX – Method of Amending Constitution: Proposals, notice, and voting requirements. Proposed amendments should be in writing, should not be acted upon but read in the general meeting in which they are proposed, should be read again at a specified number of subsequent general meetings and the general meeting in which the votes will be taken, and should either require a two-third or three-quarter majority of voting members (a quorum being present) or a majority or two-thirds of the entire voting membership of the organization, present or not. The constitution should not be amended easily or frequently.
Article X – Method of Dissolution of Organization Requirements and procedures for dissolution of the student organization should be stated. Should any organization assets and debt exist, appropriate means for disposing of these assets and debts should be specified clearly and unequivocally. By-laws contain the standing (permanent) rules of procedure of an organization.
By-laws contain the standing (permanent) rules of procedure of an organization. Items in the by-laws may be covered in appropriate detail in the constitution. However, Gluten Free Buckeyes: a Generation GF Group has opted to keep the two separate because our by-laws contain more detail and are subject to change more than that of the constitution. Therefore, may require different procedures for amending. Provision for amendment of the by-laws should be somewhat easier than that of the constitution as rules of procedure should adapt to changing conditions of the student organization. When amending the by-laws, as with the constitution, previous notice of any changes is required to be given to the membership and should not be changed in the same meeting in which it is proposed. By-laws are more permanent, however, than passing a general motion, which may require only a simple majority vote of voters present at a general meeting of the membership (a quorum being present). Our by-laws will not run contrary to the constitution.
Article I – The rules contained in article IX shall govern the organization in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the by-laws of this organization.
Article II- Membership procedures: The voting membership must either email the president or secretary and/or attend a meeting. The voting member must be an Ohio State University student. Non-voting membership must either email the president or secretary and/or attend a meeting. For the first year, since it is only half a year with an emphasis on building membership, there will be no dues. Fall 2017 we will reevaluate. Attendance will be taken at each meeting, but attendance is not mandatory. Members can be terminated with the unanimous vote of the board.
Article III- Minimum attendance for a prospective board member will be at 60%. Attendance records of candidates will be disclosed. Must be a general member for a full semester before you are eligible to run for a board position. Self-nomination as well as nomination by other members is allowed. You may decline a nomination. General membership as well as board members are allowed to vote. Members may decline to vote. Ballots will be written and all board members will be elected on the same day. Appointments and ratification are at the disclosure of the general committee. At the end of spring semester each year board members will be elected. Resignation and impeachments will be at the discretion of the executive committee.
Article IV- The executive committee will communicate between meetings and report its actions at the general meetings of the membership. They will also be responsible for holding meetings of the board before membership meetings for planning purposes.
The president will possess overall authority of the organization by overseeing all club communication and provide leadership and direction to the general body. The secretary will maintain official records of club meetings and attendance as well as coordinate the mailing of news, notices and deadlines to the organization. The treasurer will be responsible for overseeing club finances, and supervising the club bank account. They will also work with the rest of the executive board and committee members to establish adequate budgets for club events. The committee chairs will oversee projects within their committees and communicate with the executive board to gain approval and keep them informed.
Article V- The standing committee chairs will be responsible for heading their committees under the supervision and discretion of the executive committee. These committees serve the organization leadership, Executive Committee, and general membership and are permanent and designed to carry out the basic functions of the organization. Chairpersons of these committees are elected by the general members as well as the executive committee. Subject to change.
Article VI - Adviser(s) or Advisory Board: Qualification Criteria. Advisers of student organizations must be full-time members of the University faculty or Administrative & Professional staff. If a person is serving as an adviser who is not a member of the above classifications, a co-adviser must be chosen who is a member of these University classifications. The adviser and co-adviser are expected to be as involved in the committee as they desire, including carrying out tasks on behalf of the organization if it is required by the University. They are not required to be in attendance at meetings.
Article VII -At least ½ the membership must be present for a vote.
Article VIII - Amendments of by-laws are subject to change, by-laws may be amended by proposing in writing and reading the change. Amendments may be proposed by the general membership as well as the executive committee.