ROLE OF BOARD MEMBERS (elected and co-opted, excluding President, Vice-President, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer)

The CDI Board is responsible for the overall management of the affairs of the Institute, in line with the objects and powers set out in the Articles of Association, and the Rules of the Institute. This includes both the efficient management of its business affairs and the direction of its policies in relation to the profession and its interests.

The CDI Council is elected to represent the interests of the membership. It will meet at least three times a year to advise the Board on policy and strategic issues. It will also make recommendations to the membership on any proposed changes to the Rules.

Board Members:

-Assist the President in leadership of the profession and its development

-Normally serve for a period of three years. However, the Board members elected at the first AGM will serve for only two years or one year, each renewable for up to three years. (the candidate receiving the highest number of votes will serve initially for two years, and the candidate receiving the second number of votes serving initially for one year)

-Work closely with other CDI Officers, Board members and staff

-Are supported by the President, the members of the Board and Council and Institute staff

-Are Directors of the Institute.


-Assisting the President in the leadership of the profession and the Institute

-Articulating the policies and positioning of the Institute both to an internal audience of members and to external audiences, offering inspiration and confidence in the Institute and in the career development profession.

-Helping plan the future direction of the Institute through membership of the Board.

-All other responsibilities and duties associated with being a director of a company.

Duties as a Director

-Contributing to the effective management of the Institute’s business

-Duty of care, exercising the degree of skill as may be reasonably expected

-A fiduciary duty; that is, to act in the interests of the Institute and its employees


-Commitment to CDI’s Mission, Aims and Objectives and adherence to the Institute’s Code of Ethics.

-Enthusiasm for the profession and a thorough understanding of the career development profession, its organisation and functions

-Strategic decision-making skills

-Ability to work with colleagues and committees

-Presentational, communication and public relations skills

-Capacity to undertake the role of Director of a company.


The initial Board Members will serve as indicated above, and will be eligible for re-election for a maximum term of three years.

As well as regular meetings detailed below there will be frequent communication between Board members on issues arising.

-Board meetings -- no less than 6 per annum


-Possible EGMs

-Representing the Institute at meetings to advance the interests of the profession and the Institute, as agreed by the Board.

Reasonable travel and subsistence expenses incurred when undertaking official CDI duties will be reimbursed by the Institute.


Candidates for election must be members of the Institute. Nomination forms must be submitted electronically, by the Proposer, with the names and consent of the nominee and the Seconder by 1700 on the closing date: Wednesday 12 March 2014

Nominees will be required to submit a personal statement and a short manifesto which will be sent to memberswho will be asked to vote by ballot on their preferred candidate.

Call for Nominations will be open to all those in membership on Wednesday 26thFebruary. Voting will be conducted electronically, beginning on Wednesday 26thMarch and closing on Wednesday 2ndApril. Results will be announced at the AGM, to be held in London on Thursday 10th April.