ITU Operational Bulletin /
No.893 / 1.X.2007 / (Information received by 24September 2007)
ITU OB 893-E/1

Table of Contents


General information

Lists annexed to the ITU Operational Bulletin: Note from TSB...... 3

Approval of ITU-T Recommendations...... 4

Assignment of Signalling Area/Network Codes (SANC) (ITU-T Recommendation Q.708 (03/99)):Iran (Islamic Republic of) 4

Telephone Service:

Cayman Islands (Information & Communications Technology Authority (ICTA),GrandCayman) 5

Costa Rica (Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE), San José)...... 5

Jordan (Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC), Amman)...... 7

Kazakhstan (Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Informatization and Communication, Astana) 7

Kuwait (Ministry of Communications, Safat)...... 9

New Zealand (Ministry of Economic Development, Wellington)...... 16

Changes in the administrations/ROAs and other entities or organizations:

Cuba (Ministerio de la Informática y las Comunicaciones, La Habana): List of telecommunication operators and service providers in Cuba to which the status of RecognizedOperating Agency (ROA) has been granted 19

Japan (JSAT Corporation, Tokyo): Change in address...... 20

Panama (Autoridad Nacional de los Servicios Públicos (ASEP), Panamá): Change in address...20

Service Restrictions: Note from TSB...... 21

Call-Back and alternative calling procedures (Res. 21 Rev. PP-2002): Note from TSB...... 22

Amendments to service publications

List of Ship Stations (List V)...... 23

List of Issuer Identifier Numbers for the international telecommunication charge card...... 23

Access codes/numbers for mobile networks...... 24

Mobile Network Code (MNC) for the international identification planfor mobile terminals andmobile users 24

List of ITU Carrier Codes...... 25

List of Signalling Area/Network Codes (SANC)...... 25

List of International Signalling Point Codes (ISPC)...... 26

National Numbering Plan...... 27

ITU Operational Bulletin / No. 893 – 1


Lists annexed to the ITU Operational Bulletin

Note from TSB

A.The following Lists have been published by TSB or BR as Annexes to the ITU Operational Bulletin (OB):

OB No.

892List of ITU-T Recommendation E.164 assigned country codes (Complement to ITUT Recommendation E.164 (02/2005)) (Position on 15 September 2007)

889Dialling Procedures (International prefix, national (trunk) prefix and national (significant) number) (In accordance with ITU-T Recommendation E.164 (02/2005)) (Position on 1 August 2007)

887List of International Signalling Point Codes (ISPC) (According to ITUT RecommendationQ.708 (03/99)) (Position on 1 July 2007)

883List of Issuer Identifier Numbers for the International Telecommunication Charge Card (In accordance with ITU-T Recommendation E.118 (05/2006)) (Position on 1May 2007)

883Status of Radiocommunications between Amateur Stations of Different Countries (In accordance with optional provision No. 25.1 of the Radio Regulations) and Form of Call Signs assigned by each Administration to its Amateur and Experimental Stations (Position on 1 May 2007)

881List of Signalling Area/Network Codes (SANC) (Complement to ITU-T RecommendationQ.708 (03/99)) (Position on 1 April 2007)

880List of Names of Administration Management Domains (ADMD) (In accordance with ITUT F.400 and X.400 series Recommendations) (Position on 15 March 2007)

879List of Telegram Destination Indicators (In accordance with ITU-T RecommendationF.32 (10/1995)) (Position on 1 March 2007)

878List of Telex Destination Codes (TDC) and Telex Network Identification Codes (TNIC)(Complement to ITU-T Recommendations F.69 and F.68) (Position on 15February 2007)

877List of Country or Geographical Area Codes for non-standard facilities in telematic services (Complement to ITU-T Recommendation T.35 (02/2000)) (Position on 1February 2007)

876List of Data Network Identification Codes (DNIC) (According to ITU-T RecommendationX.121 (10/2000)) (Position on 15 January 2007)

875List of Data Country or Geographical Area Codes (Complement to ITUT Recommendation X.121 (10/2000)) (Position on 1 January 2007)

873Accesscodes/numbersformobilenetworks(AccordingtoITU-TRecommendationE.164 (02/2005)) (Position on 1 December 2006)

871Mobile Network Code (MNC) for the international identification plan for mobile terminals and mobile users (According to ITU-T Recommendation E.212 (05/2004)) (Position on 1 November 2006)

841List of terrestrial trunk radio mobile country codes (Complement to ITU-T Recommendation E.218 (05/2004)) (Position on 1 August 2005)

839List of Mobile Country or Geographical Area Codes (Complement to ITUT Recommendation E.212 (05/2004)) (Position on 1 July 2005)

781Various tones used in national networks (According to ITU-T Recommendation E.180 (03/98)) (Position on 1 February 2003)

669Five-letter Code Groups for the use of the International Public Telegram Service (According to ITU-T Recommendation F.1 (03/1998))

B.The following Lists are available online from the ITU-T website:

List of ITU Carrier Codes
(ITU-T Rec. M.1400 (01/2004)) /

Bureaufax Table (ITU-T Rec. F.170) /

Approval of ITU-T Recommendations

By AAP-67, it was announced that the following ITU-T Recommendations were approved, in accordance with the procedures outlined in ITU-T Recommendation A.8:

–ITU-T Recommendation G.800 (6/09/2007): Unified functional architecture of transport networks

–ITU-T Recommendation G.8080/Y.1304 (2006) Corr.1 (6/09/2007)

–ITU-T Recommendation H.248.9 (2005) Amendment 1 (29/08/2007): ASR, TTS and Multimedia Enhancements

–ITU-T Recommendation X.1303 (13/09/2007): Common alerting protocol (CAP1.1)

–ITU-T Recommendation Y.1416/Q.3150 (13/06/2007): Use of virtual trunks for ATM/MPLS client/server control plane interworking

–ITU-T Recommendation Y.1417/Q.3151 (13/06/2007): ATM and frame relay/MPLS control plane interworking: Client-server

Assignment of Signalling Area/Network Codes (SANC)(ITU-T Recommendation Q.708 (03/99))

Note from TSB

At the request of the Administration of Iran (Islamic Republic of), the Director of TSB has assigned the following signalling area/network code (SANC) for use in the international part of the signalling system No. 7 network of this country/geographical area, in accordance with ITU-T Recommendation Q.708 (03/99):

Country/geographical area or signalling network / SANC
Iran (Islamic Republic of) / 4-065


SANC:Signalling Area/Network Code.

Code de zone/réseau sémaphore (CZRS).

Código de zona/red de señalización (CZRS).

Telephone Service

Cayman Islands (country code +1 345)
Communication of 4.IX.2007:

The Information & Communications Technology Authority (ICTA), Grand Cayman, announces that the fixed number range345 640 XXXX has been allocated to Digicel Cayman Ltd.

•Digicel Cayman Ltd

Number range / Service / Date of introduction
640 XXXX / Fixed / May 2006

International dialling format:+1 345 640 XXXX


Information & Communications Technology Authority (ICTA)
General Counsel
P.O. Box 2502 G.T.
Cayman Islands
Fax: +1 345 945 8284

Costa Rica (country code +506)
Communication of 28.VIII.2007:

The Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad(ICE), San José, announces that Costa Rica’s new eight-digit numbering plan, which will apply to residential, business as well as mobile telephones, will come into effect on 20March2008.

From that date, the digit "2" will have to be dialled before the current number for ICE's fixed telephony services and the digit "8" will have to be dialled before the current number for ICE's mobile telephony services.

E.164 National Numbering Plan (NNP)for country code +506


Minimum number length (excluding the country code):eight (8) digits.
Maximum number length (excluding the country code):eight (8) digits.

b)Detail of the numbering scheme:

(1) / (2) / (3) / (4)
NDC (National Destination Code) or leading digits of N(S)N (National (Significant) Number)
X = 0 to 9 / N(S)N number length / Usage of
E.164 number / Additional
length / Minimum
2XXX / 8 digits / 8 digits / Fixed telephony service / Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE)
8XXX / 8 digits / 8 digits / Mobile telephony service. Various technologies / Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE)
(3, 4,5,6,7,9)XXX / 8 digits / 8 digits / In reserve / Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE)

Migration from seven (7) to eight (8) digits in the National Numbering Plan (NNP)

It is suggested that the present National Numbering Plan (NNP) be amended to include anadditional digit in the national number, increasing it to eight digits. To accomplish that, the digit "2" will be added in front of the current national number for ICE's fixed telephony services and the digit"8" will be added in front of the current national number for ICE's mobile telephony services.

Description of numbering change in the National Numbering Plan (NNP)for country code +506
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4) / (5) / (6)
Communi-cated time and date of change
ddmmyyyy / N(S)N /
Usage of E.164 Number / Parallel running /
Operator /
Proposed wordingof announcement
Old number
X = 0 to 9
Y=2, 4, 5, 6, 7
Z = 3, 8 / New
X = 0 to 9
Y=2, 4, 5, 6, 7
Z = 3, 8 /
dd-mm-yyyy /
0000 hours
20.III.2008 / YXX XXXX / 2YXXXXXX / Fixed telephony service. Various technologies / 0000 hours 20.III.2008 / 0000 hours
20.IX.2008 / ICE / “We are sorry. The numbering system has changed to eight digits. Please dial again, and dial the number “2” before the seven-digit number.”
0000 hours
20.III.2008 / ZXX XXXX / 8ZXX XXXX / Mobile telephony service. Various technologies / 0000 hours20.III.2008 / 0000 hours
20.IX.2008 / ICE / “We are sorry. The numbering system has changed to eight digits. Please dial again, and dial the number “8” before the seven-digit number.”
9XXX XXXX / In reserve / ICE


Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE)
Subgerencia Sector Telecomunicaciones
ICE Sabana Norte, Piso 12
Apartado Postal 10032-1000
Costa Rica
Tel:+506 220 6946 (after 20.III.2008, Tel: +506 2220 6946)
Fax:+506 296 3132 (after 20.III.2008, Fax: +506 2296 3132)

Jordan (country code +962)
Communication of 5.IX.2007:

The Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC), Amman, announces the allocation of the following new number ranges, with immediate effect:

Service / Operator / Number series / Activation date
Fixed network / Batelco Jordan / +962 87 200 XXX
+962 87 201 XXX
+962 87 202 XXX
+962 87 203 XXX
+962 87 204 XXX
+962 87 205 XXX
+962 87 206 XXX
+962 87 207 XXX
+962 87 208 XXX
+962 87 209 XXX / Immediate
Public mobile telecommunication services / Umniah / +962786XXXXXX / Immediate


Mr Ahmad Obeidat
Technical Director
Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC)
P.O. Box 850967
AMMAN 11185
Tel:+962 6 550 1120(ext: 3405)
Fax: +962 6 586 3641

Kazakhstan (country code +7)
Communication of 4.IX.2007:

The Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Informatizationand Communication, Astana, announces that, for the purposes of implementing Article 3 of the Agreement between the Agency and the Ministry for Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation on the use of numbering zone “7” of the international numbering resource, it is releasing ABC codes in the 3XX range and moving to 7XX codes in the telecommunication network of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as shown in the table below.

Since 5 August 2007, the new 7XX codes ‘7BC’ have replaced the 3XX codes ‘3BC’. The parallel operation of both sets of codes within the telecommunication network of the Republic of Kazakhstan is extended until 5 October 2007, at which time the ‘3BC’ codes will be withdrawn from use.

Details of changes in the National Numbering Plan (NNP)for zone 7of the international numbering resource
Country code +7 (Republic of Kazakhstan)
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4)
Notified date and time of change ( ( / National (significant) ABC destination code / E.164 usage
(geographic numbering zone) / Parallel operation
ABC / New
ABC / Start ( ( / End ( (
2100 hours / 316 / 716 / Akmolinskaya(town:Kokshetau) / 04.VIII.2007
2100 hours / 04.X.2007
2100 hours
2100 hours / 313 / 713 / Aktyubinskaya(town: Aktobe) / 04.VIII.2007
2100 hours / 04.X.2007
2100 hours
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4)
Notified date and time of change ( ( / National significant ABC destination code / E.164 usage
(geographic numbering zone) / Parallel operation
ABC / New
ABC / Start ( ( / End ( (
2100 hours / 327 / 737 / Almatinskaya(town:Almaty) / 04.VIII.2007
2100 hours / 04.X.2007
2100 hours
2100 hours / 317 / 717 / Astaninskaya(town: Astana) / 04.VIII.2007
2100 hours / 04.X.2007
2100 hours
2100 hours / 312 / 712 / Atyrauskaya (town:Atyrau) / 04.VIII.2007
2100 hours / 04.X.2007
2100 hours
2100 hours / 323 / 723 / Vostochno-Kazakhstanskaya
(town: Ust-Kamenogorsk) / 04.VIII.2007
2100 hours / 04.X.2007
2100 hours
2100 hours / 326 / 726 / Zhambylskaya (town: Taraz) / 04.VIII.2007
2100 hours / 04.X.2007
2100 hours
2100 hours / 310 / 710 / Zhezkazganskaya (town: Zhezkazgan) / 04.VIII.2007
2100 hours / 04.X.2007
2100 hours
2100 hours / 311 / 711 / Zapadno-Kazakhstanskaya (town: Uralsk) / 04.VIII.2007
2100 hours / 04.X.2007
2100 hours
2100 hours / 321 / 721 / Karagandinskaya(town: Karaganda) / 04.VIII.2007
2100 hours / 04.X.2007
2100 hours
2100 hours / 314 / 714 / Kostanayskaya(town: Kostanay) / 04.VIII.2007
2100 hours / 04.X.2007
2100 hours
2100 hours / 324 / 724 / Kyzylordinskaya(town: Kyzylorda) / 04.VIII.2007
2100 hours / 04.X.2007
2100 hours
2100 hours / 329 / 729 / Mangistan(town: Aktau) / 04.VIII.2007
2100 hours / 04.X.2007
2100 hours
2100 hours / 318 / 718 / Pavlodarskaya(town: Pavlodar) / 04.VIII.2007
2100 hours / 04.X.2007
2100 hours
2100 hours / 315 / 715 / Severo-Kazakhstanskaya (town: Petropavlovsk) / 04.VIII.2007
2100 hours / 04.X.2007
2100 hours
2100 hours / 322 / 722 / Semipalatinskaya(town: Semipalatinsk) / 04.VIII.2007
2100 hours / 04.X.2007
2100 hours
2100 hours / 328 / 728 / Taldykorganskaya(town: Taldykorgan) / 04.VIII.2007
2100 hours / 04.X.2007
2100 hours
2100 hours / 325 / 725 / Yuzhno-Kazakhstanskaya
(town: Shymkent) / 04.VIII.2007
2100 hours / 04.X.2007
2100 hours


Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Informatization and Communication
Ministry Building
Left Bank of the River Ishim
ASTANA 010000
Tel:+7 3172 75 7709 (as from 4.VIII.2007,Tel: +7 7172 75 7709)
Fax:+7 3172 24 0611 (as from 4.VIII.2007,Fax: +7 7172 24 0611)

Kuwait (country code +965)
Communication of 5.IX.2007:

The Ministry of Communications, Safat, announces that the fixed telephone subscribers’ network of Kuwait will be expanded from six (6) and seven (7) digits to seven (7) and eight (8) digits, respectively. Likewise, the mobile telephone subscribers' network will also be expanded from seven (7)digits to eight (8) digits in the first quarter of 2008. The exact expansion schedule will be communicated later.

The State of Kuwait has six administrative units and each one of them is called a governorate. They have more than one fixed telephone network area exchange. Residential subscribers have maximum seven (7) digits, but six (6)-digit subscriber numbers (8XX XXX) have also been allotted to commercial institutions and three (3)-digit numbers to the state-regulated departments.

The Kuwait Ministry of Communications’ fixed telephone system has no area code but the first three (3) digits represent the telephone exchange of a specific area.

Full details below, except for the six (6)-digit (8XX XXX) subscriber numbers:

Fixed telephone network
A. Ahmadi governorate
Number / Exchange name / Abbreviation / Preceding digit / Level/levels assigned
1 / Ahmadi / Amd / 2 / 398 0000 to 399 9999, 399 0000 to 3990999, 399 9000 to 399 9999
2 / Fahaheel / Fhh / 2 / 391 0000 to 391 9999, 392 0000 to 3929999
3 / Jaber Al-Ali / Jbl / 2 / 382 0000 to 382 0999, 383 0000 to 3839999, 384 0000 to 384 9999,
382 2000 to 382 2999, 382 3000 to 3823999, 387 1000 to 387 1999,
387 2000 to 387 2999, 387 3000 to 3873999, 386 0000 to 386 0999
4 / Manqaf / Mgf / 2 / 3710000 to 371 9999, 372 0000 to 3729999, 373 0000 to 373 4999
5 / Rekka / Rkk / 2 / 394 0000 to 394 9999, 396 0000 to 3969999
6 / Shuaiba / Shb / 2 / 326 0000 to 326 0999, 326 1000 to 3261999, 326 2000 to 326 2999,
326 3000 to 326 3999, 326 4000 to 3264999
7 / South Subahiyah / Ssb / 2 / 361 0000 to 361 9999, 362 0000 to 3629999
8 / Subahiyah / Ssb / 2 / 361 0000 to 361 9999, 362 0000 to 3629999
9 / Umm-Alhaiman / Uhn / 2 / 327 0000 to 327 9999, 328 0000 to 3279999
10 / Wafra / Waf / 2 / 381 0000 to 381 1999
11 / Zoor / Zor / 2 / 395 0000 to 395 1999
B. Capital governorate
Number / Exchange name / Abbreviation / Preceding digit / Level/levels assigned
12 / Nuzha / Nuz-a / 2 / 251 0000 to 251 9999, 252 0000 to 2529999, 253 0000 to 253 9999,
254 0000 to 254 9999, 255 0000 to 2559999, 256 0000 to 256 9999,
257 0000 to 257 9999, 259 2000 to 2593999, 259 4000 to 259 4999,
2333000to2333999,298 0000 to 2980499, 225 000 to 225 9999,
223 3000 to 223 3999, 297 1000 to 2971099
13 / Failaka / Flk / 2 / 279 0000 to 279 0999, 279 2000 to 2792999, 279 3000 to 279 3999
14 / Shuwaikh / Skb / 2 / 481 0000 to 481 9999, 483 0000 to 4839999, 484 0000 to 484 9999,
482 1000 to 482 1999, 482 1000 to 4821999, 482 2000 to 482 2999,
482 3000 to 482 3999, 482 4000 to 482 4999
15 / Shuwaikh / Skb-b / 2 / 491 0000 to 491 9999, 492 0000 to 4929999, 482 5000 to 482 5999,
482 6000 to 482 6999, 482 7000 to 4827999, 482 8000 to 482 8999,
482 9000 to 482 9999, 495 0000 to 4950499, 498 9000 to 498 9999,
465 0000 to 465 9999, 495 0500 to 495 0599, 498 1000 to 498 1999,
461 1300 to 461 1999, 495 1000 to 4951499, 498 2000 to 498 8999,
461 3000 to 461 3999, 495 0000 to 495 0099, 499 8000 to 499 8999,
461 4000 to 461 4999, 495 2000 to 4952999, 499 3000 to 499 4999,
464 1000 to 464 1999, 495 3000 to 4953999, 499 9000 to 499 9999,
496 2000 to 496 4999, 495 5000 to 4955999, 499 6000 to 499 6999,
461 6000 to 461 6999, 496 5000 to 4965999, 495 4000 to 495 4999,
495 6000 to 495 6999, 496 6000 to 4966999, 495 6000 to 495 6999
495 7000 to 495 7999
16 / Sulaibikhat / Slb / 2 / 485 0000 to 485 9999, 486 0000 to 4869999, 487 0000 to 487 9999
17 / Surra / Sur / 2 / 531 0000 to 531 9999, 532 0000 to 5329999, 533 0000 to 533 9999,
534 0000 to 534 9999, 535 0000 to 5359999, 537 1000 to 537 1999
18 / Tec-b (Abdali) / Tec-b (abd) / 2 / 470 0000 to 470 0999, 470 1000 to 4701999, 297 1199 to 297 1100,
297 1200 to 297 1299
19 / Town-a / Tec-a / 2 / 240 0000 to 240 9999, 242 0000 to 2429999, 243 0000 to 243 9999
Number / Exchange name / Abbreviation / Preceding digit / Level/levels assigned
20 / Town-b / Tec-b / 2 / 241 0000 to 241 9999, 244 0000 to 2449999, 245 0000 to 245 9999,
246 0000 to 246 9999, 200 0000 to 2000499, 231 0000 to 231 2999,
232 1000 to 232 1999, 232 0000 to 2320999, 297 3000 to 297 5999,
222 1000 to 222 2999, 231 3000 to 231 3999, 232 2000 to 232 2999,
222 3000 to 222 3299, 231 4000 to 2315999, 232 3000 to 232 3999,
248 0000 to 248 9999, 225 0000 to 225 9999, 222 5000 to 222 5499,
231 6000 to 231 6999, 2335500 to 233 5999
232 4000 to 232 4999, 249 9000 to 249 9999, 258 2000 to 258 2099,
223 0000 to 223 9999, 231 7000 to 2317999, 232 5000 to 232 5999,
223 2000 to 223 2999, 224 0000 to 224 9999, 231 8000 to 231 8999,
232 6000 to 232 7999, 259 1000 to 2591999, 231 9000 to 231 9499,
232 8000 to 232 8999, 223 1000 to 223 1999, 232 9000 to 232 9999,
298 0500 to 298 0599, 233 4000 to 2334999, 259 6000 to 259 6999,
296 0000 to 296 0999, 298 0600 to 298 0699, 297 2000 to 297 3999,
298 7000 to 298 7499, 298 0700 to 2980799, 299 0000 to 299 0999,
297 4000 to 297 4999, 298 1000 to 2982999, 298 7500 to 298 7599,
298 0800 to 298 0999, 299 1000 to 2993999, 267 1000 to 267 1099,
298 3000 to 298 3999, 298 7600 to 298 7699, 299 4000 to 299 5999,
298 4000 to 298 4999, 298 7700 to 2987899, 299 6000 to 299 7999,
297 6000 to 297 6999, 298 5000 to 298 5999, 298 8000 to 298 8999,
299 8000 to 299 8999, 297 7000 to 297 7999, 298 6000 to 298 6999,
298 9000 to 298 9999, 299 9000 to 299 9999, 297 8000 to 297 8999,
267 1100 to 267 1299, 298 7900 to 298 7999, 290 0000 to 290 0999
21 / Town-d / Tec-d / 2 / 247 0000 to 247 9999, 248 0000 to 248 9999, 249 0000 to 249 9999
296 2000 to 296 3999, 295 2000 to 295 2999, 295 0499 to 295 0000,
296 5499 to 296 5000, 297 1500 to 297 1999
C.Farwaniya governorate
Number / Exchange name / Abbreviation / Preceding digit / Level/levels assigned
22 / Ardhiyah / Ard-a / 2 / 488 0000 to 488 9999, 489 0000 to 4899999, 499 1000 to 499 1999, 499 2000 to 4992999
23 / Ardhiyah / Ard-b / 2 / 480 0000 to 480 9999, 437 8000 to 437 8499
Number / Exchange name / Abbreviation / Preceding digit / Level/levels assigned
24 / Farwaniyah / Frw / 2 / 471 0000 to 471 9999, 472 0000 to 4729999, 473 0000 to 473 9999,
474 0000 to 474 9999, 475 0000 to 475 9999, 476 0000 to 476 9999,
477 0000 to 477 0999, 477 1000 to 477 1999, 461 5300 to 461 5999,
496 0000 to 496 0999, 479 9500 to 4799999, 477 3000 to 477 3999
25 / Farwaniyah / Used for companies / 2 / 477 3000 to 477 3999
26 / JaleebAlShuyoukh / Jls / 2 / 431 0000 to 431 9999, 433 0000 to 4339999, 434 0000 to 434 9999,
437 1000 to 437 1999, 437 2000 to 437 2499, 437 3000 to 437 3999,
437 4000 to 437 4499, 437 7000 to 4377999, 439 8000 to 439 8999,
439 7000 to 439 7999, 495 9000 to 495 9999, 437 4500 to 437 4699,
437 6699 to 437 6500, 437 8999 to 437 8000
D. Hawalli governorate
Number / Exchange name / Abbreviation / Preceding digit / Level/levels assigned
27 / Hawalli / Hwl / 2 / 261 0000 to 261 9999, 262 0000 to 262 9999, 263 0000 to 263 9999,
264 0000 to 264 9999, 265 0000 to 265 9999, 266 0000 to 266 9999,
267 0000 to 267 9999, 297 1100 to 297 1199
28 / Manqaf/msf / Mgf-b/msf / 2 / 373 0000 to 373 0999, 373 1000 to 373 1999, 373 2000 to 373 2999,
373 3000 to 373 3999, 373 4000 to 373 4999
29 / Mushrif / Msf / 2 / 537 5000 to 537 5999, 537 6000 to 537 6999, 537 7000 to 537 7999,
537 8000 to 537 8999, 537 9000 to 537 9999, 538 0000 to 538 9999,
538 9000 to 538 9999, 530 1000 to 5301999, 530 2000 to 530 2999,
530 3000 to 530 3999, 530 5000 to 530 5499, 530 6000 to 530 6999,
536 0000 to 536 0999, 553 0000 to 553 0049
30 / Mushrif/imm / Msf/imm / 2 / 537 0000 to 537 0999
31 / Mushrif/wll / Msf/wll / 2 / 503 0000 to 503 9999, 504 0000 to 504 9999
32 / Ras Salmiyah / Rsl / 2 / 571 0000 to 571 9999, 572 0000 to 572 9999, 573 0000 to 573 9999,
574 0000 to 574 9999, 575 0000 to 575 9999, 576 0000 to 576 9999
33 / Salmimyah-a / Sl-a / 2 / 561 0000 to 561 9999, 563 0000 to 563 9999, 564 0000 to 564 9999,
567 1000 to 567 1999, 567 2000 to 567 2999, 567 3000 to 567 3999
34 / Salmimyah-b / Sl-b / 2 / 562 0000 to 562 9999, 565 0000 to 5659999, 566 0000 to 566 9999,
567 0000 to 567 0999
E. Jahra governorate
Number / Exchange name / Abbreviation / Preceding digit / Level/levels assigned
35 / New Jahraa / Jnb / 2 / 455 0000 to 455 9999, 456 0000 to 4569999,
457 0000 to 457 9999,
458 0000 to 458 9999
36 / Sulabiah / Slb / 2 / 467 0000 to 467 9999, 461 0000 to 461 0999,
461 1000 to 461 1299, 464 4000 to 4644999,
477 9000 to 477 9299
F. Mubarak al-kabir governorate
Number / Exchange name / Abbreviation / Preceding digit / Level/levels assigned
36 / Funtas / Fnt / 2 / 390 0000 to 390 9999
37 / Qurain / Qrn / 2 / 541 0000 to 541 9999, 542 0000 to 542 9999
543 0000 to 543 9999, 544 0000 to 544 9999,
545 9000 to 545 9999, 545 7000 to 545 7999
38 / Qurain/amd / Qrn/amd / 2 / 396 0000 to 396 9999
39 / Qurain/fnt / Qrn/fnt / 2 / 390 0000 to 390 9999
40 / Qurain/rkk / Qrn/rkk / 2 / 394 0000 to 394 9999, 395 0000 to3959999, 396 0000 to 396 9999
41 / Qurain/shb / Qrn/shb / 2 / 325 2000 to 325 2999, 326 0000 to 326 9999, 325 0000 to 325 1000, 320 9000 to 320 9999
42 / Qurain/uhn / Qrn/uhn / 2 / 327 0000 to 327 9999, 328 0000 to 328 9999
43 / Qurain/waf / Qrn/waf / 2 / 381 0000 to 381 9999
44 / Qurain/zor / Qrn/zor / 2 / 395 0000 to 395 0999
45 / Sabah Salem / Sab / 2 / 551 0000 to 551 9999, 552 0000 to 552 9999, 553 0000 to 553 0999

Incoming traffic routes from int'l gateways to NGN exchanges:

Numbering / Area / Preceding digit / Level /levels assigned
1 / East Sulaibikhat / 2 / 493 XXXX
2 / Hateen/ Al Salam/ Al Shuhada'a/
Al Zahra'a / 2 / 521XXXX, 522XXXX, 523 XXXX, 524XXXX
3 / Abdala Almubarak / 2 / 435 XXXX, 436 XXXX
4 / Ashbeelia / 2 / 438 XXXX
5 / South Al Doha / 2 / 466 XXXX
6 / South Jahra / 2 / 453 XXXX, 454 XXXX
7 / New Manqaf / 2 / 374 XXXX
8 / Fintas Al Ziraia / 2 / 380 0XXX – 380 1XXX
9 / Khairan City / 2 / 323 XXXX
10 / La 'Ale Al Khairan / 2 / 324 XXXX
11 / Fahad Al Ahmad / 2 / 363 0000 a 363 9999
12 / Subah Alnasser / 2 / 490 XXXX

Numbering ranges of WLL exchange:

Number / Area / Preceding digit / Level /levels assigned
1 / South Surrah / 2 / 503 XXXX
2 / Abdali / 2 / 504 0XXX – 504 1XXX
3 / Subah Al Nasar / 2 / 504 2XXX – 504 4XXX
4 / Al-wafra / 2 / 504 5XXX – 504 6XXX
5 / Al-khairan / 2 / 504 7XXX – 504 8XXX
6 / Fahad Al-Ahmad / 2 / 504 9XXX

Three (3)-digit subscribers numbers (State – regulated departments):

Telephone directory PABX (dq) / 101, 170 (allocated)
Public telephone company (kptel) / 102, 115
Restructuring of manpower and executive apparatus (rec) / 103
Weather forecast (wf) / 104
Fire brigade (fb) / 105, 100
Mobile telecommunication company (mtc) / 107, 108, 109,141
Mobile telecommunications company vodafone (mtc/ins) / 147
National mobile telecommunication company (nmtc) / 111, 112, 110,121,122, 131, 143, 166
Clock (clk) / 113
Public institution for social security (piss) / 114, 191
Ministry of communications (moc) / 116, 117, 182, 183,184,185,186,187
Automatic ring test (art) / 118
Invoices information (inf) / 123, 124
Ministry of information (moi) / 125
Kuwait news agency (kuna) / 120
Civil service commission (csc) / 133, 145 (allocated)
Ministry of commerce and industry (moci) / 135
Network maintenance center (nmc) / 137
Kuwait airways corporation (kac) / 130, 140,160,171
Post sector (post) / 142
Mobile telecommunications company vodafone (cd) / 144
Edict ministry of AUGAF (fatwa) / 149
Ministry of public health (moph) / 151
Ambulance (amb) / 155
Ministry of public works (mpw) / 150
Emergency (emg) / 177
General department of civil aviation (dgca) / 180
General traffic department (gtd) / 198
Police (pol) / 199
Kuwait oil company (koc) / 190

Mobile telephone network

A.The mobile numbering ranges of mobile operators MTC-Vodafone are appended below:

Numbering / Preceding digit / Level (s)
1 / Country code / +965
2 / Area code / None
3 / Numbering length / Eight (8) digits
4 / Numbering ranges / 9 / 90XXXXX–99XXXXX / 10
9 / 71 XXXXX–74 XXXXX / 4

The following ranges have been introduced to GSM and voice mail systems, with the percentages (50% GSM1 DPC: 2110 and 50% GSM2 DPC: 2111):

Numbering / Preceding digit / Numbering ranges / Level (s)
1 / 9 / 70 2XXXX / 1
2 / 9 / 71 XXXXX – 74 XXXXX / 4
3 / 9 / 75 XXXXX – 76 XXXXX / 2
4 / 9 / 78 XXXXX – 79 XXXXX / 2
5 / 9 / 44 XXXXX / 1
6 / 9 / 90 XXXXX – 99 XXXXX / 10

B.Another mobile operator, Wataniya Telecom, has the following ranges:

Numbering / Preceding digit / Numbering ranges / Level (s)
1 / 6 / 58 XXXXX – 59 XXXXX / 2
2 / 6 / 60 XXXXX – 69 XXXXX / 10
3 / 6 / 701 XXXX / 1
4 / 6 / 703 XXXX – 709 XXXX / 7
5 / 6 / 700 XXXX / 1
6 / 6 / 770 XXXX – 776 XXXX / 7
7 / 6 / 778 XXXX – 779 XXXX / 2
8 / 6 / 51 XXXXX / 1
9 / 6 / 501 XXXX – 502 XXXX / 2
10 / 6 / 505 XXXX – 509 XXXX / 5

In the international exchange ISCX-1 & ISCX-2, the numbering length for all countries’ I/C traffic is (7-11) and (7-12) and can be increased.


ISCC Kuwait
Ministry of Communications
P.O. Box 318
11111 SAFAT
Tel:+965 241 1777
Fax:+965 241 9815

New Zealand (country code +64)
Communication of 5.IX.2007:

The Ministry of Economic Development, Wellington, announces the National Numbering Plan (NNP) for New Zealand, in conformity with ITU-T Recommendation E.129:

–Minimum number length (excluding the country code):three (3) digits.
–Maximum number length (excluding the country code):nine (9) digits.

The table below includes only those number groups that can be dialled from outside New Zealand.

Details of the numbering scheme
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4)
NDC (National Destination Code) or leading digits of N(S)N (National (Significant) Number) / N(S)N number length / Usage of E.164
Number / Additional
length / Minimum length
10 / 3 / 3 / Gateway switch test numbers
12 / 7 / 6 / NZ direct service where provided

20 / 9 / 9 / Non-geographic service numbers / Mobile radio service
210 / 10 / 8 / Non-geographic service numbers / Mobile service
211 / 9 / 8 / Non-geographic service numbers / Mobile service
212 / 9 / 8 / Non-geographic service numbers / Mobile service
213 / 8 / 8 / Non-geographic service numbers / Mobile service
214 / 8 / 8 / Non-geographic service numbers / Mobile service
215 / 8 / 8 / Non-geographic service numbers / Mobile service
216 / 8 / 8 / Non-geographic service numbers / Mobile service
217 / 8 / 8 / Non-geographic service numbers / Mobile service
218 / 8 / 8 / Non-geographic service numbers / Mobile service
219 / 8 / 8 / Non-geographic service numbers / Mobile service
230 / Non-geographic service numbers / Mobile service
231 / Non-geographic service numbers / Mobile service
232 / Non-geographic service numbers / Mobile service
233 / Non-geographic service numbers / Mobile service
234 / Non-geographic service numbers / Mobile service
235 / Non-geographic service numbers / International tollfree
236 / Non-geographic service numbers / Mobile service
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4)
NDC (National Destination Code) or leading digits of N(S)N (National (Significant) Number) / N(S)N number length / Usage of E.164
Number / Additional
length / Minimum length
237 / Non-geographic service numbers / Mobile service
238 / Non-geographic service numbers / International tollfree
239 / Non-geographic service numbers / Mobile service
24 / 8 / 8 / Non-geographic service numbers / Scott Base
25 / 9 / 8 / Non-geographic service numbers / Mobile service
26 / 9 / 8 / Non-geographic service numbers / Paging service
27 / 9 / 9 / Non-geographic service numbers / Mobile service
28 / Non-geographic service numbers / Mobile service
29 / 9 / 8 / Non-geographic service numbers / Mobile service

32 / 8 / 8 / Geographic numbers for fixed services
33 / 8 / 8 / Geographic numbers for fixed services
34 / 8 / 8 / Geographic numbers for fixed services
35 / 8 / 8 / Geographic numbers for fixed services
36 / 8 / 8 / Geographic numbers for fixed services
37 / 8 / 8 / Geographic numbers for fixed services
39 / 8 / 8 / Geographic numbers for fixed services
42 / 8 / 8 / Geographic numbers for fixed services
43 / 8 / 8 / Geographic numbers for fixed services
44 / 8 / 8 / Geographic numbers for fixed services
45 / 8 / 8 / Geographic numbers for fixed services
46 / 8 / 8 / Geographic numbers for fixed services
48 / 8 / 8 / Geographic numbers for fixed services
49 / 8 / 8 / Geographic numbers for fixed services
50 / Value-added service
60 / 4 / 4 / Directory assistance operator only
62 / 8 / 8 / Geographic numbers for fixed services
63 / 8 / 8 / Geographic numbers for fixed services
65 / Geographic numbers for fixed services
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4)
NDC (National Destination Code) or leading digits of N(S)N (National (Significant) Number) / N(S)N number length / Usage of E.164
Number / Additional
length / Minimum length
66 / Geographic numbers for fixed services
67 / 8 / 8 / Geographic numbers for fixed services
68 / 8 / 8 / Geographic numbers for fixed services
69 / 8 / 8 / Geographic numbers for fixed services
72 / Geographic numbers for fixed services
73 / 8 / 8 / Geographic numbers for fixed services
74 / Geographic numbers for fixed services
75 / 8 / 8 / Geographic numbers for fixed services
78 / 8 / 8 / Geographic numbers for fixed services
79 / 8 / 8 / Geographic numbers for fixed services
80 / 10 / 8 / Value-added services / International 0800 service where agreed
83 / 8 / 5 / Value-added services / Enhanced voice services
86 / 8 / 8 / Value-added services / Enhanced paging services
87 / 8 / 4 / Value-added services / PSTN access to data services
92 / 8 / 8 / Geographic numbers for fixed services
93 / 8 / 8 / Geographic numbers for fixed services
94 / 8 / 8 / Geographic numbers for fixed services
95 / 8 / 8 / Geographic numbers for fixed services
96 / 8 / 8 / Geographic numbers for fixed services
98 / 8 / 8 / Geographic numbers for fixed services
99 / 8 / 8 / Geographic numbers for fixed services
