- Evaluate how a nomadic pastoral society produced a religion capable of achieving global dominance.
- Assess how the disputes over authority after the death of Muhammad served to hinder future Muslim unity.
- Describe the nature of bedouin society before Muhammad received his revelations.
- Identify how Islam addressed the fundamental problems in Arabian society.
- Trace the succession dispute over the office of caliph.
- Describe the Umayyad Empire.
- Trace the events that led to the fall of the Umayyads.
- Compare the Abbasid Empire with the Umayyad Empire (political, economic, social & decline).
- Identify the achievements of the Arab phase of Islamic development ending in 750 C.E.
- Compare women in the Islamic world with women in other contemporary societies.
- Compare the initial spread of Islam throughout the Mediterranean and the Middle East with the Islamic incursions into India and southeast Asia.
- Describe the political, cultural, and economic characteristics of the Abbasid Empire.
- Evaluate the weaknesses of the later Abbasid Empire.
- Describe the position of women in the Abbasid Empire.
- Describe the economy of the later Abbasid Empire.
- Trace theological developments within Islam during the Abbasid Empire.
- Trace the stages of Islamic incursion into India.
- To what extent were Muslims successful in converting Indians to Islam?
- Compare the Islamic effect on India and southeast Asia with that on sub-Saharan Africa.
- Describe the “common elements” in African societies.
- Trace how Islam entered Africa.
- Describe the Sudanic states and how were they organized.
- How did Islam and the beliefs of indigenous societies fuse among African peoples?
- Describe the connection between east Africa and Islam.
- Where did cultures in Africa develop that were NOT affected by Islam?
Bedouin ShaykhsMecca Medina Umayyad Ka’baQur’an
UmmaZakatFive pillars Caliph AliAbu Bakr
Jihad Sunni Shi’aMawaliJizyaDhimmis Abbasids Wazir Ayan Quraysh Allah Hijra
al-MahdiHarun al-Rashid BuyidsSeljuk Turks Crusades Saladin IbnKhaldun Ulama Sufis Mongols Sharia
Muhammad ibnQasimArabic numerals Mahmud of Ghazni
Sati Bhaktic cults ShrivijayaMalacca Demak
Latteen sailsSultanHoly Land MamluksRajas
Stateless societies AlmoravidsAlmohadsEthiopia Sahel
Sudanic states MaliJuula Mansa MusaSundiata
Griots Timbuktu SonghayIbnBatuta Demographic transition
Zimbabwe IslamizationBantu migrationIfriqiya Axum
Ghana JuulaMatrilineal