WJU Unit Plan Template
Candidate ______Date ______
- Content & Subject
Grade Level: / Character Implementation:
Content Area:
Subject Matter:
- Standards & Goals
Standards - List the K-12 Content Standards you are using in this unit (include Common Core Practice and/or Anchor standards as appropriate):
Resources: ()
Describe the unit of study that addresses the California Standards:
Learning Goals - Delineate what students will know and/or be able to do by the end of this unit:
- Learning About the Class and Students
Student Age Range: / Areas where students live (check all that apply):
Rural Urban Suburban
Total Students: Male: Female: / % Students receiving free/reduced lunch:
Student Ethnicity (give numbers):
African American / Black:
American Indian/Alaskan Native:
Asian or Pacific Islander: / Hispanic or Latino:
Other (specify):
Language proficiency of students (give numbers):
Fluent English Proficient: / English Learner:
Identified special need categories represented (give numbers):
Specific Learning Disability:
Speech/Lang. Impaired:
Hard of Hearing:
Visually Impaired:
Orthopedically Impaired:
Deaf-Blind: / Emotionally Disturbed:
Other Health Impaired:
Mental Retardation:
Multiple Disabilities:
Brain Injury:
Established Medical Disability (0-5 years) :
Advanced Learners:
GATE: / Other (specify) :
Identify the typical developmental needs of students at this grade level:
Resources: Talk with CMT; review coursework in Educational Psychology; Foundations of Education; Language, Culture & Literacy; Teaching and Learning in the Classroom; Social Cultural Foundations
() TPEs 6,8
How will you learn about all your students? Include strategies to collect student information about advanced, English Language Learners, Special Needs. How might this information influence your instructional planning?
Whole Class (all students)Advanced
SN / Instructional Influence
- Classroom Environment
Classroom Physical Description: (Include/attach room layout, seating plan…)
- Scope and Sequence (At least 4 Weeks) Instructional Resources (Materials, Classroom, Facilities, Staff…)
Day 1
K-12 SACS:
Lesson Objectives:
Instructional Strategies and Student Activities for the day: / Day 1
Day 2
K-12 SACS:
Lesson Objectives:
Instructional Strategies and Student Activities for the day: / Day 2
Day 3
K-12 SACS:
Lesson Objectives:
Instructional Strategies and Student Activities for the day: / Day 3
Day 4
K-12 SACS:
Lesson Objectives:
Instructional Strategies and Student Activities for the day: / Day 4
Day 5
K-12 SACS:
Lesson Objectives:
Instructional Strategies and Student Activities for the day: / Day 5
Day 6
K-12 SACS:
Lesson Objectives:
Instructional Strategies and Student Activities for the day: / Day 6
Day 7
K-12 SACS:
Lesson Objectives:
Instructional Strategies and Student Activities for the day: / Day 7
Day 8
K-12 SACS:
Lesson Objectives:
Instructional Strategies and Student Activities for the day: / Day 8
Day 9
K-12 SACS:
Lesson Objectives:
Instructional Strategies and Student Activities for the day: / Day 9
Day 10
K-12 SACS:
Lesson Objectives:
Instructional Strategies and Student Activities for the day: / Day 10
Day 11
K-12 SACS:
Lesson Objectives:
Instructional Strategies and Student Activities for the day: / Day 11
Day 12
K-12 SACS:
Lesson Objectives:
Instructional Strategies and Student Activities for the day: / Day 12
Day 13
K-12 SACS:
Lesson Objectives:
Instructional Strategies and Student Activities for the day: / Day 13
Day 14
K-12 SACS:
Lesson Objectives:
Instructional Strategies and Student Activities for the day: / Day 14
Day 15
K-12 SACS:
Lesson Objectives:
Instructional Strategies and Student Activities for the day: / Day 15
Day 16
K-12 SACS:
Lesson Objectives:
Instructional Strategies and Student Activities for the day: / Day 16
Day 17
K-12 SACS:
Lesson Objectives:
Instructional Strategies and Student Activities for the day: / Day 17
Day 18
K-12 SACS:
Lesson Objectives:
Instructional Strategies and Student Activities for the day: / Day 18
Day 19
K-12 SACS:
Lesson Objectives:
Instructional Strategies and Student Activities for the day: / Day 19
Day 20
K-12 SACS:
Lesson Objectives:
Instructional Strategies and Student Activities for the day: / Day 20
- Unit Assessment Plan (at least 4 weeks)
Unit assessment plan (be sure to connect the K-12 SACSto the assessment plan):
Goals Assessed:
Type of Assessments:
Purpose of the Assessments:
Implementation of the Assessments:
Feedback Strategies:
How will these Assessments inform instruction?(see sample below):
Sample APDay 1 / Day 6 / Day 11 / Day 15
Goals Assessed / Identify the value of coins and bills / Add two or more coins of different values / Use coins and bills or sketches to model addition of two amounts / Identify multiple ways to show a specific amount
Type / Formal diagnostic test from curriculum guide; multiple choice; formative / Formal quiz from the textbook; multiple choice; formative / Formal quiz from the textbook; multiple choice; formative / Formal final chapter/unit exam from textbook; multiple choice and fill in the blank; summative
Purpose / Assess previous knowledge and skills / Assess acquired concepts and skills / Assess acquired skills and concepts / Assess acquired knowledge and skills from instructional unit
Implementation / Individual assessment; paper and pencil; teacher corrects with an answer key / Individual assessment; paper and pencil; teacher corrects with an answer key / Individual assessment; paper and pencil; teacher corrects with an answer key / Individual assessment; paper and pencil; teacher corrects with an answer key
Feedback Strategies / Tell students of scores and inform students of correct and incorrect items / Inform students of correct and incorrect items / Inform students of correct and incorrect items / Inform students of correct and incorrect items
Informing Instruction / To determine what needs to be reviewed and where to begin teaching / To determine who has learned the material presented / To determine who has learned the material presented / To determine the level of each student’s achievement toward the goals
1/9WJU Unit Plan TemplateUpdated 10.22.2018